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Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:04 am
by Cascade Whore
MeatGrease wrote:
riley-o wrote:
MeatGrease wrote:
riley-o wrote:Jesus Christ Racialist13, you see those statistics as evidence of black people being prone to crime and not an indictment of an entire system that funnels them into prisons. Stick to eating hamburgers dude.
So then what is the fucking conclusion we are supposed to draw from this? You are effectively arguing that blacks are otherwise peaceful until their hands are moved by hostile outside forces. They are just being "funneled" into prison??? For what reason????

You literally said one of the dumbest things a person could say and now you're trying to back pedal out of it. Don't blame me for making such a stupidly hamfisted argument.
You're so dumb that you're incapable of understanding distinctions and then blame the person you're misunderstanding for your own lack of reading comprehension ? I'm shocked that you're so fucking stupid based on all the evidence so far ! I really am ! accountability for your blunders then....

I'm being very generous and giving you an opportunity to quantify your statement

You said blacks were "funneled into prisons" and that the statistics on their rates of offense were an indictment of "the system"...not blacks themselves

So I'm giving you an opportunity to redeem yourself. For what reason are blacks "funneled" into prison???? Why are blacks disproportionately incarcerated????
I've already given an answer to this about three fucking times. The savior of the white race is too stupid to live

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:43 am
by MeatGrease
What....that blacks are arrested for stupid drug crimes?

That's your brilliant fucking foil :lol:

First of all blacks are the only people stupid enough to be arrested for petty crimes...not immediately chimping out upon first contact with a police officer is a really easy way to not escalate a situation to a point where you need to get shot...something completely lost on blacks

Typical encounter between blacks and police:

Second of all...the logic behind arresting blacks for low level crimes is quite sound. It's called " broken window policing"....a black selling crack cocaine will eventually end up murdering some white kid or an old lady...this is a by incarcerating a black for selling drugs brazenly you end up preventing more serious crime from occurring. Mass incarceration is the only reason we are swamped with Mexicans instead of blacks. Welfare queens are spawning criminals faster than the criminal justice system can jail them. But only slightly.

Even so, the numbers still prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that blacks are jailed below their rates of offense. It would completely exhaust our resources if we jailed every black per violent crime.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:15 am
by Cascade Whore
No moron, what I said was that even though blacks and whites consume illegal drugs at approximately the same rate blacks are 300% more likely to be convicted of those drug crimes. Thats how they are being "funneled" into prisons. But you'll just say "that's not a real statistic". Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. Let's go back to our favorite city, Ferguson. Do you remember all that stuff about how the 90% white police force that patrols an 80% black town seemed to have only one purpose but to shake people down with endless petty fees and arrests to generate tax revenue? You don't believe or understand or just plain ignore that this type of victimization by the police inflicted on minority's happens A LOT in the racist shit hole towns across America?

You cherry pick numbers to support your narrative while accusing others of doing the exact same thing. Do you have any idea how stupid that makes you look? For someone who hates the Jews you sure love sucking the cock of the disgusting money grubbing for profit prison system.

Why the fuck are you here? Are you just a troll? You have to realize if your posts are forthright that literally NO ONE here is on your side on ANY of the positions you have. Even Chad seems to think your completely full of shit half the time. Just post on stormfront where you can be with your own kind.

You are a worthless piece of white trash shit meatgrease. And I hope a gigantic bull nigger cop rips your asshole inside out over an illegal u-turn

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:48 am
by MeatGrease

You actually picked one of my favorite talking points to dispute.

It turns out the claim that blacks and whites use drugs at the same rate is....totally false!

The research shows that if you actually drug test blacks at the moment of their testimony regarding their drug use...*drum roll*...they lie!!! Way out of proportion relative to whites. Surprise!!! ... r-big-lie/

But let's assume for a moment this fantasy that whites and blacks use crack cocaine at approximately the same rate was true: a complete farce no one in their right mind would believe, but your argument is so terrible, even if it got at least a few things right, it would still be wrong. It could easily be explained that blacks are more often sentenced than whites for drug crimes simply due to the fact that they are much more likely than whites to have prior felonious convictions. There are dozens of states with "3 strikes you're out" or "mandatory sentencing" laws on the books...Oregon being among one of those states. Again, blacks are statistically far more likely to engage in career criminal behavior. It only makes sense they would be sentenced more harshly for a petty crack cocaine offense...if they have been previously found guilty of a multitude of other petty crimes.

Eventually, you will run out of lies to spin.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:55 am
by MeatGrease
In a city like Ferguson...The black community is nearly entirely welfare dependent, criminal element.

There is no money to extract from these "people", and believe me, it takes the full extent of my benevolence to refer to them as such.

There is no wealth in Ferguson to siphon off. It's a federally subsidized money pit. Just like Chicago or Detroit. The police do all but they can to prevent it from descending into Little Rwanda. And yet it's still not enough.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:54 am
by featherboa
Why are you here?

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:24 am
by Cascade Whore

Hey look, I can also post graphs! And it's from a real source not "American Renaissance"

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:51 am
by Cascade Whore
MeatGrease wrote:Image
Total life time white percentage in 2011 was 51.1% vs black use age for life time was only 45.5%? Am I reading it wrong?

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:52 am
by Cascade Whore

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:16 pm
by Joe Buck
The buck stops here.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 4:55 pm
Shut up mitch.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:41 pm
by the awesome Assassin
BUNGVOX wrote:Shut up mitch.
Post something you've done... In the past 3 years or so?

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:21 pm
Shut up mitch.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:42 am
by MeatGrease
Cascade Whore wrote:
MeatGrease wrote:Image
Total life time white percentage in 2011 was 51.1% vs black use age for life time was only 45.5%? Am I reading it wrong?
Yes you are you big dummy

The whole point is that blacks are ten times more likely to "I-I aint neva done no cocaine!" if they can't get caught when they're answering for lifetime. If blacks are asked "okay DeyTron, have you done crack in the last month? We can find out", enough blacks admit to it so that the number is higher than whites, since the outcome will be revealed anyway. That's one of the studies in the amren article, not done by them.

I really have no idea why you defend blacks so vehemently. The feeling isn't mutual.

This is your fucking hero?

On obvious charlatan, adopting the cadence of blacks so that they can understand him? This guy's entire career is teaching blacks the words to rent seek. A lot of half truths, outright nonsense, all wrapped up in some shitty slam poetry delivery?


It's bullshit designed for low IQ genetic garbage.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 2:19 am
by Cascade Whore
I'll talk extremely slow for you and your extra chromosome. Both your graph and the one I posted are aparantly both from SAMHSA and yes, there's a marked increase of crack consumption amongst blacks yet plain old cocaine was slightly HIGHER for whites. All other drugs appeared to be slightly higher for blacks. Why the fuck should consumption of drugs be a crime to begin with? This is where the libertarians are the stopped clock that is right twice a day. But continue enjoying spending your tax dollars on the DEA and paying a drug lords bloody pay check with your moronic family values bullshit. Once again, fuck you.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:21 am
by Eight Bit Alien

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 1:07 am
by MeatGrease
Cascade Whore wrote:I'll talk extremely slow for you and your extra chromosome. Both your graph and the one I posted are aparantly both from SAMHSA and yes, there's a marked increase of crack consumption amongst blacks yet plain old cocaine was slightly HIGHER for whites. All other drugs appeared to be slightly higher for blacks. Why the fuck should consumption of drugs be a crime to begin with? This is where the libertarians are the stopped clock that is right twice a day. But continue enjoying spending your tax dollars on the DEA and paying a drug lords bloody pay check with your moronic family values bullshit. Once again, fuck you.

I've already said before, it's a demonstrable, criminological fact that a black selling crack cocaine will eventually commit a violent crime. Physically removing them provides some mediation to the cost they impose on society. Shooting them is an even cheaper solution. Only in theory would it be less expensive for the tax payer to not incarcerate them. There are many hidden costs associated with having ten million crack niggers running around. You don't know anything about economics, but harboring a population that is literally 1/3rd criminal element is totally unsustainable.

Again, I have no idea why you would defend blacks of all people. If you walked into a black neighborhood, you wouldn't make it from one end to the other. They don't think fat tittied faggits defending them are cool. They would probably knock your punk ass out just because it would be funny. And easy.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:28 am
by Cascade Whore
The question was why should substances be illegal in the first place to create a black market. (no pun on intended) I grew up around Oakland and you live in Portland, have you ever even seen a black person? :lol:

EDIT: the high school I went to had bullies and hoodlums of all races but the largest element was blacks. I've probably experienced infinitely more antagonist behavior from young black men then you ever have since you believe that I am niave. Do you really think your ideas are from some great wellspring of knowledge? It's the same kind of shit that rolled around in my head when I was a teenager. The cognitive dissonance of that fact should hopefully give you a nosebleed.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:52 am
by hipster holocaust
Cascade Whore wrote:The question was why should substances be illegal in the first place to create a black market. (no pun on intended) I grew up around Oakland and you live in Portland, have you ever even seen a black person? :lol:
Hey man, when I lived in Portland I lived in THE BLACK SECTION. Had to have been at least...30% black.

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:50 pm
by featherboa

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:27 pm

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 8:16 pm
by elephants gerald
to be fair, the cop DID tell him to stop being black several times

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:48 am
by postaddiction
a new level

of incompetence

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:47 am
by hipster holocaust
Can't wait to see how our favorite white knight tries to spin this one...

Re: The Pigs

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:43 am
by Black Jacques