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Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:02 am
by Wang Mandu
Ah got it. Purple cures poison, blooming cures poison and toxicity.

Start reading the item descriptions if you aren't already. The entire lore is in the items.

About to take on Manus with my dex character. :-?

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:14 am
by Ghost Dad
tried to whiddle down manus with the bow from the ledge on high...used all the arrows i could carry. only took away 10 percent of his life. time to go trudge around in the snow and open up a new bank account...maybe go to the hardware snow, get some groceries...

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:47 am
by The Schwartz
everytime he jumps to pivot toward you, roll between his legs. never try to run around the side of him. his 3 moves are very distinguishable the fire and sonic one you just need to stay a safe distance away behind him, when he jumps you can hack and slash a good 8 shots on him everytime. never take his hits with a shield, always be behind him

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:51 am
by a world of no
Pisscubes wrote:Just got my ass handed to me 8 times straight by the fucking Stray Demon :ax:

I try to stay behind him, but he just pivots with me. And that fire attack fucking takes off a third of my power, even when I'm shielding with the Spider Shield which I THINK has some anti-fire shit. I didn't WANT to kindle the fire at the asylum, but I did. And I'm still getting beat. FUCK YOU STRAY DEMON :cry:
it's magic, not fire. need something magic resistant to block it well. spider shield is good against poison. you just need to stay behind him. if you can't get behind him keep a good distance until he throws an attack and then move in behind. 2-hand his ass a couple of times and then step back, because attack of some sort is usually imminent.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:54 am
by a world of no
Pisscubes wrote:i've got like 2 double humanities and 7 regulars. It's just not enough. Guess I'll have to farm rats :wank:
The Depths is the best place to do that, since you've already been there. Covetous Serpent ring + Human form = better drop rate. Better spots will open up later as you progress.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:12 am
by a world of no
Pisscubes wrote: Fuck-- I thought it was fire! I don't even know if I have a magic res. shield. That shit is a pain in the fucking ass-- even if you're right behind him, you get zapped.

This trip was brought to you by me starting Blight Town and then getting my ass kicked once I was wading in water. I kept dying and then looked for some help and learned about this goddamn Iron ring at the asylum. Thought while I was here, I'll just get rid of this pesky Demon, right? I mean- I JUST killed that fucking dragon, how hard can this guy be? NOPE.

Do I even NEED to kill this dude? I mean, I will anyway, but hope I get something cool in return.
I want to say that the Crest shield is good against magic, but I could be mistaken. You will get smacked by it if you're behind, which is why he's usually good for a couple of 2-handed R2s or a jump attack before you need to put your shield up and step back a bit to avoid it hitting you.

You don't need to kill him to finish the game. Did you get the iron ring yet? I forgot whether you can get it without defeating him. You don't have the DLC so no doll... You get a Titanite slab if you defeat him, which is nice if you ever want to max out one of your weapons. He's beatable. Just stay behind, and be wary of his attacks. Stay on his ass (literally), hit a couple times, and avoid his follow-up attack. Repeat.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:24 am
by Spooky Apparition
riley-o wrote:Pretty brave to call for that competition on a game you started THREE WEEKS BEFORE ME
a little bit of bravery and a whole lot of Image

RE: asylum demon. if you've got a weapon that causes bleed damage, you can WRECK HIS SHIT in like 20 seconds. and yes, the crest shield is a good anti-magic shield that you should be able to get in the asylum right now by killing an NPC whose name i can't remember. you can also get the ring without killing the asylum demon, just go in the door on your right when you enter the boss room with the collapsing floor.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:25 am
by a world of no
I'll repeat what pretty much every serious player of this game says and tell you to not look up fucking shit unless you're really, really stuck, because it sucks a bit of the element of sussing shit out for yourself that makes the game so goddamn awesome, but... if you really need help/tips/info you're best resource will always be the wikidot wiki (as already mentioned). Ideally you should beat the game blind, then go back on NG+ and try to beat it again looking up stuff to help you find shit you missed on the first playthrough, because there will be a lot. Read item descriptions, and pay attention to NPC dialog, but you still will miss 60%+ of the story, because choices you make (or don't make) will affect the NPCs without you know it, and you will miss their story, which means you miss how they interact with other parts of the games, which means you miss out on a lot of the story itself.

I think we prefer if you come here and ask us though, because thanks to you there's at least half a dozen of us that have gotten back into this game riding on your coattails of enthusiasm and frustration.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:25 pm
by a world of no
Pharis bow for sniping. Use that spider shield against the blowdart fucks. It'll block off their poison better than other shield. Just rush the fucks. They don't amount to shit face to face.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:28 pm
by Spooky Apparition
yeah, there's no reason to fight those guys from a distance. kill them up close and get your ass to the bottom of that rickety structure ASAP

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:53 pm
by Wang Mandu
Pisscubes wrote:So is he/she ALL dex? What's the build like?
Something like....

26 Vit
29 End
40 Dex
24 Str (unwisely for the gravelord sword)

Finished Manus after an hour or so.

Dont read this Pisscubes
Finished Manus after an hour. So many times I'd get his health way down and then rush in only for him to punish me. I had to summon Sif :oops:. Love that boss so much. Some guy tried to invade me twice. Once I baited him to come down to the area before the fog only to sprint right into the fog lol. Then he invaded again before I made it down so I set up on the beam heading towards the final area, cast Chaos Great Fireball so the guy dodged right to his death.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:57 pm
by guardianoftheblind
gonna start this again tomorrow. i have a STR build havel with a +5 lighnting zwei. slow as balls. beat artorias last time i played.

but i wanna start a new game with a magic only (basically) user. maybe a small dagger or something for melee. it's the one thing i never messed with

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:42 pm
by a world of no
Had a good day of darkmooning in the parish/forest area right before the forest door. Hotter than in the past, and no ganking (unlike the burg). Ended when I got invaded by a hacker with infinite health, so I chose to alt-f4 before finding out if a hit would curse/statfuck me. Aggression mod on hold for the time being so that the guilty pay for their crimes. The forest was pretty tame as well, providing much twinks, and no ganks. Lovely afternoon of pvp.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:52 am
by Wang Mandu ... 194608639/

Try this for hacking fucks. I havent used it myself.but will install it before next. Only ran into a hacker once and.instantly alt-f4'd outta there. God I hope the PC version is Steamworks and has VAC enabled.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:21 am
by Wang Mandu
They're not that big of a deal. Listen for the dart shooting and landing sound, find cover and observe, clear out all the other enemies in the immediate area and then slay the poison bitches. No need for suicide runs. Strap on that Spider shield!

Picked up a PS3 again. Preeeeeetty sure I am going to double dip on Dark Souls 2 :oops:

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:22 am
by Wang Mandu

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:49 am
by Wang Mandu
Tons of ways to earn Humanity like having a message you've laid down recommended by another player or killing a ton of monsters in an area where the boss is still alive, etc.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:02 am
by Spooky Apparition
Killing enemies in a non-dead-boss area goes straight to the counter ("soft" humanity). i've never figured out WHEN you get that soft humanity though. sometimes i'll kill like 15 enemies in an area and get none, but other times i'll get 2 in my counter after a few minutes.

btw, have you planned out what's next after you get through blighttown? are you going to try the great hollow/ash lake or go to sen's fortress (most people's next stop)?

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:29 am
by Spooky Apparition
you can access the great hollow from the bottom of blightown, but it's an optional area. as for the depths, there's that one guy right before you descend into blightown who has some decent items for sale, but other than that I don't think there's anything else noteworthy in the depths.

the divine ember lets you turn any +5 normal weapon into a divine weapon. I think the only reason I ever made a divine weapon was to get the trophy for maxing one out. tbqh I'm not sure why a person would ever use one or what their particular strengths are, although they're useful in a certain area for a certain reason (which I didn't know on my first playthrough).

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:13 am
by Ghost Dad
Did you rush past the zombie dragon and pick up all the gear under him (cliff in the valley of the drakes, near the low elevator near the first bonfire)? There's a decent sword you can get there for slapping around undead dipshits in the catacombs early on...but if you're level 52 then you're more than ready. Just beware of the pinwheel fuckers...

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:22 am
by a world of no
Divine weapon will kill skeletons without resurrection if their little flamemonk master is still kicking. Same also goes for the Nito skeletons. Your faith level has to be enough to wield it though. The silver knight spear is the only divine attack weapon that doesn't require faith, so anyone can use it. I typically have one +5 just for dealing with Gravelord Nito's entourage. Other than that, Divine/Occult weapons are not super useful.

Edit: I think I meant to say that they scale with your faith stat, so while you can use them they don't amount to shit if your faith level is low.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:06 am
by Ghost Dad
Yeah, what he said. You'd probably be better off with the silver knight spear...since you can farm for the rest of their gear while your at it.
protip: if you run around anor londo castle, you can fight about 10 silver knights, they drop decent souls and some of the best gear in the game, imo. While youre there you can also fwrm titanite from the big dudes in the big hall that leads to ornstein and smough.
edit: thanks for single-handedly drumming up interest in this game again on here.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:18 am
by a world of no
fwiw you can still preorder black armor edition of DS2 on Amazon, even though it shows it as unavailable (At least it was for PS3). Go under different sellers and the only option it shows is from Amazon for $59.96. Same 3/11 release date. I went ahead and ordered, because I don't want to wait until May or later for the PC version, though I will be getting that version as well eventually.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:34 am
by Ghost Dad
No game stops in the north end, wtf...

gonna go try to beat manus with soul arrrows...

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:51 am
by The Bill
Geoff, I've noticed something. While I never thought too much of it, it would seem I don't like D&D/LOTR themed games too much. The exception being Elder Scroll and Zelda games. Yet, Castlevania: LOS, Dragon's Dogma, Baldur's Gate, Kingdom of Alumar, and more I cant remember right now bore me after a bit. I never beat them. Diablo III is currently on my limbo list after never getting back to it since the fall time. Anyhow, anyhow, Dark Soul... you think this game stands out in some way other than difficulty? I played a little of it once (pretty drunk) and all I recall is being bored of the drab nature of it.