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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 12:49 am
by Wang Mandu
Dude, I was crushed by that reveal. I was so ready to double dip on PS4 and PC but now I'm not even 100% sure I'll get one version of the game.

You can't carry your character between PS4 and PC so fuck you buy our DLC twice, the connection is all p2p again (hello teleporting invincible pvp players), pvp is getting downgraded from 6v6 and 3v3 to all 4v4 modes yet it'll still be 30fps on consoles with presumably smaller maps (wtf!?), say you're doing PVP with 3 other friends and want to jump to some PVE activities well screw you because one person has to leave the group, the PC version probably isn't coming out until a minimum of 2 or 3 months later, no new enemies shown, no new character class but hey remixed subclasses! Lol. Bungie is about the most uninspired and passionless studio going.

They had microtransactions for almost 2 years and still decided to cheap out on dedicated servers. Assholes.

Destiny 2 is basically an expansion pack with a ton of QOL improvements that should have been in the first game. Goddammit.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 5:24 am
by copstache
Wang Mandu wrote: Sun May 21, 2017 12:49 amBungie is about the most uninspired and passionless studio going.
not while bioware and bethesda still exist.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 6:51 am
by Wang Mandu
copstache wrote: Mon May 22, 2017 5:24 am
Wang Mandu wrote: Sun May 21, 2017 12:49 amBungie is about the most uninspired and passionless studio going.
not while bioware and bethesda still exist.
I'd say Bioware just has truly awful management and Bethesda...yeah they're neck and neck with Bungie. In their defense, at least those studios can release PC versions on the same day as console versions.

No dedicated servers, no 60fps for pvp, smaller pvp numbers with an alleged push for esports ( :lol: :tdown: ), delayed PC release....still kind of pissed about this.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:30 am
I could see being interested in Destiny if they were to somehow make exploration even remotely interesting. I think that was its greatest fault over everything

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 7:47 am
by Wang Mandu
Supposedly, exploration is going to be a big part of Destiny 2 but I've heard a lot of "we're always listening to you guys" from Bungie over the past few years that I'll wait and see. That big new zone they're touting was supposed to be in the first game until they scrapped the entire story and then stitched together the initial form of Destiny in the year leading up to the release date, :lol: .

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 8:48 am
by The Bill
Wang Mandu wrote: Mon May 22, 2017 6:51 am
copstache wrote: Mon May 22, 2017 5:24 am
Wang Mandu wrote: Sun May 21, 2017 12:49 amBungie is about the most uninspired and passionless studio going.
not while... bethesda still exist.
Well, does DOOM and Wolfenstein count as Bethesda? Because they nullify any negatives the company had elsewhere.
Wang Mandu wrote: Mon May 22, 2017 7:47 am Supposedly, exploration is going to be a big part of Destiny 2
What does that even mean in a game like Destiny? Scavenger hunts? Yeah, this week's big online event is finding 50 fucking plants and we'll give you a purple shoe.

I Mass Effect'ed some more. Actually completing a few loyalty missions. Unfortunately, I "wasted" a huge chunk of time activating the Monolith on the rain forest planet not knowing it can't be colonized. I say I'm only doing major missions then I start feeling the game and end up doing all this other stuff. I'm really not a fan of acid water world.

I'm very apprehensive about playing Prey. Something about it worries me. I hear there are things disguised as furniture that jump out at you and you have to use a glue gun to get places. I don't know. I guess I'm not in the mood. I'll probably do the PS2 thing after all. I need a little linear in my life.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 3:06 am
by Wang Mandu
The Bill wrote: Mon May 22, 2017 8:48 am What does that even mean in a game like Destiny? Scavenger hunts? Yeah, this week's big online event is finding 50 fucking plants and we'll give you a purple shoe.
Supposedly, hidden loot caches guarded by bosses, quests to be picked up and other adventures. They were really vague about how they specifically fleshed out the open worlds. As with everything Bungie, wait and see if they actually implement it or are blowing smoke up everyone's buttholes.

Red Dead Redemption 2 delayed until Spring 2018. Who didn't see that coming. PC version 2019? :cry: :lol:

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 8:21 am
by The Bill
Regardless, I'll pass on Destiny. Fool me once, Bungie...

Good, I'm glad Red Dead is delayed. I'm going to need lots of time before I can deal with another open world/sandbox game. Looking at the release dates for other 2017 games it seems that Shadow of Mordor, Get Even, and Hellraid are the only ones I see that I might be getting.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:50 pm
by doomeddisciple
Yeah, baby #3 has really bit into my bame time, Horizon is withering with this whole fast travel being a finite resource - & the game isn't worried about a story path that goes on and bloody on.

Still I'm enjoying that story as the onions peel off. Quite a grim premis as I shape up to what must be the final act.(please let it be the final act)

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 8:30 am
by The Bill
Oh, Vanquish (Steam) is out tomorrow already. As is Get Even*. I have no idea why I've latched on to Get Even. I think I scanned a bunch of potential buys many months ago and added them to the Steam wish list. This was obviously before Open World-palooza 2017 and PS2 Gate, when I thought I'd need even more games. I'll read many reviews before this purchase, to be sure.

I'm totally getting laid in Mass Effect and things are starting to wrap up swimmingly. Unfortunately, it's now the combat that I'm growing tired of. I experimented with different Biotics, but only Charge and Nova amuse me. Maybe try my hand at Tech? The Krogans are great in this one.

*Edit: I just saw the release date for this has been pushed off into later June because of the bombing in England. What? This sounds like a bullshit marketing ploy rather than sympathy. Who actually knew about this game, honestly? Now a few more people might and buy it out of imagined respect? Whatever.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 11:26 am
by The Bill

This is going to be the exact same game all over again, isn't it?

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:58 pm
by RY4N
theres even a radio tower in the background you can climb up to unlock new areas of the map! gee whiz!

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:40 pm
by Necrometer

can't believe I recognized this...

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:37 am
by Wang Mandu

This is going to be so much fun at a good framerate now.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:01 am
by The Bill
RY4N wrote: Wed May 24, 2017 5:58 pm theres even a radio tower in the background you can climb up to unlock new areas of the map! gee whiz!
I didn't see that till now. Ubisoft, go to your room!

Note to self, if I ever replay Andromeda or it ever gets a sequel, unlock the monoliths first. I can't believe I've been fighting the different planet elements unnecessarily. I figured the environments took time to fix. Nope, poison water gone immediately. Why do all the planets have the same animals?

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 9:01 am
by ghost boner

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 4:01 pm
by copstache
goddamn the pc port of Vanquish is good. KBM controls and playing it at 100fps :mastoman:

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 9:32 am
by The Bill
Finished Mass Effect Andromeda. In the end I'd say it was one of the better games I've played in 2017. I didn't do everything and I don't think what I did impacted much at all, still, good stuff. Cora had a great ass, but strange nipples. Was I playing this for a very long time? It seems that way.

Started up Cold Winter (PS2 via PS3) If I was to compare it to anything I'd say it was No One Lives Forever meets Soldier of Fortune. Oh, and it Soldier of Fortunes. Damn good blood and gore, with people heads just exploding into brain chunks an much dismemberment. This story and tone is also very Soldier of Fortune, meaning it's generic horseshit. I think had they went funny like NOLF it could have made a name for itself. Graphics are slightly below average PS2, with some pretty good real-time lighting and shadows. I didn't think the PS2 could do things like that. Frame rate is bad or the game just handles like molasses, I can't tell. And aiming is a terrible. I think the auto-aim is messed up as the character slows to a crawl when getting the reticle on an enemy, then immediately speeds up so you skip right over them. The game doesn't scratch the itch I wanted scratched but it sort of pawed around it. I was going to finish it, but on my second attempt the game restarted me at a random mid-level checkpoint 2 LEVELS BACK. Oh Hell NO! I'm done, and fuck you, game.

That all put a bad PS2 in my mouth, so I threw in Resistance 3. There you are! Just what I wanted. Ah... feels good. It's pretty obvious they wanted to make their own version of Half-Life 2 with this sequel, but if you have to emulate a game HL2 is a damn good choice. Shooting is wonderful, with many different weapons that all have secondary fire and they don't look like bad sci-fi fan fiction art. It knows when to change locations. It know when to tweak the game style. It's biggest negative is probably too many damn enemies coming at you at once. A lot of Sony exclusives have this problem, hm? You see, games like DOOM and Serious Sam, the enemies don't dodge like crazy nor do they ALL use automatic weapons. It's hard, harder then I've been used to, but fair enough. The Chimera really are a horrible, loathsome enemy to fight. Well, done. I do like killing them so, and they do some terrific overly dramatic rag doll physics when killed:


I also installed Neir (PS3) it's predictably strange. Not having Platinum behind is is noticeable. Very noticeable. Still, it grabbed me, thanks in large point to Nier Automata. Not sure, I'll be running off to play it soon, but I like it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:41 pm
by Spooky Apparition
some stuff I've played recently (mostly to kill time until I feel like playing a big game... bad time of year for that):

Abzu - Looks very cool, and it was the first game I played with my new speakers and it sounded fucking GREAT. I think it only took like 2 hours to beat, and honestly i don't know what the hell actually happened or why I did what I did, but it was pleasant, relaxing, etc. fwiw a lot of people have compared it to Journey, which I still haven't played. not worth buying at full price IMO, but if you want to swim around in beautiful environments, it's worth checking out.

Broforce - somewhere between hilarious and aggressively annoying, but overall fun, if a little mindless. sometimes the levels descend into chaos with absolutely everything in the level getting destroyed, but that's when it's at it's best. it has some great touches that add a lot of personality. on some level halfway through the game, I saw what looked like a regular enemy and ran at him, but a cutscene started. it was a montage of important moments in his life (with him always wearing his stock enemy mask, even as a kid) set to some weepy orchestral music. then the cutscene ended and he immediately fell off a cliff and died :lol: there's quite a bit of stuff like that. the narrative justifications for why you're going to these countries and killing people are always pretty funny. i guess it's multiplayer too, although I just played single player.

ME: Andromeda - ... just can't get into this. I do think the graphics/animation backlash seems overblown. I used the character importer site to load another player's character and she looks really great. but the writing is just boring to me, and it only took about two hours to feel overwhelmed with all the shit popping up on the screen (missions everywhere, codex entries, etc. etc. typical bioware stuff). shooting mechanics haven't hooked me yet, so I'm not sure how much longer i'll spend giving this a chance.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:19 am
by The Bill
I'm very near Resistance 3's end game. Sometimes you play an old game for the first time and curse yourself because you should have played it back then. With this, I'm actually glad I played it now rather than then. And I think I'll stick with the PS3 and the PS3 games for awhile. I've fought alien/CHUD/zombie/parasite/monsters/whateverthefuck with the Chimera, so I'll re-tackle a game with hue-mans solders. You know what I liked but stopped playing because (???) ? Battlefield Bad Company 2. I think playing that next would be the most goodest.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:15 am
by doomeddisciple
E3 EA - FIFA, Madden, NBA, Need For Speed, Battlefront two and one new IP Anthem.

Yawnburger 2017

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:42 am
by Spooky Apparition
new Wolfenstein looks pretty fucking awesome.

I'd even give Evil Within 2 a shot. first one was rough, but definitely a lot of potential. at least it got the atmosphere right (mostly).. if the shooting mechanics and animations are tightened up, it could be great.

other than that stuff, I haven't been keeping up with what's coming out. From will show *something* at Sony's conference right....? I can't think of any other rumored games I'm super excited about.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:04 am
by doomeddisciple
Days Gone and God of War I am keen for

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:06 am

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:44 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: