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Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:47 pm
by antinatalism
Cascade Whore wrote:Do you know what irony is?
I'll tell you what I do know and that is you're a fat, bitter, alcoholic loser whose highest potential lies in stocking shelves for a living and in your free time you like to insult people online who don't share your moronic views because you lack the intelligence to actually refute them. I can almost visualize the strained, agonized look on your face as your increasingly deficient brain struggles to recall some obscure post I made here a decade ago in hopes you think I could possibly be offended by it or anything else someone of your social status has to say about me.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:51 pm
by Cascade Whore
antinatalism wrote:
Cascade Whore wrote:Do you know what irony is?
I'll tell you what I do know and that is you're a fat, bitter, alcoholic loser whose highest potential lies in stocking shelves for a living and in your free time you like to insult people online who don't share your moronic views because you lack the intelligence to actually refute them. I can almost visualize the strained, agonized look on your face as your increasingly deficient brain struggles to recall some obscure post I made here a decade ago in hopes you think I could possibly be offended by it or anything else someone of your social status has to say about me.
There is nothing you can post I can't counter. You're a disgusting piece of dogshit that thrives on fake nihilism who gets beat up by white trash method addicts in some ducking trailer park in Canfield because of your brown skin. Please talk to me some more about "the nogs" I actual own a house. Which is more then you'll ever own in you're pathetic smegma want to be pea brained worthless fucking existence. You're the equiluvencues of those pictures of Indians wearing swastika shirts

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:52 pm
by The Torsion

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:56 pm
by Cascade Whore
The Torsion wrote::lol:
You should hang out with nick and teach him to pump iron. He's even shorter than you.
Still no response to my question turd ?

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:00 pm
by antinatalism

Look, I know it must suck to be wrong about everything all the time, but you're really not doing anything to improve your situation. Just go ahead and drown your sorrows with that bottle once again, maybe swallow a few dozen sleeping pills for good measure.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:01 pm
by The Torsion
No one wants to deal with you in real life because you're an obese sex offender. No one wants to deal with you on here because you're a menstruating woman.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:04 pm
by Cascade Whore
Still don't hear any answer from the cock sucking team of muscle dom and Taiwan Twinkie. What's that? You've got to say besides coughing up cumballs? That's what I expected

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:09 pm
by The Torsion
You really are the new Jofa.

They should all go to Israel.

I'm sure somewhere a little Syrian child knows how much you care about her plight.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:13 pm
by Cascade Whore
The Torsion wrote:You really are the new Jofa.

They should all go to Israel.

I'm sure somewhere a little Syrian child knows how much you care about her plight.
I've been far worse than jofa for years but at least I don't think like people like you. You're so conviently non interventionist. I like how no one is talking about how the actions of the United States created ISIS. We should be responsible of %100 of the refugees. I wonder what nick does as he claims he's superior to shelf stockers. Maybe he works the fry station or sucks ass for a living

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:23 pm
by antinatalism
I actually do think we should be responsible for the Syrian refugees. Problem is that up to 80% of those "refugees" aren't even Syrian. I read about it during the time I wasn't busy sucking ass for a living.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:24 pm
by The Torsion
Good they can send them all to your house and when Ahmed is hacking through your fat neck with a dull butcher knife you can die knowing at least you weren't racist and maybe that will make up for all the pedo shit.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:25 pm
by Cascade Whore
:lol: :lol:

Yeah because all Arabs want to cut peoples heads off

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:28 pm
by Cascade Whore
You're being completely irrational and EMOTIONAL torsion. The total number of refugees we would a actually take in is around 70000 thousand. Again what exactly would you have them do? Ignore the question again. If you want to say its no ones responsibility and they should die just fucking die say it! Be honest. Stand behind your positions.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:37 pm
by antinatalism
I find it deeply amusing that you ignore anything serious I have to say, instead choosing to insult me based on my race, while simultaneously pissing your pants over other people being racist. You really are a fat sack of shit and I look forward to hearing the news of your alcohol poisoning-induced early death (if that were possible, because in fact no one in real life actually cares about you enough to know that you even exist in order to report your death, in which case, it will take years before anyone notices you actually stopped posting)

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:42 pm
by Cascade Whore
antinatalism wrote:I find it deeply amusing that you ignore anything serious I have to say, instead choosing to insult me based on my race, while simultaneously pissing your pants over other people being racist. You really are a fat sack of shit and I look forward to hearing the news of your alcohol poisoning-induced early death.
It should be obvious to any one with more than three brain cells I bring up your race because of the numerous repeated racist comments you've made over the years. "Ignore he serious things I've said" what have you said that was worth a rotting cum stain on a bed sheet? You're buddy chad is a bigger alcoholic than me. Why don't you suck his dick

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:51 pm
by Cascade Whore
What is torison your new buddy?


Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:54 pm
by antinatalism
I just mentioned that up to 80% of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian. Please tell me how anyone owes them a goddamn thing. Why is it that 70% of the "refugees" are able-bodied men. Where are the women and children? Answer those questions you blubbering tub of lard.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:04 pm
by Cascade Whore
antinatalism wrote:I just mentioned that up to 80% of the "refugees" aren't even Syrian. Please tell me how anyone owes them a goddamn thing. Why is it that 70% of the "refugees" are able-bodied men. Where are the women and children? Answer those questions you blubbering tub of lard.
Where are you getting your numbers from? "Able bodied men" they can just magically transport themselves out of a war zone? Do you hear how fucking stupid you sound?

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:04 pm
by Cascade Whore
What do you do for a living nick and where do you want those people to go?

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:08 pm
by Cascade Whore
I want to hear more from the self loathing European liberals

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:09 pm
by antinatalism
Confirmed for absolute fucking retard, incapable of defending his own views and an intellectual midget who doesn't even know how to use google in 2015. Goodnight, fatso. I'll check in tomorrow to see if your miniscule brain was able to conjure up a legitimate response to my questions.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 10:16 pm
by Cascade Whore
:lol:yeah I'm the mental midget. You can't even post one fucking source to support your premise of...... what exactly? The refugees will drain Europe? They'll be "Muslim exxxttemist" site one fucking solitary source at all to support ANY of the bullshi oozing out of your fucking mouth. It's because these ideas come from the imaginations of right wing garbage backed up by nothing. Fucking scum.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:27 am
by spacehamster
Necrometer wrote:it does seem like there's a log of tagalong migration taking place, right?
That's been the argument about immigration for as long as there has been immigration to Europe, though. The conservative shitheads are always yapping about how they'd love nothing more than to help out the "real fugitives," but too many of these people are just coming here for the better economic conditions, blah blah. The reality is that the population of Europe is aging, and we need immigration to keep our economies afoot.

As for the BAD EBUL MASLAMS overrunning the continent, the sheer amount of fucking retarded misinformation in this thread is astounding. Yes, guys, the islamization is going to happen. For real this time. It didn't happen when the Turks (all Muslims) came, and it also didn't happen when the Albanians (also all Muslims) came, but now, really, now it's going to happen, this time's going to be different, just wait and see.

Also, it's not that the Syrians don't want to go to Dubai/Qatar/Bahrain, it's that the rich assholes in those countries are shutting down their borders and sending them off to Europe. But by all means, you fucktards keep yapping about shit you don't have the first clue about. Sieg Heil, baby. Kill the muslims. Sand nigger nach Auschwitz.

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:51 am
by postaddiction
spacehamster wrote: BAD EBUL MASLAMS
How many times in a given month do you get involved in conversations where one party engages in sarcasm, and the listener's reaction is cold so the joker accuses the listener of not understanding sarcasm?

Re: European Mens, what's the migrant crisis look like from where you are?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:54 am
threads like this make me ashamed to still be boarding as hard as I do :cry: