The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Wang Mandu »

Get the appropriate wires and hook the console up to a monitor.

Project Eternity update. Sounding better and better and I like the sound of guns sole in-game purpose is to fuck up bitchass mages. Eham should kick in some OscarmikestayfrostyUSAUSA!!! Army bux and buy the $5,000 tier "Name and Design Enemy Adventurers" that is specifically targeted at forum communities.
Update #5 - Souls, Technology, and Adventuring Companies
Update #5 · Sep. 20, 2012 · 88 comments
Developing setting and atmosphere are very important to us at Obsidian. We try to build worlds that are believable even when they are fantastic. To do that, we strive to create people, cultures, and conflicts that are both strongly defined and heavily interconnected. In observing community discussion about the game, we've noted two recurring requests for more detail: on the nature of souls and on the level of this world's technology. This update deals less with culture details and more specifically with those two topics since they are fundamental to the way the world works. There's also some information at the end about a new $5,000 backer tier we're excited to introduce. Thanks for reading!

N.B.: I know I said I'd talk about mechanics today. I forgot that I had already said I'd talk about technology earlier. Sorry! The next update I do will talk about non-combat skills the nature of classes in Project Eternity.


As we hinted at in our pitch videos, souls are A Big Deal in Project Eternity's world. The mortal world has not unlocked all of the secrets of how souls "work" and differing schools of metaphysical philosophy can be found in virtually every culture. What is known is that sapient souls move through an endless cycle of waking life and purgatorial slumber among the gods. Often this slumber lasts for years of "real" time, but occasionally it is brief, with a soul immediately moving on to a new life.

Far from being a flawless process, souls are subject to "fracturing" over generations, transforming in myriad ways, and not quite... working right. Some cultures and individuals place a high value on "strong" souls, souls with a "pure" lineage, "awakened" souls that remember past lives, "traveled" souls that have drifted through the divine realms, or those that co-exist with other souls in one body. However, the opposite is also true, resulting in negative discrimination and sometimes outright violence.

Through a variety of techniques (e.g. martial training, meditation, ritualistic evocation, mortification of the flesh), some individuals are able to draw upon the energy of their soul to accomplish extraordinary feats. These abilities range from the mundanely superhuman to the explosively magical. Having a strong soul seems to make this easier, but sometimes even people with fragmented souls are able to accomplish the extraordinary. The individual's body seems to act as a conduit and battery for this power, drawing in replenishment from seemingly omnipresent "fields" of unbound spiritual energy in the world around them.

Thinkers, spiritualists, and scientists of the world have theorized for thousands of years about the nature and purpose of this process, but others have turned to prayer for answer. Rather than illuminate the presumed higher purpose of this cycle, the gods have obfuscated the truth, at times spreading cosmological lies, pitting believers and empowered chosen agents against each other, and tacitly approving the prejudices of their followers to maintain power.

Whatever the fundamental nature of mortal souls is, the people of the world accept the reality of what they have observed: that all mortal bodies contain perceptible energy bound to the individual, and that once they die, their energy will move forward in the eternal cycle that they are all a part of -- that as far as they know, they have always been a part of.


The cultures of Project Eternity are in a variety of different technological states. Though some remote civilizations are still in the equivalent of Earth's Stone Age or Bronze Age, most large civilizations are in the equivalent of Earth's high or late Middle Ages. The most aggressive and powerful civilizations are in the early stages of what would be our early modern period, technologically, even if they are not culturally undergoing "Renaissance"-style changes.

For most large civilizations, this means that all of the core arms and armor of medieval warfare have reached a high level of development: full suits of articulated plate armor, a variety of military swords, war hammers, polearms, longbows, crossbows, and advanced siege weaponry. Architecturally, these cultures also employ technologies found in Earth's Gothic structures, allowing them to create towering vertical structures.

The most recent technologies seeing use in the world are ocean-going carrack-style ships and black powder firearms (notably absent: the printing press). Cultures with large navies and mercantile traffic are exploring the world, which has led to contact with previously-unknown lands and societies and settlement in new lands. Despite their intense drive, these explorers have been restricted from aggressive long-range exploration by monstrous sea creatures that pose a lethal, seemingly insurmountable threat to even the stoutest, most well-armed ships.

Black powder firearms are of the single-shot wheellock variety. Largely considered complex curiosities, these weapons are not employed extensively by military forces. Their long reload times are considered a liability in battles against foes that are too monstrous to drop with a single volley, foes that fly or move at high speed, and foes that have the power of invisibility. Despite this, some individuals do employ firearms for one specific purpose: close range penetration of the arcane veil, a standard magical defense employed by wizards. The arcane veil is powerful, but it does not react well to the high-velocity projectiles generated by arquebuses and handguns. As a result, more wizards who previously relied on the veil and similar abjurations have turned to traditional armor for additional defense.

New $5,000 Tier

Bam! We started with a $5,000 tier that allowed the backer to set up an inn and receive some additional items. Fortunately or unfortunately, that sold out almost immediately. We've come up with a new tier that is aimed toward (but not limited to!) the forum communities that have shown (and continue to show) us so much support. Some of the most fun we've had as players, DMs, and game designers has happened when we got to deal with a group of enemy adventurers -- mercenaries, thugs, whatever you want to call them -- squaring off against the party. This new tier allows you to build a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude to throw at the player. We've also switched around a few of the bonuses in this tier, giving out more digital downloads. We can't wait to see what you come up with.
BUNGVOX wrote:solo hanneman / solo mengele
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Schwartz »

welp borderlands single player is becoming too stressful

I died 18 times finishing one mission and now this next one I can't even finish on my own.

hope youre having an nice vacation Riley
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

The Schwartz wrote:welp borderlands single player is becoming too stressful

I died 18 times finishing one mission and now this next one I can't even finish on my own.

hope youre having an nice vacation Riley
This is horrible news. Are there more side missions you can grind that you haven't done?
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Wang Mandu »

BUNGVOX wrote:solo hanneman / solo mengele
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

The Bill wrote:
The Schwartz wrote:welp borderlands single player is becoming too stressful

I died 18 times finishing one mission and now this next one I can't even finish on my own.

hope youre having an nice vacation Riley
This is horrible news. Are there more side missions you can grind that you haven't done?
I jumped in and helped him after I saw this post... :awesome:

It was tough though.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

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TV won't be fixed till Wednsday. No PC, no 360, no PS3, no Wii even till then. All else I have are a bunch of dopey Macs. Oh well.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by james »

emulator time dude
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

james wrote:emulator time dude
I actually tried using SNES9X last night, but the games would freeze after awhile. :?: :nopizza: Maybe I'll do ROCKNes. Maybe a Genesis emulator but I don't know which is best for the MAC. Would really just like to play SNES games. They're my fav!
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

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no DS or GBA at least?
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

valgalder wrote:no DS or GBA at least?
No, I was never big on hand held devices. If anything I could play my iPhone or iPod, but it doesn't suck me in like the big screen games.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Wang Mandu »

Comrade Slinky wrote:It's not good. The leon bit is actually the best one. :?
Spot on. What a fucking disaster that game is. Ugly graphics, horrible controls, the FOV is crazy close and your character takes up a 1/3 of the screen. I think I made it 10 minutes into Leon's section and 3 minutes into Jake's. Series is officially dead.
BUNGVOX wrote:solo hanneman / solo mengele
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

Borderlands 2 gang is being awfully quite. Is the game too hard, and you're stuck!?
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

The Bill wrote:Borderlands 2 gang is being awfully quite. Is the game too hard, and you're stuck!?

Game's too awesome and everyone is playing it.

I don't think it's too hard at all. There was one part I was playing last night that got a little overbearing, but I died once and figured out what I needed to do.

It's probably the most fun game I've played in a long time. It's such a step up from the first one, it took some time for me to realize that, but it is. I've heard people complain about the first being kind of repetitive, but the missions here don't feel that way at all to me. There's better enemies to face off against too imo.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Schwartz »

I think it's better in every way over the first game. It's ridiculously fun
its not too hard its just kind of insane the amount of baddies you fight at one time but it's still awesome because shit is blowing up everywhere

the tiny tina missions were the best and extremely sexual for it being a 13 year old
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by disco-dance axis »

Spec Ops: The Line is pretty great! Good story, fun shooting!
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Cryptoplasty »

Borderlands 2 is harder than the first one, but I just accidentally opened the chest you get from the preorder bonus and it gave me a ridiculously overpowered shield.

Game fucking rules.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Blair »

Done my schoolwork, time for Borderlands 2 and time to test out my new badass sniper rifle with a decent magazine capacity.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

When I'm back up and running I know I have loads more of Borderlands One to play but thus far I've found sniper rifles wholey ineffectual. Seems shotguns and rapid fire hand guns are the best option as everyone and their mother tries to run up on me. Plus, these scoped pistols seem to do a better job long distance.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

Sniper rifles were awesome in the first and still are awesome in the second BL.

I'm beginning to think The Bill is really just The Scrub
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

DR. THRAXX wrote:Sniper rifles were awesome in the first and still are awesome in the second BL.

I'm beginning to think The Bill is really just The Scrub
Why? I'm awesome with the weapons I have. Listen, I'm initially trained on DOOM as my FPS boot camp. Going to shoot a monster point blank in the face with a shotgun if he starts any shit. Of course, with BL1's random weapon generator it's highly possible I've gotten nothing but lack luster sniper rifles. Don't get me started on the rocket launcher... :tdown:
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

Agree that rocker launchers are ass for the most part, especially against vehicles.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Cryptoplasty »

How in blazes do you guys play this without a mouse and keyboard? Maybe that's why you can't use sniper rifles very well unless you have aim assist on. Sniper rifles are the best. Especially early in the game if you get one with good elemental damage.
Toilet Fleet wrote:dogs are shit tbqh
oh wow youre loyal, you know who else was loyal, fuckin goebbels
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

Cryptoplasty wrote:How in blazes do you guys play this without a mouse and keyboard? Maybe that's why you can't use sniper rifles very well unless you have aim assist on. Sniper rifles are the best. Especially early in the game if you get one with good elemental damage.

It's not that hard without keyboard mouse. I agree 100% that snipers are the best in this game. I have been carrying one with slag elemental, and then a combat rifle with high zoom with explosive elemental. I usually get a headshot with the slag one, but if not it's so easy to finish off with the combat rifle.

IDK anything about aim assist, if it's something you have to turn on then I don't use it. I didn't change any of the presets.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

Cryptoplasty wrote:How in blazes do you guys play this without a mouse and keyboard? Maybe that's why you can't use sniper rifles very well unless you have aim assist on. Sniper rifles are the best. Especially early in the game if you get one with good elemental damage.
I found one sniper rifle with fire damage, but at that point my scoped revolver was doing more damage. I've only used the sniper rifle to pick off one person from afar, then usually all hell breaks loose and I'm forced to use faster firing and closer ranged weapons.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

The Bill wrote:
Cryptoplasty wrote:How in blazes do you guys play this without a mouse and keyboard? Maybe that's why you can't use sniper rifles very well unless you have aim assist on. Sniper rifles are the best. Especially early in the game if you get one with good elemental damage.
I found one sniper rifle with fire damage, but at that point my scoped revolver was doing more damage. I've only used the sniper rifle to pick off one person from afar, then usually all hell breaks loose and I'm forced to use faster firing and closer ranged weapons.
What class are you using. The only one I would think wouldn't be that great with snipers would be Brick in the first game. That's the beauty though is you can play anyway you want to in BL. I remeber in 1 I had a scoped SMG that did corrosive damage with a 2x scope and it was fucking awesome.
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