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Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:06 pm
by delmuerte
The worst job I've had in recent memory started off pretty awesome. I was the first employee at this place servepath, the first datacenter I worked in. I was working two jobs (during the day I was doing phone sales at a leather fetishwear place, ha!!) and went from one straight to the other, worked a bit and packed up whenever I was done. After a while it got to be a sort of a fulltime thing where I couldn't work the sales job anymore. I just showed up to the datacenter, worked however long it took me to finish and split and clocked whatever hours I wanted.

After a while I actually hired my own boss and he was cool as fuck and we had a lot of fun on the job. The hours started getting longer and longer and I was taking on more and more responsibility. Deploying and setting up servers, inventory, managing the datacenter, AND tech support. By the end of it I was doing about 14-16 hours a day every day and NOT enjoying the job at all anymore.

One day the boss guy I hired's father was killed in a car accident. He came back, but he was totally different. A complete boss asshole-type. I felt bad for the guy, so I let it slide for a while, but then one day about 14 hours into my day I mentioned that I forgot to go pickup some inventory and I wouldn't be able to complete all the orders in the queue for that day. He just looked at me, even though I was totally frazzled and had actually woken up AT WORK on the couch, and said "So, you're saying you can't do your job? Is that what you're saying?" and while I was kinda in shock sputtering out an answer he says "Answer me!" and I dunno what the fuck happened, but I ripped the keyboard out of my machine and threw it across my office at him and said "FUCK YOU!!!!" like at least one hundred billion times. I had to be escorted out and they took my badge. I later sent letters to OSHA and the state labor board about their shitty practices and one of the owners took me out to eat and gave me $1,000 to not take them to trial. I was so broke I just took it and then decided to go on tour for 10 years.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:15 pm
by Hypnagogia
TheDOAD wrote:
Repeater wrote:Today I came in at noon as per my schedule and I'm supposed to leave at 8:30, BUT we only have 2 other people here to close down the department and neither of them have enough knowledge to handle the department after I leave, meaning that at this point I pretty much have to stay until close or have a really shitty looking department to walk into tomorrow. I liked it better when I was making the schedules.

unstated assumption: the store closes at 9.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:20 pm
by NANOplague
fo realzie.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:20 pm
by Hell-haine
I was working in a social office in the heart of the projects.
I had my own office at the ground floor of a building.
Above and around my office were dozens of apartments, occupied by the finest specimens of French white trash.
One afternoon, 2 15 year old kids broke into my office to mess with me.
I kicked one out while the other was unsuccessfully trying to whip my ass.
As I was throwing him out he punched me in the face and ran away like a rabbit.
When I went to see my boss, in another office on the other side of the project, he asked me if I was going to press charges.
I answered "yes, of course, aren't you as well?", he said no and that if I wanted to go to the police station, I would have to go by myself.
Then later, when I asked for a cordless office phone just in case something would happen, he said I'd have to buy it myself.
I went on vacations a few days later and never came back.

I had a couple "fuck you I quit" moments too.
I was working in a restaurant with almost exclusively English and German speaking tourists and I was the only multilingual employee.
I did all the reservations, translations etc... The bosse's wife was very jealous of me for no reason.
One day as she was having lunch with a few of her friends, I brought the coffees to her table and made a (pretty good) joke, everybody laughed but her. She came to see me and asked if I had been raised in a barn (or something in the same vein), gave me a lecture on how to behave with her guests etc...
I was speechless, so dumbfounded by her arrogance and mean-spirited comments that I didn't say anything but stand there with my eyes wide open. She left and I grabbed my coat, crossed the restaurant, very pissed off. My boss asked me what was wrong.
I said "as long as your wife will talk to your employees this way, you'll never keep a quality worker. She is a nightmare to all of us as well as you.
I don't let anyone talk to me this way. I'm out. Good luck with the witch."

He called me the same evening, begging me to come back,that his wife was sorry etc...
I came back to help him out because he was a decent guy. She never apologized, wouldn't even acknowledge my presence.
I gave my 3 days notice. On my last shift, I sat at a table, ordered the best menu, the best bottle of wine, ate and drank by myself by the window. Payed for my meal, tipped the cook, cleaned the whole room but my table and left a note that said "I'm a customer now, the meal was delicious, enjoy cleaning my table".

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:24 pm
by Tofuthulhu
One time way back when, i was covering a shift at a drive-through starbucks in hollywood for some college wimp who didnt want to miss class. Near the end of my shift a homeless man pushes his cart through the drive-through and orders an ice water. Which i politely told him i couldn't serve through the drive-through because of insurance reasons. Anyway, homeless dude busts through the front door swinging 2 dead squirrels like fucking gopher chux. Then flung one at a customer, dropped the other on da floor and batman-d outta that shit. I left early that day and got stoned before my bus ride. fuck hollywood.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:25 pm
by NANOplague
Everytime I envision you doing something now it's a french movie scene. with Amelie music.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:47 pm
by Hell-haine

Funny parts of this movie reminds me of working in this little restaurant too!

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:38 pm
by TheDrunkTankJudge
Pisscubes wrote:
They make me sit down at this bench and start cleaning these metal hinges in some fucked up chemical. Immediately the chemicals start burning my hands, badly. I ask the guy for gloves and he mumbles there might be something in the supply closet. I go over and find a box of latex gloves. I put on a pair, go back to the bench. The chemicals eat through the gloves by the fifth time I dip a hinge into them.

I go back and take the whole box of gloves and double up this time. The chemicals eat through both pairs almost just as quickly. So I spend an hour stacking gloves on my hands and peeling them off and replacing them as the chemicals burn them away. And my lungs are hurting by this point. And I'm starting to see double. Eventually I ran out of the paint room and threw up into a garbage can. The foreman comes over and asks what the fuck the problem is and I tell him I'm sick from the fumes.

"Didn't you put on your respirator?"

"They told me I didn't need one."

" :what: "

Foreman proceeds to go rip the paint dude a new one. I remembering the words, "Should be dead right not" from where I lay on the ground.
Sounds like MEK...

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:40 pm
by NANOplague
When I told AeRick that I'd like to borrow his eyes while I'm at work.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:47 pm
HASHTHRASH wrote:thank you, this was WIOT for sure


pisscubes needs to wrote a short stories book. one for behind the shitter.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 6:06 pm
by jakebonz
When it got to mid-day on a Saturday at the Sony TV factory and the asshole further down the line gets all excited that the 60+ hour week is about to end and he drops the rear projection mirror; shattering it all over the ground, causing me to stay longer while they sweep it up.

The one day job at the muffin factory when I realized that I hate people that perpetuate negative stereotypes. To be specific, it was the lazy asshole mexican dude I was working with that took frequent 45 minute "bathroom" breaks. This left me in a situation comparable to Lucy in the chocolate factory.

More recently, it was when the puck was dropping for the second period of game 7 of the most recent Stanley Cup finals between my Penguins and the Red Wings and I was still at work writing code because an asshole sales rep decided to say "yes" a too few many times. I only heard Maxime Talbot's second goal on the radio while driving down the deserted streets of Pittsburgh.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:00 pm
by Chigurh
I did an unpaid social work placement for local government, which mostly involved working with the elderly.

The best part of the job was going into peoples' homes and speaking to them about what services they wanted to get from the government.

This would involve walking around their homes when the interview was over and looking for any obvious safety hazards.

With one old woman, the interview had gone through without any problems, so I expected to have a quick look around and then leave. I looked in one room and was surprised to find a completely naked man dipping his penis in a fish tank.

"I was just feeding the fish," he said. I just said "okay" and left.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:41 pm
by abdominalpillaging
i'm thankful i have no stories to tell in this thread.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:54 pm
by Hell-haine
Chigurh wrote: I looked in one room and was surprised to find a completely naked man dipping his penis in a fish tank.

"I was just feeding the fish," he said. I just said "okay" and left.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:00 pm
by hana maru
i worked at kmart.

once had a yuppie-looking couple come through on a busy sunday and the coffee pot they were trying to buy rang up 1 cent more than what they said was posted on the shelf. they held up my line, demanding a "price check" - price check dude comes back confirming price is 1 cent more than they thought, so asshole couple says "forget it" and leave the store. for one penny. one of many "my job sucks" moments there.

the day i quit, i hadn't planned to. it was just another busy sunday and my feet hurt and i hated it there. i waffled as to when to quit (on 1st break? lunch? 2nd break) but i lasted the whole day and when i told them i wasn't coming back, the hr lady said "well, just so you know, we can't hire you back because you did not give us notice."

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:07 pm
by krudmonk
When the world recession was blamed on people in my profession inflating values to get paid by brokers and then rules were made to funnel my business through private companies that took a fat cut and didn't distribute to people at my license level, meanwhile I could not get unemployment because I had no previous salary to which I could tie my cost of living since I was technically self-employed even though I had to get all my work signed off by a higher level appraiser who also took a fat cut before....that's when I realized my job kinda sucks.

But now I'm fully licensed and literally just waiting for the official paper to come in the mail before I can work again. I make my own hours and work from my house so it's not all bad. Business will really pick up for me now since all that shit I just mentioned has forced people with families and bigger mortgages out of the profession while also deterring new people from entering. Haha, stupid government.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:09 pm
by Ghost Dad
Pisscubes wrote:
I once worked for an alcoholic compulsive gambler as a house painter. I needed some more putty and went to the van one hot July day. I found him in there squatting on a 20 gallon bucket, shitting. He called me a faggot and threw a hammer at me. It was then I realized how much this job sucked.
This may be the funniest anecdote I've ever read, ever.

For my old job at UPS: it was when I was first yelled at by my boss to try to convince a bunch of pissed off hourly workers to work faster, despite the fact that they have absolutely no incentive to...that and I couldn't punish them for working slowly.

For this job, it was my first patient with dementia. Old dude who shouldn't have been out of bed, walking around naked, pissing everywhere, bleed from a pulled-out IV, and just as I run over to grab him, he falls and just wrecks himself. He died a few days later (not from the fall, from a sucky heart).

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:31 pm
by rape bear
I've had so many shitty jobs, and just as many times I realized my job sucked.

I too, Mr. Pisscubes, painted houses. I used to let my boss drive my truck to bid jobs and pick up supplies so he could leave the work van at the job. Well, one day, I'm sitting at home at like 6:00pm, and the cops show up to my house. They are investigating an incident that was reported earlier that day about someone (who was driving the truck registered to me) trashing a gas station. I, of course, had no idea what the fuck they were talking about and asked them to give me the details. I guess he was filling my truck up (which was one of the reasons I let him drive it) and the price changed while he was pumping it. He went inside and got all pissed off at the guy and told him to fix the price blah, blah, blah... There was nothing the dude could to about it, so my boss went around the store fucking knocking shit all over the place yelling about how he was going to come back and fuck the guy up or something. So he storms out of the store and takes off, but not before dude takes down the plate on the car. So I have to explain to the cops how he was driving my truck, and give them my bosses address so they can go harass him about it.

That's when I realized that that particular job sucked.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:01 am
by Gookstorm
Not sleeping for 2-3 days every few weeks, 4 am conference calls, (indirectly) being on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals, 40-100 hour weeks. Bringing in $1.5 million but getting maybe $1k of that as part of an annual bonus. 10% paycut and most of your benefits extinguished when your salary already was in the bottom 25 percentile for your job and experience level nationwide... and you're living in a high-cost area.

It's one thing to get a menial job because you expect it to suck and be treated like dirt, but I got a white collar job that made lots of old white farts really rich (should have had some leverage that is), was told repeatedly "oh no, we're not so bad," and was treated pretty much exactly like how Walmart treats its employees.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:10 am
by Hotchka!

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:15 am
by Ghost Dad
Gookstorm wrote:Not sleeping for 2-3 days every few weeks, 4 am conference calls, (indirectly) being on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals, 40-100 hour weeks. Bringing in $1.5 million but getting maybe $1k of that as part of an annual bonus. 10% paycut and most of your benefits extinguished when your salary already was in the bottom 25 percentile for your job and experience level nationwide... and you're living in a high-cost area.

It's one thing to get a menial job because you expect it to suck and be treated like dirt, but I got a white collar job that made lots of old white farts really rich (should have had some leverage that is), was told repeatedly "oh no, we're not so bad," and was treated pretty much exactly like how Walmart treats its employees.
White collar exploitation. 1st world irony!

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:48 am
by Wang Mandu
When I worked in a kitchen and realized that everyone on that shift with me was either an illegal immigrant or had been in prison.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:25 am
by Mooretician
Gookstorm wrote:Not sleeping for 2-3 days every few weeks, 4 am conference calls, (indirectly) being on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals, 40-100 hour weeks. Bringing in $1.5 million but getting maybe $1k of that as part of an annual bonus. 10% paycut and most of your benefits extinguished when your salary already was in the bottom 25 percentile for your job and experience level nationwide... and you're living in a high-cost area.

It's one thing to get a menial job because you expect it to suck and be treated like dirt, but I got a white collar job that made lots of old white farts really rich (should have had some leverage that is), was told repeatedly "oh no, we're not so bad," and was treated pretty much exactly like how Walmart treats its employees.
Jesus, I could have made this exact same post. :lhug:

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:43 am
by Hypnagogia
Gookstorm wrote:Not sleeping for 2-3 days every few weeks, 4 am conference calls, (indirectly) being on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals, 40-100 hour weeks. Bringing in $1.5 million but getting maybe $1k of that as part of an annual bonus. 10% paycut and most of your benefits extinguished when your salary already was in the bottom 25 percentile for your job and experience level nationwide... and you're living in a high-cost area.

It's one thing to get a menial job because you expect it to suck and be treated like dirt, but I got a white collar job that made lots of old white farts really rich (should have had some leverage that is), was told repeatedly "oh no, we're not so bad," and was treated pretty much exactly like how Walmart treats its employees.
get unionized.

Re: Moments That Made You Realzie Your Job Sucks

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 8:44 am
by zzzzzzzz
Every job I've had has sucked, I think I realized my current one sucked when I saw my work partner eating a floppy looking sandwich with a blank look on his face, his mouth was rapidly chewing and mayo and shit was flying all over the goddamn place, he looked like a stupid fucking dog. Just watching some dumb fuck haphazardly eat a sandwich let me know