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Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:02 pm
by Hell-haine
MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:36 pm
by monsterod
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
I'm pretty sure running into you while you're on e would be the best thing to ever happen to me.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:12 pm
by The Wages of Ben
I ate some mushrooms and went to see Alice in Wonderland in IMAX 3D yesterday. Good time. I've decided that I like acid more than mushrooms but both are fun.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:13 pm
by Dr Yail Bloor
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
its hella fun, the pure stuff anyway.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:35 pm
by monsterod
Dr Yail Bloor wrote:
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
its hella fun, the pure stuff anyway.
That's why I've never done it, personally. Who knows what you're really getting?

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:54 pm
by Friendly Goatus
monsterod wrote:
Dr Yail Bloor wrote:
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
its hella fun, the pure stuff anyway.
That's why I've never done it, personally. Who knows what you're really getting?
You've never done it because a) you've never had the chance or b) you're too much of a pussy because you're afraid of drugs of that nature, kind of like how you're afraid of dogs.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:58 pm
by smooth
Friendly Goatus wrote:
monsterod wrote:
Dr Yail Bloor wrote:
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
its hella fun, the pure stuff anyway.
That's why I've never done it, personally. Who knows what you're really getting?
You've never done it because a) you've never had the chance or b) you're too much of a pussy because you're afraid of drugs of that nature, kind of like how you're afraid of dogs.
But not into getting a mix of meth/coke/heroin which is an analog of MDMA...

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:25 pm
by Hell-haine
I'm sure Ross could get a hold of good MDMA Image

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:31 pm
by father of lies
zzzzzzzz wrote:Has anyone here done DMT? I smoked a good deal of it last year and it is a good 5-10 minute trip. The trip kicks in by the second hit and the first time I did it I was in a friends backyard and saw all the houses and trees sweep away in an atomic blast. It was never that intense afterwards, I would just see tree branches writhe and contort into weird grid patterns. I was told you could drink a strong batch of it and trip for hours, which sounds like fucking torture.
I was in a wooded waste area on a hill by my apartment. We had been cleaning out a lot of the garbage and things recently. Satyrs and dryads came out of the trees to thank me for my work.

The liquid is ayahuasca. DMT is the main active ingredient, but it's a completely different experience. It is absolutely vile to drink, makes you puke harder than you've ever puked in your life (I just gagged from typing that, no joke) and is often very very uncomfortable physically and INTENSELY introspective, often in a very dark way. It's pretty much God in a glass. If six hours of nausea and physical discomfort while vomiting black snakes of infinity and flying through your own mental hellscape doesn't sound like fun, it isn't. It isn't supposed to be. Taking psychedelics as an end in themselves, to have fun seeing whacky shit, is not cool. Stop that.

These are powerful tools, not fucking toys.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:43 pm
by jefferson
Dr Yail Bloor wrote:
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
its hella fun, the pure stuff anyway.
yup, you need the crystals. Everything is peaches on mdma.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:07 pm
by The Torsion
Ross on shrooms, well I never...

Maybe I'll try them sometime.

Never tried anything besides weed and coke. Of course I have a Vyvanse prescription, but amphetamines don't count.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:31 pm
by God
The Torsion wrote:Ross on shrooms

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:38 pm
by The Torsion
God wrote:
The Torsion wrote:Ross on shrooms
I imagine it's something like this, but with more science.

"Heh heh, hey Riley, I'm starting to feel weird. I think I'm freaking out"

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:40 pm
by Necrometer
I was definitely really not ok with the "squares" aka everyone who was not currently high.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:42 pm
by The Torsion
Necrometer wrote:I was definitely really not ok with the "squares" aka everyone who was not currently high.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:44 pm
by riley-o
the amount of times you stage-whispered "squaaaaaares" walking past people was probably closing in on triple digits...

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:26 pm
by Bored, Esq.
monsterod wrote:Who knows what you're really getting?
Rat poison.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:29 pm
by hana maru
monsterod wrote:
Dr Yail Bloor wrote:
Hell-haine wrote:MDMA was good too... I had really good times with it.
its hella fun, the pure stuff anyway.
That's why I've never done it, personally. Who knows what you're really getting?
if you're into it, you have a testing kit.

i used to get it from a friend that would basically buy it in bulk. he always made sure he knew what he was getting (testing). he liked something other than pure mdma - mda, i think? last stuff i got through him was pretty "speedy" but i don't remember what it was exactly.

there's at least one site that tests pills that are sold all over (since they're all given stupid names and are pressed in colors and with different designs but often all called "e") - if anyone cares

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:31 pm
by The Torsion
Fuckin' hana, Jesus.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:39 pm
by hana maru
hey man, it's been yearsssssssssss.

it used to be fun every great once in a while.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:57 pm
by zzzzzzzz
father of lies wrote:
zzzzzzzz wrote:Has anyone here done DMT? I smoked a good deal of it last year and it is a good 5-10 minute trip. The trip kicks in by the second hit and the first time I did it I was in a friends backyard and saw all the houses and trees sweep away in an atomic blast. It was never that intense afterwards, I would just see tree branches writhe and contort into weird grid patterns. I was told you could drink a strong batch of it and trip for hours, which sounds like fucking torture.
I was in a wooded waste area on a hill by my apartment. We had been cleaning out a lot of the garbage and things recently. Satyrs and dryads came out of the trees to thank me for my work.

The liquid is ayahuasca. DMT is the main active ingredient, but it's a completely different experience. It is absolutely vile to drink, makes you puke harder than you've ever puked in your life (I just gagged from typing that, no joke) and is often very very uncomfortable physically and INTENSELY introspective, often in a very dark way. It's pretty much God in a glass. If six hours of nausea and physical discomfort while vomiting black snakes of infinity and flying through your own mental hellscape doesn't sound like fun, it isn't. It isn't supposed to be. Taking psychedelics as an end in themselves, to have fun seeing whacky shit, is not cool. Stop that.

These are powerful tools, not fucking toys.
I'm interested in the introspection way more than the visual side of tripping and I've only tripped a handful of times in my life. I wanted to go to Brazil and meet Pablo Amaringo, he was having art classes with ayahuasca as a prerequisite, sadly he died last year.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 10:12 pm
by Frickin' Slayer
sum1 here plz tell me abt datura and also can u tell me abt ketamine n e firsthand experiences or stuf u learned wen u read abt it wuld Rule. and for ur trouble ive included this interview i found online of dr. david luke!

Psychedelics and paranormal experience: an interview with David Luke
by James Kent

David Luke is a parapsychology researcher at the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Psychological Processes, at the University of Northampton in the UK, where he researches paranormal beliefs and experiences, particularly in the context of altered states, such as via dreams and drugs. He and collaborator Marios Kittenis recently published "A preliminary survey of paranormal experiences with psychoactive drugs" in the Journal of Parapsychology, which reports on the responses from a 2005 survey of psychedelic drug users conducted via MAPS and other outlets. I recently had the chance to ask him about some of his findings.

JK: Looking at the percentages of particular paranormal phenomena reported by drug type -- such as psychedelics and mystical experience (44%) and relaxants and OBEs (36%) -- do you think this hints at the possibility of specific phenomenon being directly linked to specific receptor interactions within the brain?

DL: It would be hard to deny that there are specific neurotransmitter pathways being activated by different drugs, but it would take further research to answer your question directly. This is because it is not yet known whether it is the specific neurochemical action of the drug that causes these experiences directly or whether it is due to the states that they engender. These states may come about through a great variety of means, other than drugs, though it is conceivable that all altered states involve particular neurochemical changes. Nevertheless, These figures represent the percentage of people in the sample ever having these experiences on these drugs at any time in their life. The actual frequency with which they occur is generally quite low, usually just occasionally, although a few experiences seem to occur quite often with specific substances -- such as the experience of telepathy with cannabis and plant-entity encounters with psilocybin containing mushrooms -- but there might be stronger psychological or even transpersonal explanations for such experiences. You might expect these experiences to be more reliably repeatable if the specific neurochemistry were the only cause. Clearly set, setting, expectation, motivation, and maybe even some fundamentally esoteric properties of our ontology are at work -- because these experiences might actually be 'real' in some sense.

One way in which we might begin to distinguish between neurochemical and psychological-state causes of such experiences would be to conduct ESP experiments with people under the influence of a particular drug and compare their performance and experience to people who were reliving the experience under-post hypnotic suggestion. Fortunately this technique now appears more viable. Arthur Hastings of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in California recently published a paper in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs (2006, 38, 273-283) indicating success at re-inducing full MDMA experiences through post-hypnotic suggestion. ESP experiments could be applied to such a technique and begin to answer your question further.

I noticed that relaxants polled just as high or even higher than psychedelics, dissociatives, and empathogens in terms of overall psi response, yet in the terms of this study relaxants are ambiguously defined as substances similar to GHB. How was the class "relaxants" defined to the survey group. Did it surprise you that this class polled so high in psi response across the board?

For this study we defined relaxants as drugs -- such as kava kava and GHB, or GBL -- not falling into any of the other categories. Yes it did surprise us to see that such a group of drugs was the only one to give us any correlation between ESP experience frequency and the reported frequency of consumption, but this relationship was very small and probably artefactual, as there were so few people in our sample reporting use of these substances, and neither was there anyone reporting any specific experiences with these substances. It seems the same artefact may apply for all the correlations between the frequency of relaxant-consumption and paranormal experience, perhaps with the exception of entity-encounter experience. It might seem surprising that this last experience is concomitant with use of these drugs, but outside of this survey I have heard reports of people with GBL habits who quit and had extremely bizarre withdrawal effects -- open-eye 'hallucinations' of elves clambering around for hours fixing non-existent plumbing, that sort of thing. So entity encounters may be a genuine correlate of lactone use, or more specifically a sudden lack of lactone use.

In your discussion of the results you note that, "There were also varying degrees of near-significant correlations between Death (NDE), non-Causality, and Entity-experiences with the frequency of use of relaxants, dissociatives, and psychedelics." Isn't this just another way of saying that the more often you do it the farther out you get?

Yes, that's certainly a simpler way of putting it. Higher frequency of consumption of specific types of drugs leads to a higher frequency of specific transpersonal or paranormal experiences, like meeting entities on DMT. These results are consistent with the notion that it isn't something particular to the people who use these substances that causes them to report more experiences, but rather that it is the use of the drugs themselves that increases their propensity to have these experiences. I don't think this is news to most people who have taken quantities of psychedelics, say, but strangely this finding has been almost completely unreported anywhere in scientific journals, except in the context of cannabis-induced thought-transmission experiences as symptoms of psychosis. Clearly lots of people are having such paranormal experiences with psychedelic-type drugs without it causing them psychosis, or else everyone who took these drugs would be in psychiatric care, yet these drug-induced experiences are virtually never discussed within the scientific community. I can only imagine that there are thousands or even millions of people having chemically-inspired paranormal-type experiences and yet it calmly passes without even a whisper within academia.

What was the biggest surprise you found in the survey?

One thing that did surprise me was the virtual absence of reports of telepathy and other ESP phenomena with ayahuasca and DMT, because ayahuasca is reputedly quite potent in inducing telepathic and clairvoyant experiences. One of the active principles, harmaline, was even called 'telepathine' when it was first isolated from this decoction in the 1920s. However, the lack of this association may be due to the small number of people reporting ayahuasca use in our survey. I would like to ask more people about their experience with this before making any conclusions.

What are you working on next?

As a parapsychologist I'm interested in following up the potential of these substances in accompanying genuine psychic phenomena, such as ESP, psychokinesis and psychic healing, though it is obviously difficult to conduct direct research in this area. I've found an interesting relationship between ESP task performance and reports of psychedelic drug consumption in a precognition experiment recently, but this needs verifying. Next, I'm planning to go to Madagascar, South Africa and the Amazon to conduct experimental psi research within traditional healing ceremonies and the like and hope to compare psychoactive plant using communities with non-plant using communities. I think in order to investigate this area in any depth there is a need to return to the source, so to speak.

I'm going to be using quite a novel approach by observing the output of true random event generators, called fieldREGs, and seeing if healers can bring some order out of the chaos. Obviously this isn't directly comparable to healing organic systems but it may give us some clue as to what healers are capable of, or not, though conveniently this is a portable and non-intrusive means of investigating psi in the field. I hope to back up this method with some more traditional remote viewing type ESP tests with people who claim they can utilise clairvoyance and the like, with and without plants to help them. I might be gone for a while.

Reference: A preliminary survey of paranormal experiences with psychoactive drugs By David P. Luke and Marios Kittenis (2005). Journal of Parapsychology, 69 (2), 305-327.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-03-12 18:06:53 permalink | comments

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:34 pm
by 12 Months of Mao
Storage tip I heard from a crusty hippie chick at a party recently: honey. Anyone ever tried that? Makes sense. Wish I'd done that previously, but at this point they aren't getting any more dry.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:51 am
by Jerrod
12 Months of Mao wrote:Storage tip I heard from a crusty hippie chick at a party recently: honey. Anyone ever tried that? Makes sense. Wish I'd done that previously, but at this point they aren't getting any more dry.
Why make a mess of things? Just store them in a plastic bag in a drawer somewhere.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:46 pm
by CoconutBackwards1
fecal flakes wrote:
Comrade Slinky wrote:Bad trips build character. Seriously.
Not always true. When I was in high school some friends and I got our hands on really pure liquid LSD. Took about 5 hits one Saturday night while one friends parents were out of town, thinking 5 wouldn't be too much. One buddy let his mind wander to the point he convinced himself he was God. Started screaming at us repeating he was God. Totally broke reality. Freaked us out to the point one person recommended hitting him in the jaw to knock him out (we were all lit). I advised against it, they called a sober friend in the confusion to pick them up, left me there with crazy God buddy. Who at this point was in the street screaming he was God (we knew the cops were on the way). I had the pleasure of running out of the house and running all the way home, tripping balls, at midnight in the dangerous suburbs. Crazy buddy eventually walked into traffic, and started to jump on cars, proclaiming he was God. One driver got out and beat his ass. Cops/ambulance came, sedated him, he woke up in a hospital, restrained, having no clue what the hell happened. Got charges filed on him, and we all didn't see him for awhile.

Didn't really build any of our characters up much. I still remember running home (which was miles away) and hearing him screaming for what seemed like hours. Then there was the whole not wanting to go to jail either aspect.

That was the worst trip I've had. :(

This is a good/funny story.

This story is also the reason why I won't do it. Too many ways things can go horribly wrong. I don't want to get thrown in jail for being in the middle of the street yelling at cars and people that "I'm God".