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Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:54 am
by Honky Kong 64
I'm reading Casanova right now and loving every minute of it. It's like Pynchon and Gibson collabing on spy comics. Brilliant.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:21 am
by ungodlywarlock
IFryKids wrote:
spacehamster wrote:Annihilation Book 3

The conclusion to the Annihilation story is fucking fantastic. Things just keep getting bigger and crazier until Galactus blows up everything, basically, and since it's Keith Giffen, it somehow manages to stay relatable and character-driven even when shit happens like a giant space bug from the Negative Zone called Annihilus building a planet-destroying cannon out of Galactus' half-dead body. 9/10

Unfortunately the book also contains a series of self-contained epilogues about the heralds of Galactus that consist mostly of funky-looking characters without faces or discernible motivations floating through space waxing exposition about the "power cosmic" before... killing someone or blowing something up and then maybe having a little dialogue scene with Galactus or something. Boring, self-serving, and most of them have shitty art to boot. 5/10 because the first one is good, it's just all the others.
I had stayed out of comics for like 12 years, but Annihilation is what brought me back. :tup:

Nova pulling Annihilus's innards through his mouth. :moreawesome:
The best part is that it just keeps going....
Annihilation Conquest
Guardians of the Galaxy
War of Kings
Realm of Kings
The Thanos Imperative

...ALL fucking awesome.
While Annihilation is still probably the strongest of them (Although Thanos Imperative comes close), anything by Dan Abbnet and Andy Lanning do with the Marvel cosmic stuff is pretty awesome.

I'm really annoyed they are on hiatus right now, though. My comic box has been pretty light lately.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 10:30 am
by IFryKids
ungodlywarlock wrote:
IFryKids wrote:
spacehamster wrote:Annihilation Book 3

The conclusion to the Annihilation story is fucking fantastic. Things just keep getting bigger and crazier until Galactus blows up everything, basically, and since it's Keith Giffen, it somehow manages to stay relatable and character-driven even when shit happens like a giant space bug from the Negative Zone called Annihilus building a planet-destroying cannon out of Galactus' half-dead body. 9/10

Unfortunately the book also contains a series of self-contained epilogues about the heralds of Galactus that consist mostly of funky-looking characters without faces or discernible motivations floating through space waxing exposition about the "power cosmic" before... killing someone or blowing something up and then maybe having a little dialogue scene with Galactus or something. Boring, self-serving, and most of them have shitty art to boot. 5/10 because the first one is good, it's just all the others.
I had stayed out of comics for like 12 years, but Annihilation is what brought me back. :tup:

Nova pulling Annihilus's innards through his mouth. :moreawesome:
The best part is that it just keeps going....
Annihilation Conquest
Guardians of the Galaxy
War of Kings
Realm of Kings
The Thanos Imperative

...ALL fucking awesome.
While Annihilation is still probably the strongest of them (Although Thanos Imperative comes close), anything by Dan Abbnet and Andy Lanning do with the Marvel cosmic stuff is pretty awesome.

I'm really annoyed they are on hiatus right now, though. My comic box has been pretty light lately.
They have been doing that Annihilators thing, which is a team of The Silver Surfer, Ronan, Gladiator, Quasar, Beta Ray Bill. The first mini was kinda boring so I didn't finish it. They're doing a new one where they come to Earth, so I might check that out.

They really need to bring Nova back. He was the cornerstone of the cosmic line relaunch. Starlord too.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:37 am
by The Real MPD
Uncanny X-Force: Deathlok Nation - 7.5

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:53 am
by IFryKids
Meanwhile, in DCNU....



Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 7:21 am
by spacehamster
Lesson learned from this: in the long run, Frank Miller always wins.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:46 am
by BroMan
IFryKids wrote:
ungodlywarlock wrote:
IFryKids wrote:
spacehamster wrote:Annihilation Book 3

The conclusion to the Annihilation story is fucking fantastic. Things just keep getting bigger and crazier until Galactus blows up everything, basically, and since it's Keith Giffen, it somehow manages to stay relatable and character-driven even when shit happens like a giant space bug from the Negative Zone called Annihilus building a planet-destroying cannon out of Galactus' half-dead body. 9/10

Unfortunately the book also contains a series of self-contained epilogues about the heralds of Galactus that consist mostly of funky-looking characters without faces or discernible motivations floating through space waxing exposition about the "power cosmic" before... killing someone or blowing something up and then maybe having a little dialogue scene with Galactus or something. Boring, self-serving, and most of them have shitty art to boot. 5/10 because the first one is good, it's just all the others.
I had stayed out of comics for like 12 years, but Annihilation is what brought me back. :tup:

Nova pulling Annihilus's innards through his mouth. :moreawesome:
The best part is that it just keeps going....
Annihilation Conquest
Guardians of the Galaxy
War of Kings
Realm of Kings
The Thanos Imperative

...ALL fucking awesome.
While Annihilation is still probably the strongest of them (Although Thanos Imperative comes close), anything by Dan Abbnet and Andy Lanning do with the Marvel cosmic stuff is pretty awesome.

I'm really annoyed they are on hiatus right now, though. My comic box has been pretty light lately.
They have been doing that Annihilators thing, which is a team of The Silver Surfer, Ronan, Gladiator, Quasar, Beta Ray Bill. The first mini was kinda boring so I didn't finish it. They're doing a new one where they come to Earth, so I might check that out.

They really need to bring Nova back. He was the cornerstone of the cosmic line relaunch. Starlord too.
Nova will be coming back! It's been teased for a few months I believe. If he returns, Starlord should as well. However, if both of them return then oh shit Thanos will be back! Shouldn't the new run of Annihilators be returning shortly in around a month or so?

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:31 am
by IFryKids
I haven't seen Nova's return solicited anywhere. Where have you seen that? And yeah, the Annihilators is about to start back up, I think. I barely care about them at all though.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:58 am
by The Real MPD
House of M - 5

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:50 am
by IFryKids
The Real MPD wrote:House of M - 5
"no more mutants" :drool:

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:28 am
by spacehamster
The Authority: The Lost Year 6/10

This was co-written by Grant Morrison and Keith Giffen, and after the completely horrible pile of shit that the last regular Authority book was, I was kinda hoping this would be one last good thing that was done with these characters. Turns out it was really mediocre. It's basically a series of more or less self contained episodes of them encountering and usually fighting alternate versions of themselves, with different artists for every alternate reality, most of them not very good. The last two-parter where they end up on an earth where their alternate reality counterparts are running a genocidal dictatorship was good and the art in that one was beautiful, but the rest was all somewhere between "okay", "meh" and "sucks".

I remember way back when Ellis said he was done with these characters, I kinda knew nobody would ever be able to do them right again. Millar actually pulled it off, but ever since then it just hasn't been working. Almost makes me glad Wildstorm is dead, at least stuff like this can't happen anymore. Although DC has decided to give Stormwatch yet another ass raping. Sigh.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:43 am
by spacehamster
Frank Miller's Holy Terror - 4/10

About as lazy as I thought. Slightly better written than expected in some parts, and some pages look kind of nice. Unbelievably stupid story, and considerably more blatantly racist than I thought.

Best moment: Catwom... err, I mean... well, that chick who totally isn't Catwoman rants for almost an entire page (the rest is taken up by a silent panel of Obama and four panels of a dude with a beard beating the shit out of a woman in a Burqa with a crowbar, completely unrelated to the plot, but obviously very related to the book's ideology) about the secrecy at the mosque where the bad guys are hiding in... an underground... city... built by... a race of madmen (I dunno, this is dealt with in one panel), and how almost nobody ever gets in, but this is where they plan their bad evil terrisist stuff. Then on the next page, she marches straight in and nobody stops her because she's wearing a Niqab. LOL.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Some of this still has trace evidence of the fact that Frank Miller was, at one time, a narrative genius, and is still competent even when he tries his damnedest not to be, so I can't honestly rate it a zero, but Jesus fucking Christ, what a horrible, horrible mess this is. At least it's a quick read. I said I was going to read this, and if it's as bad as I have to expect, I'm done with Frank Miller. The last good thing this guy wrote was, what? 300? Back in 1998? Fucking retire already, douchebag.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:09 pm
by rape bear
spacehamster wrote:Frank Miller's Holy Terror - 4/10

About as lazy as I thought. Slightly better written than expected in some parts, and some pages look kind of nice. Unbelievably stupid story, and considerably more blatantly racist than I thought.

Best moment: Catwom... err, I mean... well, that chick who totally isn't Catwoman rants for almost an entire page (the rest is taken up by a silent panel of Obama and four panels of a dude with a beard beating the shit out of a woman in a Burqa with a crowbar, completely unrelated to the plot, but obviously very related to the book's ideology) about the secrecy at the mosque where the bad guys are hiding in... an underground... city... built by... a race of madmen (I dunno, this is dealt with in one panel), and how almost nobody ever gets in, but this is where they plan their bad evil terrisist stuff. Then on the next page, she marches straight in and nobody stops her because she's wearing a Niqab. LOL.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Some of this still has trace evidence of the fact that Frank Miller was, at one time, a narrative genius, and is still competent even when he tries his damnedest not to be, so I can't honestly rate it a zero, but Jesus fucking Christ, what a horrible, horrible mess this is. At least it's a quick read. I said I was going to read this, and if it's as bad as I have to expect, I'm done with Frank Miller. The last good thing this guy wrote was, what? 300? Back in 1998? Fucking retire already, douchebag.
I only looked through this, because it looked so mind-numbingly ignorant I didn't want to waste my time reading it, but all I could notice were all the stupid Sin City cliches. Worst of all though, it seemed like they were amped up exponentially to hide the stupid story. Its as if he's just trying to live off of that aesthetic since the movie. (i.e. The Spirit movie [/douchechills]) I would actually read it, but I'm not going to bother spending any money on it.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:24 pm
by james
I seriously didn't think that was ever going to see a release...!

must read

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:25 am
by spacehamster
james wrote: must read
Yeah, after all the hubbub, that's how I felt about it. But now, really, honestly and for real this time, I'm done with Frank Miller. I can't watch this slow-motion self destruct thing anymore.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:50 pm
by The Real MPD
Annihilation - 9.5

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:18 am
by Krieg
Deus Ex Human Revolution: 8/10

And it was the first comic I read in the iPad2 what is in my opinion the perfect device for such task.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 3:01 am
by spacehamster
Yeah, that Deus Ex comic was surprisingly good.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:04 am
by pooptastik
anyone read "A God Somewhere?"

saw it at my local comic book store and was their staff pick for a while now.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:01 pm
by BroMan
Incognito: Bad Influences
9 out of 10
Again another well done comic from the Criminal crew. I have little to complain about besides the ending. The ending kind of leaves you hanging for the next volume of Incognito to see what kind of shit happens to Zack Overkill next. So far they haven't jumped the shark like the crew on Irredeemable have.

I can't wait for the next Criminal story to be released on trade. I couldn't read those in single issues with how well they're written.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:29 pm
by spacehamster
Batman #1 - 9/10

Well, they clearly wanted to make a splash with this one, and it works. The Batman books didn't need a big overhaul, they've been in a pretty good place lately, and luckily, Snyder just continues that. Batman punches bad guys, Batman plays CSI, and a nice cliffhanger at the end. They're also making a point of having a believable big-time exec Bruce Wayne, and that works just fine and dandy too.

But I really just bought this because Greg Capullo's art never fails to give me a boner, and I sure got what I paid for. The guy's a goddamn genius.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:08 am
by Krieg
Bring us real comics just like you brought real movies to the board.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:10 am
by spacehamster
Computer coloring became the norm in American comics like 20 years ago, grampa. If anything, the trend these days is actually to dial it back a little, even a lot of mainstream books don't really have the super-flashy look anymore.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:33 am
by IFryKids
spacehamster wrote:Computer coloring became the norm in American comics like 20 years ago, grampa. If anything, the trend these days is actually to dial it back a little, even a lot of mainstream books don't really have the super-flashy look anymore.
The problem is that most of the artists w/ the super-flashy look fall behind schedule. Olivier Coipel is a perfect example of this. I hope they're figuring this out.

Re: Last Comic Book You Read 1-10

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:52 am
by spacehamster
Wonder Woman #1 - 9/10

I can't believe I'm saying this about a Wonder Woman comic, but so far this is actually my favorite of the DC relaunches, and since the only ones left that I have any intention to read are GL and GLC where I don't think the continuity has been changed... yeah. What a fucking great comic. Not all that shocking given Azzarello writes it, but still.

Action Comics #1 - 7/10

I kinda hated this all the way up to the last page, and then I changed my mind. I guess shouldn't really come as a surprise that what sells this in the end is Morrison's version of Lex Luthor. But the rest of it... meh. I'm okay with the idea of a more grounded Superman who can be hurt and whose costume is basically a t-shirt with an S on it, but Clark Kent is basically Peter Parker here, Jim Gordon's slightly dumber twin brother somehow makes an appearance, and the portrayal of Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen is outright campy. And someone really needs to tell Morrison that he does an incredibly shitty "self-aware" campy. It's the same problem as some of his Batman work. Oh well. I'll keep reading this for a bit to see where it's going.

So far, this DC relaunch really isn't so bad. There seems to be a good focus on trimming away the fat and just writing interesting stories using what works about these characters. Batman and Wonder Woman are definitely keepers, at least for as long as the current creative teams stick around.