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Re: kooky shit otherwise smart people believe

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:23 pm
by Hypnagogia
the govt is responsible for 9-11
...or general conspiracy theorists

Re: kooky shit otherwise smart people believe

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:16 pm
by DeadWalrus

Re: kooky shit otherwise smart people believe

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:30 pm
by Black Jacques
Dream Whip.

Re: kooky shit otherwise smart people believe

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:39 pm
by father of lies
Green Chamber wrote:That UFOs are vessels which contain aliens. It's not even so much that the UFO mythology is a stupid thing to believe in, it's that unquestioned logical leap; that aliens are given preference as the imagined pilot, as opposed to werewolves or vampires or mummies or any other fucking thing plucked from popular fiction and inserted into urban legend.
There really are a lot of UFO sightings that can be attributed to military technology, like the stealth bomber. Sometimes people get REALLY upset if you say "I saw a UFO." I've had people call me a liar, call me mentally ill, people have shouted "THERE ARE NO FUCKING ALIENS ON EARTH" and all sorts of shit when I simply meant that I didn't know what something that I saw was.

I love the nephilim story. People that don't know the Bible very well get pretty worked out about it. The nephilim are in Genesis, and in some of the apocryphal books. They're supposed to be the giant offspring of a second group of fallen angels and human women, and they taught man science, math, and all that jazz. They usually show up in ancient astronaut stories, which are also pretty fun...