Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

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How Are Mortiis Goatse?!
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Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by How Are Mortiis Goatse?! »

This is common knowledge and I'm a fucking idiot for watching Real Time so this is totally my own fault, but god fucking damn it.

Bill Maher is such a giant piece of shit. That smug asshole with his beady little eyes, he looks like the puppet from the Saw movies without makeup. He is also an unfunny hack comedian and despite being arrogant as fuck he has the critical thinking skills of a creationist birther.

Here are some of the things I've learned from watching Real Time that I really wish I didn't:

"Doctor" Samir Chachoua claims to have cured AIDS and cancer. He looks like this, and I could tell just by looking at him that he is a total quack and 100% full of shit. Look at this fucking guy:

This guy is based in Mexico because no developed country will allow this huckster to practice medicine. He claims to have cured Charlie Sheen of AIDS, but for some reason he does not explain why Sheens titer was way up after visiting this charlatan for a week and he is now using real HIV medication again. Bill Maher takes everything he says at face value and never asks a single critical question because he is a conspiratard moron. He believes right away that Big Pharma tried to kill Chachoua with a car bomb - despite there being no corroborating evidence of this ever happening - because they are such greedy evil bastards, while Chachoua is a saintly hero for charging $10 000 per treatment, which consists of giving people goat milk.

I have also learned that Seth McFarlane has recorded an album with Frank Sinartra covers. Look at this fucking monstrosity:

Who in the god damn hell is the audience for this? Is there anyone who thinks Seth McFarlane is cool? Can anyone look at that album cover and think, "this looks like something I would like to buy and listen to"? Seth McFarlane and his buddy Neil Degrasse Tyson should commit suicide together, because they have really overstayed their welcome. Fuck them both.

Finally, I've learned that Liz Mair is the first female with a libertarian accent. Don't think there is such a thing as a libertarian accent? Go to youtube and listen to this bitch talk.

I'm tempted to get a twitter account just so I can tell Bill Maher directly what a terrible human being he is.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by spacehamster »

Backed hard. It used to be that I got sort of a guilty squirm out of watching Maher because I do agree with a lot of his political viewpoints, but at this point he's said so much stupid shit that it pretty much cancels out my appreciation of the unapologetic, no-nonsense leftist. He's also never, ever been funny - even in his standup he just stands there with that smug fucking smirk on his face like the laugh track in a sitcom letting you know where the punchlines are.

He's also an anti-vaxxer, in case you didn't know. He actually had a doctor on his show a while back and seriously tried to debate him on the merit of flu vaccines and whether they're just an ineffective big pharma scam.I swear to god, he sat there actually fucking arguing this point with an actual fucking medical doctor as if they were somehow on an equal footing when it comes to the topic of medicine.

Which, by the way, is probably what bothers me the most about this guy. He invites these people on his show that are real experts in their fields - journalists, politicians, academics - and then he argues with them as if he's somehow their equal. Or just shouts over them and hogs the camera, if necessary. It's ridiculous. Say about Jon Stewart what you want, but even when he did interviews where he clearly had an agenda, he always stuck to asking questions.
storm shadow wrote:This is what happens when people use the internet to get through adolescence, instead of drugs and heavy metal.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by How Are Mortiis Goatse?! »

I know he's antivaxx. I'm not willing to call him a leftist. He seems more libertarian to me. I guess the food/medicine paranoia is equally embraced by the wingnuts on both the hard right and hard left. His position on Islam is almost indistinguishable from Donald Trump, EDL, Pegida, and other right wing extremists. His "anti-PC"-tirades has the same kind of coded sexism, racism and homophobia you'd expect from the internet "manosphere." His atheist rhetoric reveals the same kind of colonial and ethnocentric mindset as Richard Dawkins.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by spacehamster »

Yeah, his anti-Islam tirades are really just blatant racism. He actually says that Muslim countries are culturally inferior. And like all racists, he reacts with indignation when you call his racism what it is, because after all, it's not racism if it's true.

And then he still makes fun of Trump as if he has nothing in common with him.
storm shadow wrote:This is what happens when people use the internet to get through adolescence, instead of drugs and heavy metal.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by hipster holocaust »

Thread rules.

I wouldn't mind of someone took him out, he's made me laugh a few times but at the end of the day he's just catering to what knee-jerk liberal wankers want to hear. Which is fine if you're trying to make a buck, however I wish he would think more about just how much influence he has over the religiously anti-Fox News crowd, confused college students, and other people who don't want to open an actual news article before he opens his mouth.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by nomb »

spacehamster wrote:He actually says that Muslim countries are culturally inferior.
Having lived in the UAE, I'm inclined to agree....

As a colleague there said to me "Nothing destroys a good European humanistic and enlightened education and upbringing like living and working abroad (or with Indians)" :lol:
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by d.hellion »

Looks like the guy from Body Double.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by Spooky Apparition »

How Are Mortiis Goatse?! wrote:he looks like the puppet from the Saw movies without makeup.
:lol: :lol:
Finally, I've learned that Liz Mair is the first female with a libertarian accent. Don't think there is such a thing as a libertarian accent? Go to youtube and listen to this bitch talk.
bwhahaha... I watched that episode too and she was terrible.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by FVBTVS »

yeah its not even his politics its just the dripping insularity of his fart huffing attitude and how conveniently he changes his hat when he can't win an actual argument. i'm a sucker for panel discussion shows but real time has long been unwatchable because of the studio audience and mahers insufferable drip. sometimes he's good at giving his guests some shine and laughing at their jokes like a good comic should but yeah thats about it, send him to the guillotine already
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by RY4N »

even that religulous movie is a steaming pile of shit . . . and i paid to see it in theater :fp: :drool:
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by How Are Mortiis Goatse?! »

Bill Maher is all about populism and identity politics, which both are a scourge of informed discussion no matter which side of the political spectrum it comes from.

Sort of off topic but not really, since they are the kind of people who sometimes guest Real Time; who are the public intellectuals with a hard science background left who aren't insufferable douchebags with a tendency to put their foot in their mouth when talking about stuff outside their area of expertise? Stephen Hawking and Jane Goodall are the only ones I could think of that don't radiate douchechills.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by FVBTVS »

i have been gutted wrote: your society
i wouldn't send you to the guillotine, my sweet privnce :brokenheart:
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by BUNGVOX »

Bill Maher is a kike bastard.

Let lord fucking Hitler deal with him.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

How Are Mortiis Goatse?! has been my favorite poster on the board for a very long time. I agree with almost everything you say, I appreciate the way you articulate things, and I think your perspectives are interesting and often surprising. You are also funny. Please don't stop posting here.

Bill Maher is a chapel of ghouls.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by canon.docre »

How Are Mortiis Goatse?! wrote:Liz Mair is the first female with a libertarian accent. Don't think there is such a thing as a libertarian accent? Go to youtube and listen to this bitch talk.
Her face is concave. Eerie to look at, and certainly annoying to listen to.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by Necrometer »

what about his purportedly big dick though

I'd love to find out that it's 7" but super skinny or something
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by Cascade Whore »

He was good in House II The Second Story
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by Cascade Whore »

canon.docre wrote:
How Are Mortiis Goatse?! wrote:Liz Mair is the first female with a libertarian accent. Don't think there is such a thing as a libertarian accent? Go to youtube and listen to this bitch talk.
Her face is concave. Eerie to look at, and certainly annoying to listen to.

I had to look this idiot up. I hope her and Karen Straughan are found dead in a lesbian suicide pact.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by How Are Mortiis Goatse?! »

Necrometer wrote:what about his purportedly big dick though

I'd love to find out that it's 7" but super skinny or something
This is super weird to bring up. Why are you concerned with his penis?
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by Necrometer »

if it's true then that's where I'd place part of the blame for his personality

if not? yet more evidence of his pathological mind

I happened to attend a science event where his ex hosted - she's ultra young (was 28 while dating Maher at 56) and attractive

what a fun night this must've been:

dude is the worst but I haven't been exposed to him much in recent years so it's hard to get riled up. others voiced their disgust more artfully than I could. I still want answers about his wanger, though.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by godofdeadlydeath »

He LOVES touting his pro-marijuana stance to really get a rise out of the bro-bros in the audience. We get it, Bill. You are so cool because you are a rich old white man who is still "down" enough to get high. He must be even more insufferable when he's high, because he probably laughs even more at his own stupid jokes.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by hipster holocaust »

How Are Mortiis Goatse?! wrote:
Necrometer wrote:what about his purportedly big dick though

I'd love to find out that it's 7" but super skinny or something
This is super weird to bring up. Why are you concerned with his penis?
Chad wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:07 pm I'm not a fascist, I follow a bunch of Japanese rabbit owners on Twitter bc rabbits are cute
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by How Are Mortiis Goatse?! »

Robert Crumb has a giant horse cock and Lord Darksoul has a small dick. There is no correlation between dick size and personality. Using dick size hypotheses is just lazy armchair psychology and just as sexist and reductionist as the on/off the period-hypotheses to explain how women behave.
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Re: Bill Maher is a hack and a moron

Post by hipster holocaust »

I would say it's A LOT less relevant than being cranky as a result of cramps and bleeding for a week straight.
Chad wrote: Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:07 pm I'm not a fascist, I follow a bunch of Japanese rabbit owners on Twitter bc rabbits are cute
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