Nerdly Board Games?

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by a world of no »

Assplay!!! wrote:I've only played Catan a couple of times.
That said... Do not understand the lure.
Same here. I just cannot get into it.

Got a few new games this month. Planning to go through the initial adventure for Pathfinder the card game this afternoon to start beefing up characters for the new expansion coming out. Also, the wife has discovered that she really like Claustrophobia (Playing the demons), so I got the De Profundis expansion before it went OOP, so that'll come out tonight as well. Very exciting. Tomorrow hopefully I can convince someone to tackle Earth Reborn with me, but it's doubtful.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by kickpuncher »

Claustrophobia has been on my want list for quite some time. Also hoping to find one of these fuckers at Goodwill...

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by a world of no »

Thrift shops around me never have anything of worth, but that is definitely one of the ones I want to get my hands on. Chances of finding one complete though... Holy grail for me though is Warhammer Quest, but no way I have the money to afford something like that. Dude on BGG is auctioning off his nearly complete copy for $285, which is cheap for that thing. Fucking Games Workshop needs to reprint that motherfucker along with Space Hulk. :drooly:

Claustrophobia is fucking nice though. There's a new expansion coming out early next year I believe. Lately it's one of the top played games in the house, other than the stuff I pull out myself (Rune Age, Elder Sign, Dungeoneer) after school/work to forget about school/work. Highly recommended if you like dungeon crawls.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Assplay!!! »

a world of no wrote:Got a few new games this month. Planning to go through the initial adventure for Pathfinder the card game this afternoon to start beefing up characters for the new expansion coming out.
I saw this and was curious. Please report back after you play.
I miss my Pathfinder campaign. Everyone flaked out on it for Dungeon World. I still like DW, but our GM's have gotten too busy being adults that we never get to play anymore. Sadness prevails.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by kickpuncher »

a world of no wrote:Holy grail for me though is Warhammer Quest, but no way I have the money to afford something like that. Dude on BGG is auctioning off his nearly complete copy for $285, which is cheap for that thing.

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by a world of no »

yeah... that's sadly about the average.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by a world of no »

Assplay!!! wrote:
a world of no wrote:Got a few new games this month. Planning to go through the initial adventure for Pathfinder the card game this afternoon to start beefing up characters for the new expansion coming out.
I saw this and was curious. Please report back after you play.
I miss my Pathfinder campaign. Everyone flaked out on it for Dungeon World. I still like DW, but our GM's have gotten too busy being adults that we never get to play anymore. Sadness prevails.
It's good. Basically pathfinder/rpg in card form. Started a scenario with 4 characters, but had to ditch midway due to life time constraints. Going to attempt another go with 2 or 3 characters for brevity. Have to have the right mindset though, as it's really a game for people that have played and enjoy tabletop rpg. Leveling characters is fun, and there's permadeath, which really adds a nice element of caution to your choices. If you enjoyed Pathfinder then you'd probably really dig this. I think most people enjoy this more as a solo game though, but I could see this being fun with one or more players, but then with enough you'd probably be better off playing the full-on rpg. Bi-monthly adventure updates for around $15.

But yeah... Pathfinder in card form. Soloable. Recommended if that sounds good to you.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by danox3 »

I know not a board game, but anyone play Munchkin? Very fun game to get fucked up and play.

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Assplay!!! »

a world of no wrote: It's good. Basically pathfinder/rpg in card form. Started a scenario with 4 characters, but had to ditch midway due to life time constraints. Going to attempt another go with 2 or 3 characters for brevity. Have to have the right mindset though, as it's really a game for people that have played and enjoy tabletop rpg. Leveling characters is fun, and there's permadeath, which really adds a nice element of caution to your choices. If you enjoyed Pathfinder then you'd probably really dig this. I think most people enjoy this more as a solo game though, but I could see this being fun with one or more players, but then with enough you'd probably be better off playing the full-on rpg. Bi-monthly adventure updates for around $15.

But yeah... Pathfinder in card form. Soloable. Recommended if that sounds good to you.

So I went to play games with a couple of my dudes yesterday... Low and behold, he had the Pathfinder card game. Unfortunately we were a bit too time restricted to bust into a new game that no one had played yet. Those first sessions are always a little rough. Ended up playing City of Horror instead.

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by a world of no »

That's been on my wishlist for a while now. Sort of burnt on zombies though, but I hear this one does it well. How did you enjoy it?

Played more PACG, and it's easily becoming my current favorite. Blew through a scenario last night with two characters I'm building, and it only lasted about a half hour, but a lot of that was due to very lucky location draws and dice rolls. Rules are very intuitive if you have card game/rpg experience. Just go through the rules once and you should have the basics. Biggest hint I can give you is that the cards tell you exactly what they do, and nothing more. There's some errata that you can find on FAQ on the Paizo website (Warhammer +1 should list as "Magic"; Detect Magic check is 4, not 14), but most of the mistakes and questions are coming from people that just don't have experiencing gaming. Advance the Blessings deck(Timer); Trade with a player at your location; Move to a location(or don't); Explore; Evade/Roll a check to defeat/acquire whatever you drew. Play cards to help with said check. Discard(optional)/draw up to your hand limit. Next players turn. It's really that simple.
Rules Summary: ... ence-cards
Turn Sequence Breakdown: ... -breakdown
There's also some character sheets you can get from either Paizo or BGG to keep track of your equipment and stats. I printed some just for stats purposes, but I sleeve the cards my character decks, so easy to keep track of between games.

In other news, a buddy of mine's roommate is developing his own rpg system and wants play testers next month. He's being closed lipped about it at this point, but what he has told us is that it's a post-apocalypse theme similar to Fallout, but not Fallout. Most of the people involved in the play test, other than myself and one other, are new to role playing, but they're fucked up people, so it should be fun. Good timing, as I was hoping to either find or start a group come December when I get done with school. I wasn't wanting to GM, and I have no interest at this time to do anything medieval/fantasy based, so this is a very exciting turn of events for me.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Assplay!!! »

I'll totally playtest. PM me if he's looking.
I'd also suggest getting a copy to a good friend / GM of some of my games who runs the Jank Cast.
If you haven't checked it out, you can do so over here...

I don't particularly care for the AP's, but I never have (I'd rather play than listen to others play).
But the standard episodes are pretty good. If you dig through the archive enough you can hear my girlfriend (not drunk) and me (drunk) talking about gaming and metal.

Also... City of Horror was way more fun this time than the first time we played it. I think once I realized I should just try to fuck everyone else over as much as possible, it became more fun than when I was trying to save everyone at first. That said, I lost hard. But it was more fun losing.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Assplay!!! »

Had another go at City of Horror.

Space Cadets : Dice Duel
Meh... I wasn't that into it. Space dice-rolling game to blow up your opponent. Endless rolling until you get what you need to attack.

Escape : The Curse Of The Temple
This is a fun, super easy, co-op dice rolling game that you play in 10 minutes. You need the accompanying music that comes with it to signal when you need to return to the center chamber or exit the Temple. The more Gems you acquire along the way the easier it is to escape. It was a good "we don't have much time, end of session game"
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by james »

Dano - love Munchkin. I've only had the chance to play it three times, but I'm fucking enraptured by it. Lady bought a copy and I'm trying to figure out how to goad people into coming by to give it a shot. Absolutely what I want out of a game.

I've played it with and without a boad/figures and I have to say, even though it doesn't really mean much - I far prefer it with a board. Lady bought the 'Apocalypse' set and I think I'm gonna spring for a board and the superhero module.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Mooretician »

I bought the Conan Munchkin a while back but I haven't had the chance to play it yet. The night I bought it, we all got drunk and started trying to figure it out and it was the equivalent of giving an ape a graphing calculator.

I recently bought the 'Unseen Forces' expansion pack for Elder Sign and its pretty cool. They add two weird new dice and a bunch of cards and stuff.

I'm pretty stoked about this:

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Necrometer »

Necrometer wrote:
DR. THRAXX wrote:You can print out a set of Cards Against Humanity
cards against humanity is pretty fun - my GF's roommate DIY'd a set for my GF's birthday, and each of them subsequently purchased every possible thing (once sets were back in stock). I definitely enjoy the "pick 2" cards the most, and nothing tops the haiku card :invcross:
I think I might be done with this game, ethically

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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by zombiehead »

yea thats basically what i expected them to look like.

i just got the basic set a few days ago. playing it with a bunch of people is pretty fun.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Necrometer »

yeah, a little bit too fun

last time I played I absolutely crushed the competition so maybe my subconscious is just trying to get me to go out on top
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?


There is a sort of family resemblance between CAH, Seth McFarlane, and fraternities...
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Necrometer »

there needs to be an official ruling on jews laughing at holocaust jokes (while nobody else can) and how that reinforces their paradoxical "minority" status while appearing to undermine it

because the jew holocaust joke defense is a huge pillar of the CAH apologism I've seen...
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?


Reminds me of the Borat argument. "You don't get it. He's Jewish. That's why it's funny when he portrays Muslims as a bunch of backwards, uncivilized idiots that don't deserve self-governance."
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Geeheeb »

played mansions of madness as the keeper tonight. great game.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Necrometer »

EEEOOOEEEOOOEEEOOO wrote:Reminds me of the Borat argument. "You don't get it. He's Jewish. That's why it's funny when he portrays Muslims as a bunch of backwards, uncivilized idiots that don't deserve self-governance."

I definitely thought some Borat stuff was effective and above reproach, like when the character was used to draw out bigotry for judgmental laughs ... and there were also the probloms
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Assplay!!! »

Geeheeb wrote:played mansions of madness as the keeper tonight. great game.
I've had varying degrees of fun with this game. I dig it overall.

My only question is... doesn't it get old with the on rails narrative? Like there are a limited amount of scenarios to play though, are those fun more than once or twice? Or do you have to keep getting expansions?
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by Geeheeb »

IF you play it really often I bet it would get old. But there are free expansions too (haven't tried them) and some well reviewed official ones. I only play once every 6 months so it great for me.
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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Post by danox3 »

I got a tad obsessed with Muchkin, have all the core sets and expansions, Pathfinder, and Conan is being delivered today.

Elder Sign is my new game, working out solo play this weekend.
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