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Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:24 pm
by featherboa
The Torsion wrote:Mewling faggit brags about letting his son wear a dress. Compliments the strength of his son's tantrum when he tries to make him wear pants. Probably has good insurance to cover a sex-change and/or medical bills when his son is an adolescent/teenager getting the shit kicked out of him regularly.

his shoulders are pretty wide

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:49 am
by The Torsion
Ross, yeah, snapshot of how infantile this guy's thinking is. ... orthorexia

Jofabeard, when was your last period

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:56 am
by Advances>|<MONKEY
Uh, little boys and girls wore the same clothing(dresses) until early last century. That anyone cares shows how well the marketing machine has sliced into the modern mind. I doubt this will have the slightest impact on the kid if he remembers at all.
Though I'm sure if this was in your household you could be getting him into makeup early to cover the black eye you gave him for being a little faggot. You fucking filth.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:58 am
by spacehamster
What's funny is that anyone thinks this is a gender topic.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:31 am
by Ghost Dad
You trying to say dahmer wasn't awesome?

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:06 am
by The Torsion
Advances>|<MONKEY wrote:Uh, little boys and girls wore the same clothing(dresses) until early last century. That anyone cares shows how well the marketing machine has sliced into the modern mind. I doubt this will have the slightest impact on the kid if he remembers at all.
Though I'm sure if this was in your household you could be getting him into makeup early to cover the black eye you gave him for being a little Kuhni Lemmel. You fucking filth.
This isn't dressing all babies and toddlers the same. This is intentionally dressing a boy like a girl. Maybe you have a touch of autism on top of your varied and numerous mental disorders/disabilities.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:13 am
by The Torsion
Pisscubes wrote:Ross: Your take? ... 542083/all

I think the crux of this article for me is that she's sort of expecting this guy to talk about rape more as a culture instead of the intent of the open letter which is, "I didn't rape this woman". I'm foggy on why someone can expect someone to be a spokesperson for victims while clearly stating they have been falsely accused. Obviously victims get blamed or not believed all the time, but is there really a fucking critique to make here when someone is saying point blank, "Hey-- I didn't do this."
Haha Jesus how do people get so out of touch with reality? When someone is this far gone there's no need to take them seriously.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:38 am
by spacehamster
Well, clearly she didn't consent to being dumped, so now it's rape.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:53 am
by The Torsion
What is the proper response to a felony accusation?

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:59 am
by spacehamster
The Torsion wrote:What is the proper response to a felony accusation?
More importantly, what I really want to see is one example - and I'd honestly be satisfied with just one - where a guy in this type of situation responds, and the internet feminists consider his answer good enough. No "yeah, well, but I would've liked it better if you had done this or that or cut your dick off while you said it", but just, okay, and everyone moves on. Just one example. I'm guessing there isn't one. The only point here is that you can always find something.

I only half blame them for this reflex, I'm a lit major, and you're pretty much trained to develop the ability to read anything any way that serves your needs (I could probably write a 2000 word marxist-feminist treatise on any randomly chosen traffic sign if I really had to), but you're not supposed to do these things in the real world, they're just thought experiments.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:01 am
by The Torsion
Like I said: some people are utterly disconnected from reality.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:12 am
by spacehamster
I'm not sure why, but I'm kind of looking forward to Ross' madly jabbering justification where he calls us rapists.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:12 am
by Necrometer
Pisscubes wrote:The thing that I think is bullshit is that a decently worded response that says, "I didn't do this" is being critiqued in a way that says when clearly saying you didn't do something, you still need to parse it in a way that... leaves it open to interpretation that you MIGHT have done something?
Reading that in a "fuck this guy" mindset (which I'm going to do since he created an incredibly powerful tool to spread casual/hipster racism/sexism/ableism/etc.), I think the issue is how he says "I didn't rape anyone" and then goes on to list all these things that happened, none of which rules out him raping someone:
We spent a few nights in each others' rooms, but we never had sex and neither of us pressured the other into doing anything we weren't comfortable with.
Maybe she woke up with his dick in her mouth for the first time, which fits his outline.

And HE invokes "rape culture", but in a way that says it's a social force that makes consent fuzzy and confusing and hard to talk about.
Part of rape culture that hurts everyone is that it makes it difficult to talk about what is and is not consent, and makes it incredibly scary for people to speak up when their boundaries are crossed. It is entirely possible she read something completely different than I did into an awkward college hookup.
What the fuck? Of course I can agree that consent is not a clear, blatant binary and can be conceptually impenetrable (LOL) to someone who is socially inept, but I'm sure as shit not going to defend myself against a rape charge by leading off with "consent's just too confusing to give any credence these days". Maybe I'm reading this wrong. RC does actually censor (?) consent from a lot of situations/conversations, but isn't that only worth bringing up if you're going to use it as an excuse regarding how you fucked up with consent in the past?

I don't have time to dig deep on this right now, but that's where I'm seeing red flags from this guy.
Pisscubes wrote:Obviously victims get blamed or not believed all the time, but is there really a fucking critique to make here when someone is saying point blank, "Hey-- I didn't do this."
I just think he's catching shit because his specific definition of rape seems to be crafted in a way that specifically excludes his actions with the accuser.

Long story short: I think he put his dick in some sleeping chick's mouth and isn't fully owning up to how that's fucked up.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:13 am
by Spooky Apparition
"There is of course no right way to respond to being accused of raping someone. I don't fault Temkin for not getting something like this completely right. Still, he handles it badly."

maybe the worst sentence I've ever read on the internet, especially taking into account how non-inflammatory that guy's denial of guilt was.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:15 am
by Necrometer

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:16 am
by spacehamster
spacehamster wrote:I'm not sure why, but I'm kind of looking forward to Ross' madly jabbering justification where he calls us rapists.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:17 am
by Spooky Apparition
Necrometer wrote:I just think he's catching shit because his specific definition of rape seems to be crafted in a way that specifically excludes his actions with the accuser.
"We spent a few nights in each others' rooms, but we never had sex and neither of us pressured the other into doing anything we weren't comfortable with."

where in the sexual Venn diagram outside of 1) having sex 2) not pressuring someone into something lesser than sex does rape reside?

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:18 am
by Necrometer
didn't wanna disappoint :cheers:
spacehamster wrote:What's funny is that anyone thinks this is a gender topic.
I didn't understand what this one was about - cross-dressing seems gender-y to me

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:18 am
by spacehamster
Spooky Apparition wrote: where in the sexual Venn diagram outside of 1) having sex 2) not pressuring someone into something lesser than sex does rape reside?

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:19 am
by Necrometer
Spooky Apparition wrote:"We spent a few nights in each others' rooms, but we never had sex and neither of us pressured the other into doing anything we weren't comfortable with."

where in the sexual Venn diagram outside of 1) having sex 2) not pressuring someone into something lesser than sex does rape reside?
dick in sleepmouth... where's the pressure? she was groggily suckling, your honor

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:25 am
by Spooky Apparition
if that was the case, that woman needs to come out and explain the extent of the sleepbeeg.

see, the actual problem here is that her accusation was shitty. I'd give it a 2.5/10, whereas his gentlemanly denial was a solid 7.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:28 am
by The Torsion
Ross' half-assed rationalization/thought experiment about on par with that woman's article.

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:32 am
by Necrometer
Spooky Apparition wrote:if that was the case, that woman needs to come out and explain the extent of the sleepbeeg.

see, the actual problem here is that her accusation was shitty. I'd give it a 2.5/10, whereas his gentlemanly denial was a solid 7.
FB rape accusation is a total disaster

but I also don't think it's on the woman to hit up instagram with pictures of his pubes in her nose to clear things up

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:34 am
by Necrometer
mark my words, when the truth comes to light it will be revealed that this guy pulled an unwanted alarm cock

Re: indomitable nth-wave feminism thread [RAPE CULTURE 101]

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:27 am
by The Torsion
:lol: He made it up.