The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by right over there »

Pisscubes wrote:I know, Enough With the Zombies Already, and I totally fucking agree, but they've been a life-long obsession of mine and this game kinda looks pretty fucking cool...

Anyone played it? I may get it. It actually looks like it may get "green lit" by Steam soon though, so maybe I'll wait.
yeah, that looked sort of interesting when i saw it on GOG. there's at least one "let's play" of it on youtube - check that out.

it reminds me of king of dragon pass, which i'm actually playing right now for the first time since it came out in '01.
monsterod wrote:can it get any hotter or nower?
The Real MPD wrote:i'm not interested in this right now.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by kickpuncher »

so this comes out in a couple of days...

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by guardianoftheblind »

you should make sure zombiehead knows
ghost boner wrote:you can get it on the fire stick too. theres nothing this thing cant do
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

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If I can't find a copy of Fire Emblem soon I'll end up buying that. :oops:
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Spooky Apparition »

spacehamster wrote:I also really hate how you can't dodge-cancel out of attacks anymore. Some of the other new stuff they've done with the weapons and controls is good, but that really pisses me off.
whoa whoa, what? i didn't even notice that in the demo, but that was critical to my ability to not suck at GOW3. weird choice...
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by guardianoftheblind »

The Bill wrote::what:

ghost boner wrote:you can get it on the fire stick too. theres nothing this thing cant do
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by james »

That Ducktales game is interesting. The NES games are classic obviously, and I'd definitely play a remake/follow-up. The graphics are a little wonky, though - the 2D animation is absolutely gorgeous, but those 3D rendered objects look a bit out of place....

These nowadays retreads of classic games tend to be a bit lackluster for me, as well. Maybe I'm just being a fussbucket based on prior disappointments. Megaman 9/10, Castelvania Rebirth, Contra Rebirth, A Boy and his Blob - all sorta missing something important.

That said, WayForward are fucking champions... seriously heroes to me. I hope this thing sells like crazy.

The fan-world appreciation for the Disney/Capcom NES teamups has always been a bit of an underground thing, though... it's not like the average nostalgic gamer really goes there and mentions them in the same breath as the more commonly investigated oldschool franchises. very interesting to see some attention coming from the corporate world.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by kickpuncher »

Comrade Slinky wrote:If I can't find a copy of Fire Emblem soon I'll end up buying that. :oops:
don't be embarrassed, player. we can squash some ghosts together and have a rip-roaring time

also, :tup: as far as Ducktales is concerned. hoping that new Shantae drops soon too. goddamnit i love platformers
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by DR. THRAXX »

I'd rather have a rebooted Rescue Rangers game....
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

Rescue Rangers was good as well, but just too adorably easy for me to bother with now a days. Seriously, it had to be the easiest NES game I owned.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by guardianoftheblind »

played about two hours of RE6 so far

not unplayable garbage, but nothing special at all.

something does about the game though...
ghost boner wrote:you can get it on the fire stick too. theres nothing this thing cant do
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Wang Mandu »

Pre-loading Bioshock: Infinite. :mastoman:
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

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hail satan
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by spacehamster »

Ascension also has a ridiculously difficult Cerberus fight. Yay.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Wang Mandu »

Might be blasphemy and I'll happily eat some shit for my demo comments months back but, I'm enjoying RE6. The FOV changes pretty much saved this game for me. I like the maneuverability in combat and smoothly stringing together shooting and melee attacks once I messed around with the mechanics more.

Here's some gameplay tricks and tips I saw on another forum.
Auto-mix herbs and insta-load pills: Hold R2 and press Square when empty: In RE6, you mix herbs into pills, which are then dispensed Tic-Tac-style with a press of R2. The number of times you tap, the number of pills you use, each pill restoring a slice of health, effectively allowing you to manage your health bar by bar. This shortcut -- R2 + Square -- instantly combines any herbs in your inventory, red herbs included, and loads the pills into your case, rather than you having to do each step manually. This is extremely useful.

Paint targets for AI partner: L1 + Circle: Snipers got you down? Aim at the sniper -- or any enemy target, for that matter -- and tap Circle to paint the target. A red marker will appear over it and that enemy will become the sole target of your AI partner, which is useful since your AI partner is virtually indestructible outside of rare one-hit boss kills, and your partner also has unlimited ammo.

Rapidly regain stamina: Take cover or lie prone: RE6 is NOT a cover shooter. Like Vanquish, you're playing it wrong if you're hiding behind cover rather than advancing the fight, throwing yourself into the fray to unleash a flurry of melee moves. That being said, your dedicated melee button -- R1 -- is governed by a stamina meter (also like Vanquish): kick and punch too much, and you'll grow tired and hit like a sissy. THIS is when you take cover: slide to the nearest wall to instantly snap to cover, and wait a moment while your stamina bar replenishes in a matter of mere seconds. Very useful! Alternatively, you can lie prone to quickly regain stamina (L1 + X + a direction to dive/roll to the ground, holding L1 to lie prone).

Dazing enemies: Elbow backwards, OR aim for the head, OR melee twice: RE6 has an insane variety of context-sensitive melee moves -- they even change with your equipped weapon! For starters, you can melee people standing directly behind you by simply hitting R1 to elbow them in the head, dazing them to set up over-the-top melee takedowns.

While good for crowd control, normally you'll be facing enemies head-on, in which case you want to do one of two things: Pop the enemy in the head, usually just once, then run up close and hit R1 to unleash a context-sensitive melee move like a suplex; OR run up to an enemy and hit them twice with a basic melee move (usually kicks), dazing them for a context-sensitive melee move on the third hit. This may knock them to the ground, in which case you should quickly run up to their head and hit R1 a fourth time for a skull-crushing stomp.


Now onto the core of combat: evading and sliding:

Sliding: Dash with Action button (X on PS3), then hit L1 to slide. To spin 180 degrees mid-slide, pull back while sliding. To shoot while sliding, tap R1: Sliding is a brilliant new mechanic that frankly makes the previous REs feel stiff by comparison. Just the other night, in Jake's Chapter 4, I was repeatedly sliding under an enemy's near-fatal swing; others have even slid under incoming projectiles like busses thrown by giants! But sliding is more than simply dashing with the Action button and hitting L1. You can do a 180-degree turn while sliding by pulling back on the analog stick, and you can fire (or swipe) to daze and kill while sliding toward or under enemies. Sliding into enemies can also trip them. You can even slide past a pack of enemies, drop remote bombs as you slide by, and then detonate them as you roll back to your feet, a cloud of meaty chunks raining down behind you!

ALSO: You can also do a quick slide from a stationary position by hitting forward + Action + L1. Normally you can only slide if you're sprinting first, but you can do it this way if you need to slide real quick out of the way.

Rolling while standing: Aim with L1, then tap Action button and left or right to roll in that direction. Release L1 mid-roll to stand, or continue to hold L1 to lie on the ground. On the ground, tap left and right to roll: Each enemy J'avo has three or four different mutations per limb, as well as their heads and torsos, and these mutations can stack, which means enemies have a LOT of ways to attack you. Sometimes, when swarmed in tight spaces, you'll want to roll out of the way of an incoming attack -- also good for confusing hordes of zombies as they try to track you. Aiming and then tapping the Action button and left or right will throw you rolling in that direction; releasing L1 the moment you hit the ground will cause you to immediately barrel-roll to your feet. Likewise with throwing yourself backwards away from enemies, or rolling forward (with respective directional taps of the analog). If you don't release L1, you'll stay on your back on the ground, at which point you can tap left or right to roll on the ground (as though you're on fire and trying to put yourself out). You can literally circle attacking enemies this way!

Dodging: Aim and hit the Action button while standing: This quick crouching animation allows you to duck under many enemy attacks. It's near-instantaneous, though, meaning you must use it the moment it's needed. Sometimes it's more fruitful to jump backwards to your back or roll out of the way instead! ALSO: If you hit a direction right after dodging, you can cancel the dodge into a roll/dive in that direction. Very useful if you need to get out of the way really quick.

Running attacks: Dash with Action button and hit R1: This combination can result in a shoulder-check or other attack animation that if nothing else staggers or trips up enemies -- ideal for breaking enemy lines during a hasty escape.

Quick shot: L1 + R1 when near an enemy; tap repeatedly to attack multiple nearby targets: This is another brilliant mechanic, absolutely vital for crowd control in Mercs. When near an enemy, even if the enemy is standing out of sight behind you, hit L1 and R1 to instantly turn, target and shoot the enemy. Subsequent taps will unleash additional quick shots, each consuming a bar of your stamina meter. Try it with Helena with the Hydra shotgun equipped; she'll do a series of over-the-top tactical rolls, striking a pose to fire off a round each time. So badass! Be sure to check out an example of Leon's dual-wielding quick shot here!

Quick recover: Mash the Action button when knocked down, or hold back and tap the Action button: Tired of enemies knocking you on your ass when a segment of your health bar empties completely or you take a particularly hard hit? Mash the Action button the moment you hit the ground, and you'll roll backwards back to your feet, instantly back in the fight. Alternatively, hold back and tap X.

Counters: Timing is key: If you see an enemy beginning its attack animation, like a zombie raising a wrench, and hit R1 (the melee button) the instant before the enemy strikes, you will obliterate that enemy with a super-flashy counter attack. The screen will flash and you'll hear a sharp "ZING!" to indicate you did a counter (as though kicking your enemy a mile away didn't make it clear enough)!


And now some QTE tips:

Quick spin-the-stick QTEs: Use BOTH analog sticks: Perhaps the most frustrating QTE people encounter is the one where you have to spin the stick to fill a bar. The thing the game doesn't tell you is that if you spin BOTH analog sticks, the bar fills up twice as fast -- completing the QTE so fast you'll outpace the cinematic!

Climbing QTEs: Always hold one button: Another poorly communicated QTE is one involving climbing. As you alternate between button presses, the trick is to always have one button depressed -- as though you're climbing hand over hand, one hand always on the rope.

I may be forgetting something as I write this all off-hand, but here some other tips: You can switch to laser sight (instead of crosshairs) and adjust the camera and aiming speed (I recommend Camera: 2 and Aiming: 7). This game is dual-analog, meaning the camera will not simply follow you like in RE4: You must control the camera manually with the right stick or reset it with the Action button. I had no problems with this: I naturally move the right analog as I move my character, like in numerous other third-person shooters.

The key is to always be on the offensive. Even against gun-toting enemies, you should roll out of the way and then slide under incoming fire, blasting away at their face and then rolling back to your feet to unleash a context-sensitive melee on them while they're dazed. Then roll back out of the way to avoid incoming attacks, or use the Quick Shot to stun several enemies around you. Once you get into the rhythm of combat, this constant back and forth, it becomes a thing of beauty.
And if anyone cares, a suggested order of chapters to play...
Chris Chapter 1
Chris Chapter 2
Jake Chapter 1
Jake Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 1
Leon Chapter 2
Leon Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 3
Chris Chapter 3
Jake Chapter 4
Leon Chapter 4
Chris Chapter 4
Jake Chapter 5
Chris Chapter 5
Leon Chapter 5
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by guardianoftheblind »

played it some more today

to me it's just 'kill hordes of zombies in random locations'

if you try to get more depth out of it you're gonna have a bad time. so for my fee of $0, i'm having a decent time. plus i like collecting skill points and unlocking all sorts of shit.

i guess my plans are bioshock and re6 for the next few weeks
ghost boner wrote:you can get it on the fire stick too. theres nothing this thing cant do
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by valgalder »

The Bill wrote:Rescue Rangers was good as well, but just too adorably easy for me to bother with now a days. Seriously, it had to be the easiest NES game I owned.
Exactly.. nothing challenging about Chip & Dale.. both good, but Duck Tales infinitely better. Hope this means that capcom will start sucking again and do more just more RE games.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

Pisscubes wrote:Hey The Bill-- was this the Clive Barker themed game you always nutted over? Cause if so... it's on GOG now.
That's the one. I love that game. Buy it right now, you rat bastard!
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by The Bill »

Pisscubes wrote:
The Bill wrote:
Pisscubes wrote:Hey The Bill-- was this the Clive Barker themed game you always nutted over? Cause if so... it's on GOG now.
That's the one. I love that game. Buy it right now, you rat bastard!
It's six bucks so I did.

I am embarrassed to admit that I actually had a DREAM about the new Bioshock the other night. :oops:
I still own my copy on CD. I will also be getting the GOG version. I should get a copy of System Shock 2 while I'm at it.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by riley-o »

Zelda 2 and Wonderboy in Monsterland all night dawg
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Wang Mandu »

Be prepared for a multi-GB texture pack download for Bioshock :mastoman:
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by MANTIS »

TheDOAD wrote:beat crysis 2. I really liked this game. Super fun shooting.
Had a lot of fun with this one a few weeks back. Crysis 3 was great too.

I just recently rocked the dead space trilogy. Working on 3 now. I also played through Syndicate and had a little bit of fun with resident evil 6, saints row 3 and metal gear rising: revengeance. Next up: far cry 3 & bioshock infinite

Still have my rainy day FPS stash -metro 2033, deus ex, rainbow six: vegas 1 & 2 and the darkness 1 & 2 sitting around and I haven't played any of the Borderlands 2 DLC's yet either. Plenty to keep me busy for a long fucking time
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by spacehamster »

Yeah, I'm just gonna download that from Steam like whenever and have it an hour later.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Broken Into Pieces »

I have had a pressing urge to play Carmageddon for a couple of years now and it's just not going away. Assume that I am retarded (not much of a stretch); how may I satisfy said urge without having to bother signing up for anything that I'm not already signed up for?
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Post by Krieg »

spacehamster wrote:Yeah, I'm just gonna download that from Steam like whenever and have it an hour later.
And then you will play it with a controller on your PC connected to your TV. I don't think you can throw stones here. Hey guys, I spent a bunch of money on this PC to play games limited to the crappiness of my TV. Hey!! Do not tell me how I CAN HAVE FUN! F U
The Torsion wrote:I don't like Krieg
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