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Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:18 pm
by Double Anal
anything can be taken out of context, hence the concept of context.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 9:05 pm
by neckbeard
Phritz, Murray Rothbard

sorry geeheeb

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:09 am
by The Torsion
neckbeard wrote:Phritz, Murray Rothbard

sorry geeheeb
Geeheeb can't even come up with a good reason why he hates the guy. To be honest, I've never seen a "true anarchist" give a good refutation of the claims of free market anarchists. All I've seen is condescension and visceral hatred from that side. How you can be anti-profit and be anarchist makes no sense to me.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:11 am
by Phritz
"Austrian School" ... :shock: looks like i got to do some reading.
but basically i think all wealth (one having more than the other - this goes for countries as well as for individuals) is based too much on chance and/or force to not be balanced out by a tax system.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:37 am
by Krieg
Unholy Massacre wrote:I just realized that if I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit I can afford a plane ticket to MDF and a van and still have $800 to blow in Baltimore and come home to having the rent paid for June and a full paycheck to fuck with. I make $11.50 an hour.
And do you think it is worth to live several months in boredom just to party like a monkey one fucking weekend. If you say yes, please include your age in your answer.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:08 am
by John Jr.
wait, so krieg is lecturing people on the maturity level of their partying habits, yet still posts here?

holy hypocrisy, batman....

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:14 am
by Krieg
John Jr. wrote:wait, so krieg is lecturing people on the maturity level of their partying habits, yet still posts here?

holy hypocrisy, batman....
I was not even thinking about the party itself. My opinions on this matter is more about what you can really afford vs what you can pay.

i.e., If I wanted I could save money for a couple of years and go to the moon, literally, but would it be worth to live a couple of years extremely frugal just to do something awesome for a short period? In my opinion no. I asked for his age not with the intention of insulting him, it is because if you asked me the same thing some years ago I would think in another way.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:07 am
by Hell-haine
Krieg wrote:
Unholy Massacre wrote:If I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:18 am
by neckbeard
No need to fight with the left anarchists. They are our brothers.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:26 am
by Deez Nutz
pretty soon, we'll ALL be in the poor house. ... _is_n.html

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:31 am
by Geeheeb
The Torsion wrote:
neckbeard wrote:Phritz, Murray Rothbard

sorry geeheeb
Geeheeb can't even come up with a good reason why he hates the guy. To be honest, I've never seen a "true anarchist" give a good refutation of the claims of free market anarchists. All I've seen is condescension and visceral hatred from that side. How you can be anti-profit and be anarchist makes no sense to me.
Yeah, I've just been scratching my ass the whole time here trying to hate on Von Mises , etc. :lol:

I've already tried to go through this with you, but you don't listen. Just like Mallarded. I like you just fine (though I get the impression the feeling isn't mutual), but I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you any more.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:04 am
by hipster holocaust
Krieg wrote:
Unholy Massacre wrote:I just realized that if I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit I can afford a plane ticket to MDF and a van and still have $800 to blow in Baltimore and come home to having the rent paid for June and a full paycheck to fuck with. I make $11.50 an hour.
And do you think it is worth to live several months in boredom just to party like a monkey one fucking weekend. If you say yes, please include your age in your answer.
you've obviously never been to MDF

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:43 am
by Phritz
Double Anal wrote: i want to believe that humanity will chose what is right
acutually, i'd agree with you. i also believe that humanity in general is getting better (since past times), not worse. i'm no kind of dwyerian kvlt misanthrope.
but "home cooked justice/ government" is like the "benevolent leader": it can work and societies can flourish under such a rule. but as often as it will go fine, it will go wrong. so, i'd rather vote for a system of average, a little of the good, a little of the bad, but none of the worst pitfalls.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:50 am
by Zerohero
on a similar vibe, cAllage paper here has 2 stories---1_)protesting state budget cuts that will raise tuition,


2-)GET READY 4 SPRING BREAK! HOW TO NOT OD OR CHOKE ON VOMIT AND NOT GET stdS WHILEST fukking your way across CAncUN mexico, daytonna beach or other hip rocking $7 nite klub drinks super callage fun time lyfestyle.


Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:53 am
by canon.docre
Krieg wrote:
John Jr. wrote:wait, so krieg is lecturing people on the maturity level of their partying habits, yet still posts here?

holy hypocrisy, batman....
I was not even thinking about the party itself. My opinions on this matter is more about what you can really afford vs what you can pay.

i.e., If I wanted I could save money for a couple of years and go to the moon, literally, but would it be worth to live a couple of years extremely frugal just to do something awesome for a short period? In my opinion no. I asked for his age not with the intention of insulting him, it is because if you asked me the same thing some years ago I would think in another way.
if you are prone to blowing money on stupid shit, sometimes having a goal to save up for is a good thing, so you stay home more and read books and do outdoorsy stuff rather than killing boredom by going to the bar, getting drunk, or walking down the street to grab a coffee, or just spending on whatever. and to pass off maryland deathfest as just a 'party' is kind of stupid, as a music fan. i mean, the relapse reunion aside, this honestly isn't even a social event for me. i don't 'talk about the board' irl with any of the people i hang out with, i couldn't give a shit. have you seen the pictures of me watching pig destroyer? euphoria. i was like that for at least 10 of the bands I caught that weekend .. just like a fucking 30 minutes full-brain orgasm for brutal truth, flesh parade, devourment, absu, bolt thrower, etc ..

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:26 pm
by Unholy Massacre
Krieg wrote:
Unholy Massacre wrote:I just realized that if I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit I can afford a plane ticket to MDF and a van and still have $800 to blow in Baltimore and come home to having the rent paid for June and a full paycheck to fuck with. I make $11.50 an hour.
And do you think it is worth to live several months in boredom just to party like a monkey one fucking weekend. If you say yes, please include your age in your answer.
Who said that? I said cut back. I'm at the bar on Friday. Not to mention I was drunk and stoned playing music last night as I am half my free time. Even not spending money I'm glad when I get a little free time where I can sit in my room alone and listen to records and watch movies, aka spend some "boredom" time. Really I'm not going to be dumpstering food or scraping by, it just means not closing out bars on Monday through Thursday anymore. Not to mention I'm not partying for one weekend, I'm going for the week and staying with friends. $800 bucks might be chump change to people staying in hotels and drinking at bars but I'll be at house parties and visiting folks I haven't hung out with in a long time.

Obviously you aren't reading the adjectives you fucking dolt.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:39 pm
by Geeheeb
Oh Noah how I wish there was a keg...


Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:43 pm
by Phritz

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:56 pm
by Ghost Dad
In related news: I qualified for a Pell grant this year!!WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:15 pm
by Krieg
hipster holocaust wrote:
Krieg wrote:
Unholy Massacre wrote:I just realized that if I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit I can afford a plane ticket to MDF and a van and still have $800 to blow in Baltimore and come home to having the rent paid for June and a full paycheck to fuck with. I make $11.50 an hour.
And do you think it is worth to live several months in boredom just to party like a monkey one fucking weekend. If you say yes, please include your age in your answer.
you've obviously never been to MDF
I've been to Obscene Extreme, you know, the real thing.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:27 pm
by hipster holocaust
Krieg wrote:
hipster holocaust wrote:
Krieg wrote:
Unholy Massacre wrote:I just realized that if I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit I can afford a plane ticket to MDF and a van and still have $800 to blow in Baltimore and come home to having the rent paid for June and a full paycheck to fuck with. I make $11.50 an hour.
And do you think it is worth to live several months in boredom just to party like a monkey one fucking weekend. If you say yes, please include your age in your answer.
you've obviously never been to MDF
I've been to Obscene Extreme, you know, the real thing.
oh cool you've definitely never been to MDF. shut the fuck up!

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:44 pm
by Unholy Massacre
Krieg wrote:
hipster holocaust wrote:
Krieg wrote:
Unholy Massacre wrote:I just realized that if I cut back on my going to bars and restaurants a bit I can afford a plane ticket to MDF and a van and still have $800 to blow in Baltimore and come home to having the rent paid for June and a full paycheck to fuck with. I make $11.50 an hour.
And do you think it is worth to live several months in boredom just to party like a monkey one fucking weekend. If you say yes, please include your age in your answer.
you've obviously never been to MDF
I've been to Obscene Extreme, you know, the real thing.
Funny, you stike me as more of a Wacken Open Air kind of guy.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:14 pm
by The Torsion
Geeheeb wrote:
The Torsion wrote:
neckbeard wrote:Phritz, Murray Rothbard

sorry geeheeb
Geeheeb can't even come up with a good reason why he hates the guy. To be honest, I've never seen a "true anarchist" give a good refutation of the claims of free market anarchists. All I've seen is condescension and visceral hatred from that side. How you can be anti-profit and be anarchist makes no sense to me.
Yeah, I've just been scratching my ass the whole time here trying to hate on Von Mises , etc. :lol:

I've already tried to go through this with you, but you don't listen. Just like Mallarded. I like you just fine (though I get the impression the feeling isn't mutual), but I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you any more.
Haha, yeah, your whole argument was something along the lines of "anarchists love freedom and hate money, libertarians love money and love freedom". How true that statement is or even how relevant it is, I don't know. And when I asked you why Naomi Klein dedicated a whole book to scapegoating Milton Friedman as the godfather of the Neoconservative movement when he was actually farther ideologically from the big government Neocons than the average center-left Democrat, your justification of her ridiculous thesis was that they name-drop him from time to time. I don't have a problem with you, necessarily, I just think your politics are based a lot more on a scene and an identity than any kind of individual critical thinking.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:19 pm
by John Jr.
more likely that you just decided "well this is how it is" based upon personal distaste juxtaposed with information that you just admitted to not understanding the accuracy or relevance of.

Re: fuck the 'new poor'

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 2:20 pm
by The Wages of Ben