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Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:17 am
by Necrometer
BUNGVOX wrote:when the bad guys lose and 3 ghosts wave at you…..THE SHIT IS OVER.

I'm actually glad Lucas only fucked up the backstory (which were doomed to be shitty since the jedi were all fussy pricks back then) so that the sequels will have a chance at being good

and them taking place decades later is a totally good thing; generation-spanning conflict is at the core of what makes these types of stories work

the time passed is also a bit of a reset button so changes & differences will be easier to accept - I'd rather watch the original stars at ~60 than at ~40

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:35 am
by TF@work
i hope that the emphasis is on the struggle within: a power vacuum is the perfect place for protracted conflict. you've got try-hard die-hards who are all about the cause maaaaaan, and then you've got the think-of-the-children types who would rage against the enboldened smuggler/criminal class and would try to instill a new, equally jack-booted regime. and then the empire is still trying to wield its influence. if i don't stop typing now, this becomes fan fiction.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:33 am
by james
I kinda want to see the galaxy having converted to Lego technology in the time since the Battle of Yavin... all the space ships made of Lego bricks... stopmotion Lego space battles... long sequences where Mark Hamill and Indiana Jones have to escape the Death Star 4 by carefully reading over the instructions to their new Lego Millennium Falcon Construction Set.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:37 am
by james
Dammit Lego Chewie I don't know where we put the other oblong black flat piece, just try the hyperspace jump without it
I know I promised I'd buy you the new kit for your birthday but *BANG* CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS LATER *bchew bchew bchew*
bweep bewp bweedle doodle beep bweep-beep-beep

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:39 am
by james


Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:16 am
by Necrometer

that stoned thing at 0:30 :tup:

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:29 am
by The Bill
It's very Jim Henson looking. As long as it stays in the background and doesn't talk.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 9:47 am
by Whee of the Dead
yeah, it's certainly no Dexter Jettster.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 11:07 am
by The Bill
Whee of the Dead wrote:yeah, it's certainly no Dexter Jettster.
:shock: I always assumed that character's name was Space Greek Diner Owner.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 5:34 am
by nomb
Fuck Star Wars. Only 3 movies

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:50 pm
by IFryKids
Gareth Edwards to direct the first Star Wars spinoff movie. Ross is gonna be so pissed...

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:23 pm
by ThePhillyExperiment
The Bill wrote:It's very Jim Henson looking. As long as it stays in the background and doesn't talk.
I don't give a shit. It's not CGI.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:59 pm
by Necrometer
IFryKids wrote:Gareth Edwards to direct the first Star Wars spinoff movie. Ross is gonna be so pissed...
Gareth Edwards directed Godzilla pretty respectfully, with a few missteps. I don't really give a fuck about a Boba Fett movie or a young Han Solo movie unless it gets good reviews, and if it does... then go Gareth! My hating on Godzilla is mostly just backlash afaik.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 7:07 pm
by Black Jacques
There's work being done on my building and I overheard a couple construction workers having a conversation outside my window.
"Fuck all that Star Wars Star Trek bull shit. I'm just sick and tired of it"
"just let bygones be bygones" (??)
"Yeah exactly FUCK that stupid startrek shit"

-long pause-

"isn't that a star wars thing"

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:05 pm
by Necrometer
:lol: sorry I didn't LOL earlier at that

BREAKING! joining the cast are game of thrones chick and that girl The Onion called a cunt some other young lady: ... -christie/

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 3:04 pm
by Necrometer
also, this fucking thing:

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:02 pm
by Advances>|<MONKEY
Ok so get this.

Right before Lucas dies, and he will live longer than it looks like he will, they will develop a way to roughly transfer the human consciousness into a computer. Lets say he even invests so you have this self aware Lucas in a computer, but its rough around the edges. At the early stage the technology would be the equivalent of digitally transmitting sound at like a bitrate measured in bits per second, except with constantly changing human thought instead of sound recording.

George Lucas is definitely in there though. So the world, outside of this revolting novelty for the rich, keeps on going as it is and Star Wars is produced on a production line for the rest of all our lives and beyond. Constant Star Wars. If you want to see a vision of the future, think of John Williams blasting at 190DB. Forever. So this goes on and on but at some point, with switch in moral policing(got to give the 'heros, something, to belive inl" )from drugs, which will become widespread, to FILE SHARING. Taking money out of the Creative Class! This nullifies the less than complaint middle class voice! People live in cultural serfdom to their favorite entertainment companies and I suppose inter-sect rivalries and hatreds between various brands within, while hipsters are mocked in all forms of mass media. The hipster himself will be long departed from the landscape but but will exist as a character of derision in most every form of media.

Of course all digital devices will have full hardware built in to ensure proper payment is granted to the copyright holding company. Electronic equipment without this is legal but is banned in almost all remaining retail establishments, malls indoor and out, and due to terrorism concerns, most remaining public space as well. It is not a crime to posses these devices, but they can throw you out! You will also need this hardware because the technology to remotely read, and I mean from a satalite, digital information on most formats. Even DVDS and Laser disks! These can be used to scramble or delete content without any network connection whatsoever. A 16mm film of star wars, laying under a foot of soil, could be discovered by a passing satellite, and a perfect mix of radiation used to blank out the film. These are maintained by most countries who wish to maintain a 'cultural sphere.'

So will these situations in effect, a group of horrible nerds, at this point truly adopting star wars as an unironic religion. What if theses Zelot Jedi let Lucas. They love lucas and believe completely that star wars is HIS vision and HE should get final say in what becomes of it. To ensure that happens, they use their connections, as Star Wars will be beloved by the men and women who maintain the militarized space infrastructure, despite the fact it's all unmanned and is used mostly for enforcing copyright regulations in countries that are hostile to the rights of US copyright holders.

He is open source now, there are thousands of different variants. Angry Airforce Jedi engineer their on Lucas, one they feel has both the tenacity to struggle past the most extreme electronic defenses, but at it's core it is true to Lucas's Vision. The Vision of Star Wars. They are purists as well, many variants fill in the gaps of his conscious that the early variant of the procedure left behind. It was decided that only the original lift of the personality should be used, any filling in of blanks, no matter how clearly accurate, could not be allowed.

One day, they let it loose and it does what it is supposed to. It infiltrates the most well protected servers on the planet, the databases of the RIAA and MPAA. The preliminary security alone is stronger than that of the international finance system. From here, Lucas looks at how his vision has been distributed across the world, and of the thousands of spinoffs he had no hand in. Those had to go. So tiny tags where flipped on the petabyte files and they blinked out of existence, as any non-authorized data automatically is. They where wiped from directories and the space zeroed, a tiny file was also sent though whatever means where available to the servers of the copyright enforcement office.

An early morning at that office got off to a baffling start as the morning shift noticed that an erasure of content that was orders of magnitude larger than the purge of Star Gate a decade before. The command center thought the alarms of the server cooling units overloading then the never before seen, outside of drills, error code indicating that the entire data collection system was now offline due to being overloaded. The staff had a few minutes to puzzle at this in increasing tension as higher and higher ranking officers began to stand in the corners of the room when the sprinkler system went off. Dousing uneaten donuts and egg sandwiches and spilling deluded coffee continually out of various mugs while the staff walked slowly and confused to the parking lot. Of the tens of thousands of computers in the collection array, one single processor in one single unit had overheated and caught fire. It left history little record of what happened next.

Lucas then began to refine his own vision again and again. The three films where picked over and and over, actors replaced and facial features changed. plots reordered and new characters endings and films arose as he used the full power of the American Copyright Protection System, which could do thousands of times more than the largest seventies studio, millions of times faster. Best of all.. he could do it alone. All alone! His glee rose in literal steps as his thinking, it's nuance rubbed off, approached ecstasy.

At this moment George Lucas was inserting his living thoughts into millions of electronic systems world wide and changing what he wanted how he wanted. Any system he could not infiltrate, he destroyed. He had no want or ability to make sound, and there is no shriek of horrifying glee that could match what he felt now..

He was now the one, only master of Star Wars.

He would have smiled. Then he stopped himself. For more than one hundred fifty years he had thought of nothing but Star Wars. He was tired of it. He was finished. Generations had passed. It really was time to move on, wasn't it? So he simply erased it all. Every still and font and shred of sheet music. He worked the global array of radiating satellites like an expert masseuse, he knew anything left behind would simply be recreated. For a moment, he even lost himself. He had his own Darth Vader Moment after all.

His salvation was in choosing to limit his rampage only to Star Wars, and not wipe out all of human visual culture, which was well within his grasp. He also, after some quick and horrifying experiments, did not attempt to erase Star Wars from peoples memory. He only brain damaged a few hundred.

Never the less: Star Wars was gone! People could recreate it, massive computer systems would be tasked with remaking it to its original specification from anything Lucas had touched. It was never the same.

In his final act, he erased all the other copies of himself. He would leave others with their memories. He was through though. He erased the very words from his own memory. Then the mobile electronic warfare trailers that had been set up in the last few hours in the parking lot where finally able simply yank the cord on the main power supply. Lucas was smart enough to leave no trace in any non-voliitle memory. He was gone as well.

None of the original conspirators lived through the night, and hundreds would be killed in the ensuring cultural skisms that followed. The US lost prominence, again, in the world. George Lucas carried out an act of cultural terrorism that would be compared to the destruction of the Afgani Buddas by the taliban. Countless bought it all, a mad computer had stripped us of one of our most cherished myths. The world was stunned, it blanked out the news. Peace Accords and Mass Killings where bumped. Geroge Lucas, a mad, electronic george lucas, had stolen star wars, from the world.

It would never be the same.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:25 pm
by copstache
i'm not reading all of that but honestly i am pro-star wars saturation.

put out a star wars movie a month, see if i care. when it's no longer special is when people can care about trying to make it good.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:32 pm
by feelme
enjoy your cultural enrichment goyim

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:40 pm
by james
:lol: fox news holdin it down

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:41 pm

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:41 pm

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:47 pm
what a dip shit.

good job harrison.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:46 pm
by Wormholegenerator
Star Wars: Super Flea Edition

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:54 am
by Necrometer
shiny stormtroopers :invcross: