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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:04 am
by spacehamster
Pisscubes wrote:I'm not here to say the game was perfect by a long shot, but someone still needs to explain how a game about violence being violent- how a story about a mass killer who the player then makes kill in mass-- is ludo-narrative dissonance, which is how I've heard it described over and over again.
The way that works is, "ludonarrative dissonance" is a term that was interesting for about five minutes until the Internet Complain Squad co-opted it for its purpose, and now every pet peeve people have about games they want to bitch about on messageboards gets the "ludonarrative dissonance" treatment because it's two big words strung together and makes the people who use it feel smart.

I don't think there's a problem with "ludonarrative dissonance" in Infinite, and I like the game fine - what I do think is that it has a great story told in what is ultimately little more than a fairly pedestrian FPS. I don't really see how the way the story portrays Booker clashes with him killing people by the dozens in the game, at least no more or less than in any other shooter. But I also don't think the game explores its violence in any way that's clever or interesting, it's just there because Booker is Booker and the game's a shooter. The story is far more preoccupied with its other characters and its clever plot, and the shooting just happens because something interactive needs to happen.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 6:13 am
by The Bill
The first time you see Death's Head.... that grin!

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:28 am
by The Bill
Pisscubes wrote:Started Wolfenstein last night.

The opening-- the pre-credits-- I was pretty "meh". Seemed a little too chaotic and loose for me, and the "fog of war" backed by someone barking orders at you on a radio felt waaaay too familiar.

But after the credits... it started to matter less because I was interested in the story. I thought the hospital scene was cool and I liked the basement interrogation. And I especially like when the old man tells you "You go kill Nazis! Lots of them!"
What fog? I played it mostly stealth and I thought it was tight. What are you playing this on? Anyhow, this is like an alternative history Captain America story and I dig it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:23 am
by The Bill
No, I mean what machine are you playing it on? I really don't remember any fog. Maybe the PS3/360 use a fog to help with the graphics.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 8:33 am
by The Bill
Pisscubes wrote: I really want to punch BJ's face, I have t say. He really is:
Punch him? You just made him 5 thousand times more awesome.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:44 am
by The Bill
Sound is generated through the TV speakers. I never wanted to deal with an addition speaker setup, so surround/3D sound has never be that great. Just discovered that the PS4 controller provides full sound via headphones. The rain! Footsteps & gun fire behind me! I'm in heaven.

:tup: :mastoman:

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:53 pm
by Cryptoplasty
I just had another kid (all done, tubes tied), so I have the next 2 weeks off of work doing the overnight baby shift which means consuming as much media as possible while I can. Last night I got pretty far in The Witcher 2. Although I still have a lot of complaints, I've grown to really enjoy this experience. This might be the first RPG I've ever played where I want to listen to all the dialogue options and skip nothing.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 5:44 pm
by doomeddisciple
Pisscubes wrote:I have to admit I'm going to be really, really sad if I don't get to go to the ACTUAL Castle Wolfenstein. :(

You should be pleasantly surprised upstairs once you reach the hub

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:58 pm
by doomeddisciple
Wolfenstein was a fun 18 odd hours.

Played through on Bring it on difficulty through and there was plenty of health and armour and really only the last boss was any kind of challenge and most of that was due to not being able to see him very well.

I have a feeling it would have been more rewarding/have a few more challenges at a higher difficulty level - Slight spoiler, but for those that have played it -
The moon surface was pretty much a waste of time - Three little drones? Maybe there's some tougher Super Soliders or mechs on a higher difficulty level
Visually the game looked at its best on the PS4 when it was in the gameplay sequences - Some of the cut scenes looked very detailed, others
the scene dummy Max is crying over his dying buddy in the helicopter
reminded me of playing PS2 HD redeux stuff and the mix could be jarring at times - But the 60fps 1080p for the vast marority of the game ran superbly well and kept it up even in larger set pieces.

After Dark Souls 2 the bosses were chumps, I think I need to bump the difficulty up and have another crack and see if that introduces a few more enemies - I found Bring it On just slightly to the easy side and I still died like 77 times or something in the game. I finished 51% of the game in a playthrough without any concerted effort to look for things like enigma codes or golden items.

Overall the story had more substance than I was expecting from a Nazi shooting gallery funhouse - but I got a little more than I expected - I went in wanting a kinda mindless next gen shooter and I got that with a little more narrative than I bargained for.

Now trying to decide if I wana go get Watchdogs after work...

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:52 am
by doomeddisciple
Such a game consumer sucker :fp:


Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:00 am
by Wang Mandu
Haha post impressions. I hope the open world isnt the usual Ubisoft grind.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:08 am
by spacehamster
I swear, Wolfenstein's going to be the reason I buy a PS4 soon. Who'da thunk it? Not I.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:28 am
by doomeddisciple
About an hour in - I dunno - I reckon I could have waited but I haven't had a gun battle yet - one weird thing is that when the phone rang while I was driving the car handled like a bucket of shit - city looks better at night than in the daytime.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 8:32 am
by The Bill
The Bill wrote:I know I'm going to buy a bunch of stupid shit for the PS4, just because it's fancy and new.
Sold back a ton of older gen stupid shit, then the above came true. I always do this with a new console. Too bad!

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:28 am
by RY4N
The Bill wrote:Sold back a ton of older gen stupid shit
i traded in a grip of ps3 games i didnt play anymore and got a pair of those sony gold playstation headphones for like 15 bucks. these things rule so hard :drooly: :mastoman:

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:28 am
by Spooky Apparition
reception to Watch Dogs seems positive, BUT... I'm not falling for the Ubisoft trap yet. opinions of their big games always seems to change a lot between launch and like 10 days later. DD, are the graphics as average as a lot of people were complaining about or does it at least look decent/feel like a solid open world?

true test for realness: drive to the south side, stop at a red light and see if someone tries to jack you. if they do.... game's legit.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:54 am
by The Bill
RY4N wrote:
The Bill wrote:Sold back a ton of older gen stupid shit
i traded in a grip of ps3 games i didnt play anymore and got a pair of those sony gold playstation headphones for like 15 bucks. these things rule so hard :drooly: :mastoman:
I can't stand headphones that use batteries. That's why i always go in-ear. If that Gold thing had an option to go wired and not use batteries I'd think about it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:02 am
by RY4N
it just has a built in battery you charge with the same cord as the controller :confused:

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 10:24 am
by The Bill
RY4N wrote:it just has a built in battery you charge with the same cord as the controller :confused:
Yeah, that's no good. Well, it's not too bad either. Does have 7.1 sound, huh? Hmm!

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:39 pm
by doomeddisciple
Spooky Apparition wrote:reception to Watch Dogs seems positive, BUT... I'm not falling for the Ubisoft trap yet. opinions of their big games always seems to change a lot between launch and like 10 days later. DD, are the graphics as average as a lot of people were complaining about or does it at least look decent/feel like a solid open world?

true test for realness: drive to the south side, stop at a red light and see if someone tries to jack you. if they do.... game's legit.

Compared to the E3 footage I saw of the game on Rev 3 - BTW hasn't that channel got to shit since Adam Sessler left, fuck, but I digress, the graphics are not all that. The lighting in the daytime is weird, I guess I could only describe it as like an open world video games version of Dr's office lighting - I think lighting was one of GTAV's more striking features by way of comparison - But at night the city takes on a bit more menace and personality.

I will do the south side car jack test tonight. The phone profiler thing is kinda hilariously over powered - One time last night I exited my apartment and did a scan and a dude is making out with a Hooker against a wall - scanning him it said "Frequently downloads torture porn" on her it said "HIV positive" lol

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:45 pm
by copstache
i haven't really done anything but make cars crash into each other and explode things. some chick with leukemia was talking about how hot she looked after losing a bunch of weight.

would play again.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:13 pm
by doomeddisciple
Yeah - I'll give it a bit more than an hour before making up my mind.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:51 pm
by copstache
i stole $1100 from a guy addicted to scratch off tickets. i drove a car on top of a boat and blew them both up. i pinned a fat lady who downloads a bunch of hentai to a wall with a moving truck.

i fell off a roof and super mario'd some dude to death.

i honestly don't know if this game is any good. I did drop a pickup truck on top of 3 people from the roof of a parking garage though.

also this guy beat me in poker so i drove his stupid hatchback over his kids' swingset and parked it in a lake

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:57 pm
by guardianoftheblind
copstache wrote:i stole $1100 from a guy addicted to scratch off tickets. i drove a car on top of a boat and blew them both up. i pinned a fat lady who downloads a bunch of hentai to a wall with a moving truck.

i fell off a roof and super mario'd some dude to death.

i honestly don't know if this game is any good. I did drop a pickup truck on top of 3 people from the roof of a parking garage though.
sounds like another just cause 2

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 7:59 pm
by copstache
subtract absurdity and add a bunch of variety to your toys and you're not far off

really what i want most is a way to stuff people in my trunk like in sleeping dogs