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Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:36 pm
by The Bill
Also, if I'm not online why was I just invaded by Kirk Kobain? This game invades in single player, does it?

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:40 pm
yeah theres a couple scripted npc invasions. not too bad.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:48 pm
by Ghost Dad
Are you playing on the xbone, bill?

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:00 pm
by The Bill
Also, if I'm not online why was I just invaded by Kirk Kobain? This game invades in single player, does it?

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:01 pm
by The Bill
Ghost Dad wrote:Are you playing on the xbone, bill?
360, my good sir

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:04 pm
by The Bill
I just got lost and ended up fighting & killing a gapping Dragon? Where's the fucking rat, I'll kill him?!!!!

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:06 pm
by The Bill
I just got lost and ended up fighting & killing a gapping Dragon? Where's the fucking rat, I'll kill him?!!!!

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:43 pm
by Comrade Slinky
Wore my covetous gold serpent and fog rings to the fight with ornstein and smough. Also realised yesterday that you can consume humanity for hit points. Ridin' high.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:53 pm
by a world of no
The Bill wrote:Also, if I'm not online why was I just invaded by Kirk Kobain? This game invades in single player, does it?
There are NPC invasions that happen online or not. If you're human, you get invaded by them in specific areas. "Kirk Kobain" is one of them, and you'll see him a few times. His story, like most every fucking boss/npc, is pretty depressing if you can complete it and put the pieces together.
Comrade Slinky wrote:Wore my covetous gold serpent and fog rings to the fight with ornstein and smough. Also realised yesterday that you can consume humanity for hit points. Ridin' high.
Funniest thing in this thread by far. Did you use the darksign or black separation crystal?

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:16 pm
by Comrade Slinky
Had Solaire summoned who lasted long enough for me to kill ornstein and then do 15 minutes of ring around the rosie with smough.

I also forgot about reviving the firelink keeper and used her soul to reinforce my flasks, I don't think that'll come back to bite me though.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:35 am
by spacehamster
Comrade Slinky wrote: I also forgot about reviving the firelink keeper and used her soul to reinforce my flasks, I don't think that'll come back to bite me though.
Well, you've lost that bonfire and there's two difficult areas where you die a lot that you access from there, so unless you've done both of those already, you'll be looking at twice as many loading screens because you'll have to warp to it everytime. You also missed the only way to get Anastacia to speak. But yeah, it's nothing too terrible, you can't completely break your game or anything, it'll just create minor nuisances or lock you out of NPC storylines when you screw things up.
Spooky Apparition wrote: worth it (Siegmeyer) for that sweet, sweet slab though.
Oh yeah. I'm going for a straight STR/DEX build this time, so I'll need me lots of those.

It was also really fun to go back down to Ash Lake again for the first time. I still hate the great hollow because the platforming in these games never worked that well (remember the shortcut to the Flamelurker? Ugh ugh ugh) and the HD texture mod seems to be causing issues with getting stuck and/or falling off the environment for me, but as far as how the game world is structured, it's really awesome that it's there, and Ash Lake and the music and the everlasting dragon and, well, you know.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:30 am
by The Bill
Why does drunk The Bill always use up all my well earned souls on merchants. He bought 1999 arrows.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:12 am
by Ghost Dad

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 9:31 am
by spacehamster
Man, New Londo is so much easier in first playthroughs, it's not even funny. I just went all the way to the very large ember in one run without dying, no problem. It's so much tougher in NG+ when the ghosts have supercharged damage output and two of them can stun-lock and murder your ass in two seconds.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:32 am
by Wang Mandu
Playing the PS3 version for co-op is sooooo much better. I stood by the Blighttown bonfire and helped enough people to get the Great Lightning Spear miracle in a couple hours.

But fuck that framerate down there. Good god I never want to experience that again.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:52 am
by Comrade Slinky
Wang Mandu wrote: But fuck that framerate down there. Good god I never want to experience that again.
I had forgotten about that on this playthrough. Fucking thing must drop to single digits at times.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:54 am
smough and ornstein on ng+

with the added wrinkle that im trying to get ornsteins soul

:cry: :tdown:

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:47 pm
by spacehamster
FVBTVS wrote:smough and ornstein on ng+

with the added wrinkle that im trying to get ornsteins soul

:cry: :tdown:
Killing Smough first is basically the last thing on my list where I have to admit I only did it via co-op cheezit. Ornstein's armor is pretty cool, though, and it has good curse resistance. Good luck?

It's pretty damn amazing how well the framerate holds up in Blighttown on PC. It does drop noticeably, but maybe to 30fps. Like Streven said earlier in this thread, it's actually worse in the Demon Ruins for some reason.

Just finally keeled the Sanctuary Guardian. Supercharged Pyromancy Flame + Silver Knight Shield does the trick. Will nose around the Royal Forest later tonight - partially to see how the framerate holds up there. In the immediate vicinity of the bonfire, it's fine.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:03 pm
i'm just too slow with +15 zwei and chaos fireball for my own personal play style. plus i still get rattled by those guys. my hands were even sweaty and shaking a little bit when i had to do the cathedral where the painting is..

did the archers first try with ease and everything else just fine but :oops:

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 3:12 pm
by a world of no
FVBTVS wrote:i'm just too slow with +15 zwei and chaos fireball for my own personal play style. plus i still get rattled by those guys. my hands were even sweaty and shaking a little bit when i had to do the cathedral where the painting is..

did the archers first try with ease and everything else just fine but :oops:
I murdered the fuck out of a Giantdad dickwraith earlier while gravelord hosting for a very loosely organized event in the burg. I thought of you when he started spamming that big fucking giant goddamn zwei. It's so fucking slow... parry city, baby. Just fucking use the giant club.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:47 pm
by spacehamster
Fuck you, Artorias. I'll kill your fucking dog next.
Co-op'd. I can't do this one. It's ridiculous.
The whole descent from Oolacile into the Chasm of the Abyss is basically the level designers swinging their dicks around going YEAH WE'RE PRETTY FUCKING GOOD AT THIS AND WE KNOW IT. The whole time I'm thinking I don't wanna go down there mommy do I have to but there's monsters down there I don't wanna. Fantastic stuff. Even if the part leading up to the bossfight looks a bit too much like a recolored Tomb of the Giants.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:21 pm
a world of no wrote:
FVBTVS wrote:i'm just too slow with +15 zwei and chaos fireball for my own personal play style. plus i still get rattled by those guys. my hands were even sweaty and shaking a little bit when i had to do the cathedral where the painting is..

did the archers first try with ease and everything else just fine but :oops:
I murdered the fuck out of a Giantdad dickwraith earlier while gravelord hosting for a very loosely organized event in the burg. I thought of you when he started spamming that big fucking giant goddamn zwei. It's so fucking slow... parry city, baby. Just fucking use the giant club.
but i dont pvp. i had to google giantdad last night finally..
but i parry/backstab like crazy. i switch between silver knight str sword +5 , chaos blade and zwei +15. im all about the family masks though. im so busted im like a natures giantdad. so casul

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:22 pm
i just discovred the shotel and the r2 attack of the jagged ghost blade though. im getting there :awesome:

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:55 pm
by spacehamster
Summoning Sif during Manus brings the lolz. Hard as fuck to pull off, doesn't help at all.

Re: The Dark Souls Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:11 pm
by a world of no
I like Giantdads. They give me an excuse to go balls out and not feel bad about it.

Shotel R2 is fantastic. Cuts through shields. My favorite Anti-Giantdad weapon. R2, R2, R2, Dead.