ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by riley-o »

Omg girls...DON'T listen to these chicks!! You are going to be judged for one night stands. The only chicks that will tell you otherwise are the ones that want to feel better about having one night stands and bring you down with them. It's worse because it's coming from a Jewish girl who gets to be a ho without repercussions because of her maternal lineage creates authentic "chosen" Jews. So when she's ready to settle down there will be a Jewish man with stability readily available to marry her and give her a baby because his mother is in his ear 24/7 telling him to get a "nice Jewish girl". How many struggling single Jewish moms out there? It's the biggest con going. Jewish women are 1% of the female population yet they are influencing majority of women especially in the US. Lena Dunham, Amy Schumer, fucking mustard hat chick above, Ililza whatever, Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman just off the top of my head!
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

Yes it's only in fucked up US you can see penis expectation all fucked up, alpha/beta male, MBTI nazism, red pill, etc. This make me fucking laugh and fucking grateful to not be in your fucked up country.
Don't forget Trump.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

We finished food and he asked me out for drinks. We went to a neighboring city and had a great time at a private club. He was the bespoke type with the preference of the bourgeoisie if you know what I'm saying.
I can assure you... I don't.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

Jay z please let me have some cash you and Beyoncé are worth over a billion dollars. I’m just trying to finish school and pay off my debt.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

remembering my life in 1990 so broken ...
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

crappy day...thanks racism.
Google it. My name is "Varg Vikernes".

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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

email scams leaking onto youtube...
ebrahim elberidy 3 weeks ago
Dear my sir
(From an Egyptian inventor)

I invented some inventions. it is very useful in different fields. during the last years .But in Egypt the
scientific search and the industrial field are slow and complex.so I
wish work with you so that
I hope to travel to your country by an invitation ( working visa ) from you until I work with you in Development, scientific search , industry new prodacts and project my inventions for you at your earth. NOTE .. (. ..three of its inventions posted in gomhoria journal and altatbekaen magazin .
during the last years in egypt) now I show some of its simple inventions (1)water timer valve closed
automatically can be used in agriculture ( do not using-electrical)
2) balance level with pointer it can be used for measurement
Degree from ( 0 to -360) all directions do not use electricty (un -electrical) can be used to measurement the level degree of ships and level ferry and building the bridges (3

alarm control circuit to museum,s glass against the stealing 4) new glasses for protection against the harmful beams by insulator wire .(5) new
shoes it,s generate the electric power during the walking automaticaly. to the night
.. lighting by ( micro generator,battery,lamp and connecting - rod and gears
There are important inventions I do not told to any one until
now for example 1 ) electric generator from sea,ripple . defrant of
the others devices at the same field in europe eneragy power organization .it produce high power from sea,s waves with wide area .will solved the power of sea broplem in the world (2) circuit ,s electrical control to lighting street,s lambs( lights) its device favorate for the fast road,the beachs,places desart and another. favorite more than the photo -electric street lighting control system and do not lost the power (3) new safety valve to
protection against the dangerous of gas in house( kitchen) do not use electricty (4)a new
machine to purification the sea,s water against the salt. it is price less than the other machines at the same field. too It prevent the accumulation of salt in the distillation machines
iam normaly thinking so that have new technology solves for the live problems so
please I need quick reply
Thank you very match
Name : Ebrahim gabr hamed elberidy -- telePhone : 002 / 01094872862 -

note -- if I,m lie or-- if I am deceptive or if I do not have benefit for you

(. you can punish me according to your law .))

please send to me at email- ebrahimelberidy@gmail.com .
egyptian patent office did not want co- operate with me/
because I have diplome industry education . do you will help me please

my passport NO. aD6893297
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by ghost boner »

Hello my father was wondering if anyone has ever bought a flat screen tv from the guy down the hill he normally has truck loads if so what was ur experience and do u have his info
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

guy down the hill :betternotstartanyshit:
unforch I think context has been lost, so the good news is that it’s probs not intentionally sending that message
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by David Draiman's Chin pipes »

How deep do you want to go?

The manipulation of the social media Personalities, not soldiers or statesmen, that comprise the "New Right" (again, literally translates to NeoCon) community leadership is blatant across the grand chess board. ...and every one has a self help lifestyle to sell or a media career that comes before ideals.

Where to even begin?

Rebel Media is probably the best place, if you want the raw Israel First Likudnik Bullshit. Which is thinly veiled as "We stand for Western Liberty and Free Speech; It's Okay to be White; Conservatism". Meanwhile they're asking you to sign petitions and donate to supply Communist Kurds to rebuild "ISIS" purged "100% Christian" towns, in the Iraqi Niveah plains, on the future border of Israel and Kurdistan.

In terms of recent topical events, it goes from the New York chapter of BLM on stage with Kyle Chapman and the Proud Goys at MOAR to BLM on stage with Patreon Prayer at Berkeley.

From Gavin McGinnes (Proud Goys founder) involvement with VICE, the company Bill Maher and Fareed Zakaria are the executive producers of, that sold the Chalotteville narrative, to Cernovich's Alpha Male 9-point Kabbalah Magic.

From Roger Stone's hostile takeover of Infowars made possible by Jones Wife's Settlement, to infowars selling rebranded Onnit supplements as protection against Agenda 21. To Alex "9/11 was an inside job, until it stops making me money" Jones hiring Mark Dice, who did full contact, Antifa style counter messaging on "Truthers" at ground zero for years...

"Alex Jones gets in a fight in Cleveland" is a video everyone should see. From Prison Planet Resistance to Agent Provocateur faster than you can say "sHuperzine mAle mortality".

To the 3%'ers (also from New York) who did security for both Charlottesville and MOAR, with hilariously varying degrees of effectiveness, enthusiasm and frankly, opposition.

To Milo, Gellar and Cernvich arriving in a fleet of white "diplomatic" vehicles surrounded by krav MAGA! trained bodyguards for Free Speech week 20 minutes.

To Ben Shapiro having $600,000 for security at events, while genuine (if retarded) alternative views are "deplatformed" across the board.

It goes deeper. on into the Alt-Right and Antifa with Spencers relationship to Steven Miller and Aleksandr Dugin, Baked Alaska to Laura Loomer aka when Rebel Media dates Buzzfeed.

The Tiki Torch itself rally started at a church were Katie Couric, Cornel West, the SPLC, clergy from #KeepSharon in Charlotte, local clergy and city council members and every manor of MSM cameraman, but especially Gavin's precious VICE, were waiting to meet Baked Alaska, Spencer and Cantwell.

...and all of the static shots of Cantwell changing the chants were Staged. The one that was licensed the most had him waiting for a queue, of the path and not moving, before spiking the camera directly as he walks by.

His first exposure to the world was on the Colbert Report, that's not suspect at all.

Then we could go beyond, to the people who actually matter in terms of geopolitics and media, where you won't find a single Nazi...

Donald Trump himself to Steve Feinberg (Campaign finance chair) and Cerberus Capital. (Basically H. W. Bushes Cabinet as the board of Directors) and Gary Cohn.

Jon Bolton (Post-CIS male purge, Fox regular)and David Gergen (post-CIS male purge, CNN staple) being fellows at The American Enterprise Institute. Same talking points about Iran "#1 sponsor of Terror", same talking points about North Korea "25 years of failed policy", same talking points about Venezuela "Socialist Dictator". Common element between the three that makes them targets? No Central banks.

(Speaking of which, Jones' original big break was confronting Gergen about Bohemian Grove... Where he was never arrested for trepassing and the confirmed "leftists" he went with just walked in... but enough with the sideshow antics)

Harvey Levin (of TMZ) and Jeff Zucker (of CNN) blackballed Cathy Griffon. Which isn't a defense of her, just pointing out that the most "leftist" trash supports Trump in some clandestine, some overt, and some genuinely weird, reserve psychology ways, insofar as it's profitable.

Before his promises to Bibi, CNN was primarily responsible for getting Trump through the primaries with MASSIVE airtime. Which, if you remember what they did to Ron Paul, had to have been (mis)calculated. They either thought he was the only person Hillary could beat... or they are on board for Jerusalem and hate viewership ratings bumps.

Between De Vos's relative Erik Prince (XI, Blackwater, various private armies in Gulf States) and Cerberus' subsidiary: Dyncorp, Trump has a personal army too, loyal only to Wall Street.

Bannon / Breitbart came on board only after he'd promised Bibi Jerusalem and Bibi once slept in Kushners bed when he was 17.

Yair netanyahu posts Pepe.

Then there's the Ideology and Rhetoric. "Deep State" being applied to men like McMaster and Kelly makes "Soft Coup" some pretty serious projections, if you ask me. All they do is talk about identity politics and / or obscure Gulf Arab wahabi, salafist terror as Shia Iranian, Hezbollah, Pally or Muslim immigrants in general, while telling you to vote Neo-Con across the board.

Not to mention PNAC, Wesley Clark's list, Regime change... Assad / Saddam / Ghaddafi / Saleh / Harriri / Mubarak and the blockades of yemen, qatar and sudan.

When was the last time any of them talked conservative economics either, other than to clap like a Trisomic Seal over the Tax bill? While Steven Goldman-Sachs heads the Treasury, and a Jesuit who fought to raise the debt ceiling at all costs in 2011 and joined the Fed in 2012, helped tank Lehman and then started a Hedge Fund in 2008, is appointed Fed Chair?

There is a seriously dangerous convergence of Sociopaths, Abrahamic Memetics, Randian Objectivism and Manifest Destiny / Exceptionalism in the White House (which isn't any better or worse than Hillary would have been, BTW, if anyone mistakes me for a partisan) and all anyone talks about is Identity politics and SJWs crying. It's fucking laughable.

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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Wormholegenerator »

Just received my annual parental reminder that today's Pearl Harbor Day so I shouldn't eat Japanese Food.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

I'm sorry here-- no, wait I'm not-- I listened to this podcast without an opinion. As you carried on I realized just how sh*tty Star Wars is. How whiney and undeserving every member of the Skywalker lineage is and just how much better Star Trek is in everyway. You've got this wrong. The easy black and white of Star Wars is awful and silly. It's officially, lost it's charm for me. Especially, after killing the only character with real development in all of the movies- Han Solo (killed btw by another whiny annoying "chosen one" Skywalker). Give me Jean Luc, Data or Spock any day. Brains over midichlorians!
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

due to rampant antisemitism, I am deciding to shut down the comment section.

Just kidding, keep going at it you bastards.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

I watched phantom menace 16 times in the theater.

Tfa is my most hated movie of all time. If I could manifest a movie into a physical being that I could beat the shit out of, I would.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

Necrometer wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:06 pm
I watched phantom menace 16 times in the theater.

Tfa is my most hated movie of all time. If I could manifest a movie into a physical being that I could beat the shit out of, I would.

Google it. My name is "Varg Vikernes".

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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by ghost boner »

Anything that's worth something is usually hard to uptain. It takes dilegance and hard work to walk the hard road, but the outcome is always worth the journey.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

And therein lies the very nub of my gist.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by riley-o »

Revenge of the Sith is such a thematically rich and layered movie and that's why it's the best Star Wars film in the canon.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

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we're this fucking close to needing a prequel tardcomments thread
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

"Students linked arms but were mown down including soldiers. APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make 'pie' and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains."
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by riley-o »

This is a kind of smug ignorance arrogance. Are you 16 or something? Dilbert has provided more social pertinence in the 30 years(?) of it's existence than both Clintons and Donald could or have ever in their whole life.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by riley-o »

Jar Jar’s lowest moments triumph over a Poe Dameron one liner.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by Necrometer »

riley-o wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2017 4:17 pmThis is a kind of smug ignorance arrogance. Are you 16 or something? Dilbert has provided more social pertinence in the 30 years(?) of it's existence than both Clintons and Donald could or have ever in their whole life.
I saw the shittiest Dilbert in the paper today and my condescending groan was all the more satisfying with this in the back of my mind

going to bat for Dilbert :lol:
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

I just came out to my mom as bi AND THEN SHE CAME OUT TO ME AS BI, what a plot twist.
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Re: ridiculous out of context INTERNET comment repository

Post by FVBTVS »

YouTuber sorry for video showing dead body
Google it. My name is "Varg Vikernes".

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