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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:06 am
by doomeddisciple

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 3:46 am
by Wang Mandu
More interested in that open world samurai game but Sucker Punch kind of sucks and Western devs making a Japanese historical game it's going to be terrible aesthetic wise. It's like a Chinese company making a mobile game about the slave trade in colonial America.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:40 am
by The Bill
Zounds! I completely forgot about VR Skyrim and VR DOOM. I haven't touched the VR since July when it started getting too humid, and then dismantled it to get Horizon Zero Dawn to use HDR. I guess it's time to reconnect it. Although, I'm much more interested in the games I listed above. Saw somewhere that Evil Within 2 takes about 12 hours to beat. I'm guessing AC Origins is a lot more, so I might push Old Blood back and do EWI2 next then ACO. I am curious about that COD WW2 single player. Really interested in Star Wars BF2's single player because Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 was really good, and maybe, just maybe, EA has a dedication to single player components now.

Sony's exclusives look nice and all, but I just don't care about any of them... presently. Do they all use the same engine, because there is a sameness to all of them? It's great Sony makes all these games. Microsoft really shit the bed this generation. I thought Cuphead was an XBOX exclusive, but nope, I own it on Steam. So the one Rare collections and 2 Halo games are the only XBOX exclusives? 2 of which are just a collection of older "generation" games.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:27 am
by The Bill
I haven't cursed and gotten frustrated at a game like last night since Bloodborne. It was in Chapter 10 of EVWI 1 and it wasn't even the boss. I guess a mini-boss, that one hit kills you. Fuck, that made me angry. Yes, you feel gratified after you beat it, but is that whole experience worth it at my age? I don't think my "Fuck Yeah!" was equal to my "FUCK YOU!!" Again, maybe I've gotten old enough that I don't take too much pride in a video game accomplishment. Whom would I brag to about it, anyway? You dudes are cool, but there's that non-physical presence disconnect. Then, there's the kids that sometimes take interest, but soon realize that Evil Within is no Roblox or Minecraft. No, sir. Oh, maybe my wife will care? Let's see. When I beat Dark Souls she looked at me like I told her I farted and hiccuped at the same time, then went back to Kim Kardashian without saying a word. ANYHOW! The gist is now I'm not sure I want to jump right into EVWI 2 if it has more of this kind of thing. Also, I want to publicly say Suck My Dick, Bitch to this bitch:


Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 10:29 am
by The Bill
I'm not too proud to say that I bought the Call of Duty WWII (Steam). It used to be a tradition that I played a COD or Halo game around my birthday. Haven't done it since Black Ops 2, I think. Last year I did it with Battlefield 1, and enjoyed myself. So, being that it's back to WW2 I said the hell with it... with much foreboding. I was awake at midnight so I installed it. Initially the game was completely green. I though it was intentional like some kind of old time filter with military green. NOPE! It eventually went away after I messed with Windows HDR. (Again, I don't understand HDR on the PC, I lose contrast and color and sharpness if it is on, I turn it off and the nVidia RGB settings seem to be more HDR than HDR, I wonder if my TV forces it on somehow, and when Windows is also on, it double HDRs) What Black Magic is this game? It looks amazing (4K, Ultra, and Max Anti-aliasing :pizza: :beer: ) and runs like greased lightning-. Those pre-rendered clips they show in advertisements are essentially what I'm looking at. Game is bloody. Game is gory. Game is gritty. Game has health packs? Game does not have regenerating health?? Game is hard as fuck!

:shock: :lol:

This is a modern Call of Duty game?

I refuse to read the reviews because I don't care about multiplayer, and thus I don't know what I'm getting myself into. I'm sure the game is short, at least. Damn it all, though, this game might just be excellent. Alright, the story itself is a bit too much of the stereotypical WW2 strangers to bros from different parts of the US coming together that you've seen before. Coming from a studio called Sledgehammer, I should be grateful it's what it is.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:28 am
by The Bill
Finally. Finally!! Beat Evil WithIn. Don't get me wrong, I mostly liked the game, but it so overstayed it's welcome. So much so that I will not jump right into the sequel. I need a break from that stuff.

Beat the first level of COD WW2. Outside of one QuickTime event it really is good. If anything It's like a rebooted Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

Started Assassins Creed Origins. How the hell is an Ass Creed game this good? Bow and arrows are outstanding. Just like COD I'm shocked and vastly impressed. Along with Resident Evil 7, it was a very good year for old titles that seemed dead to me.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:13 pm
by doomeddisciple
The campaign on COD WWII was a delicious highlight reel for HDR gaming goodness.

Having not played a COD since Modern Warfare 2 (2009!! Seems like yesterday) I forgot how hilariously poor the multiplayer is compared to Battlefield 1.

I had a couple of games but yeah, back to Wolefenstien 2.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:16 am
by spacehamster
I'm finally back at Horizon Zero Dawn. Feel like it's really sucking me in again, but we'll see. It's just such a well put together game where everything works smoothly, and I kinda like that right now.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:05 pm
by Spooky Apparition
... I've played 100 hours of The Last of Us multiplayer in the last month :lol: who needs new games when i've got the GREATEST MULTIPLAYER GAME OF ALL TIME to waste more life on.
The Bill wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:28 am Finally. Finally!! Beat Evil WithIn. Don't get me wrong, I mostly liked the game, but it so overstayed it's welcome. So much so that I will not jump right into the sequel. I need a break from that stuff.
if I was fortunate enough to write videogame reviews for a living, Evil Within would have been a tough one because the game is so freaking different from chapter to chapter. the best chapters, the more open ones, especially in the first half of the game, are like 9/10 for my tastes. I loved it. but the shooting gallery levels, including the later on-rails stuff, is like 3/10, almost bottom of the barrel garbage. maybe i was just sick of it by the end too, but that game is schizophrenic in its structure overall.

I've heard good things about part 2, but I'm kinda hesitant to dive into another game that has been open worldified with a bunch of loot and crafting, side missions, etc. of course I say that as I'm playing South Park, but that's so RPG light that it doesn't really count (also not quite as good as the first game IMO, if anyone cares).

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 2:21 am
by Wang Mandu
The Mortal Empires dlc for Total War: Warhammer I and II is insane. It combines the maps and factions of the two previous games into one massive sandbox with only two goals: survive the Chaos invasion and crush everyone. Shit rules so hard. My Dark Elf empire has nearly half of the western world under its murderous iron fist right now. My sworn nemesis, the High Elves are 5 to 10 turns from being obliterated, and then I will focus on conquering the Old World. My GOTY for 2017.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:36 am
by The Bill
Skyrim VR is out tomorrow and it just calls me, like a crack addiction. Must stay on the straight and narrow.

Speaking of crack addiction. I'll just play one quick side mission of Assassin's Creed Origins that I tagged then go fold the laundry or something. 3 hours later I'm attacking a bandit camp just because it's on my map and the enemies there are now near my level. Damn, this bad boy is like Witcher 3 with Ubisoft type waiz smeared all over it. Better than Witcher 3, then? Not on your life. But a goddamn good knock-off. I can tell it's going to take me forever to beat it, so might as well admit defeat and just know those other 4 games I wanted to play aren't making the 2017 deadline. So, unless something nuts happens, a fucking Assassin's Creed game is my 2017 GOTY. That's depressing somehow, but it really is an awesome game, beating out Resident Evil 7 and my beloved Nier Automata. To think earlier in the year (was it this year? I think so, my mind is going) I played that stupid Assassin's Creed Black Flag that was utter ass piss outside of a naval battle game that felt like a completely different game jammed into it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:29 pm
by doomeddisciple
Finished the Wolfenstien 2 campaign and about 60% of the assasination missions. A fun shooter.

Shadow of War was pretty great if repetitive and it annoyed me I couldn’t skip some of the captain dialogues at times, especially in a siege defence game when three of them arrive at the same time.

Tried to give COD multiplayer a bit more of a chance but after playing the Russian expansion of battlefield 1 I can’t get over how broad the gulf in quality between the two franchises is now.

I’m kinda keen to get the South Park game to tide me over til something more substantial comes along or I cave and get VR

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:51 am
by The Bill
Steam says I've played Assassin's Creed Origins for 47 hours, but I'm pretty sure I knocked out and left it on for 15 hours once. Still, 30 something hours. It's one of those rare open world games that I like to do everything (except racing, I don't race, The Bill doesn't hurry). Of most importance, the game has these overpowered bounty hunters that roam the map looking to ruin your day. They have some name that reads like Paper Lettuce or Papaya or whatnot, but I call them the Eight Devils of Kimon (Ninja Scroll). I have no idea how many of them actually exist. Maybe fewer. Maybe larger than 8. But 8 it is. And if you are not their level or higher and don't have level appropriate weapons they will fuck you up like a motherfucker. Anyway, they task me, and I shall have them.

I really haven't touched COD WW2. It becomes very Modern Call of Duty-y during the 2nd and 3rd levels. That's a shame. They should have stayed more inline with the first and second WW2 games. I'll beat it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:55 pm
by Spooky Apparition
doomeddisciple wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:29 pmI’m kinda keen to get the South Park game to tide me over til something more substantial comes along or I cave and get VR
i'm just about done with South Park. kinda torn on whether it's better than the first one... in any case, it's close. Stick of Truth obviously had the novelty factor that the sequel is mostly lacking, but the combat is definitely a lot more fun in this one. i'd recommend playing on the highest difficulty. it's not brutal, but it's tough enough to make crafting and properly spec'ing your character a necessity. they also play around with combat scenarios a lot more, like adding extra objectives to fights. you know what you're getting with this if you played the first, and i don't think you'll be disappointed.

playing through Soma right now, which is not nearly as scary as Amnesia, but it's more interesting. all kinds of weird mysterious shit is going down and i'm just dicking around on this underwater lab trying to make sense of it. maybe it'll go downhill (i'm probably halfway), but i've heard the ending is fantastic, so i'd recommend it if you want a horror game that's got strong sci-fi vibes.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:15 am
by spacehamster
doomeddisciple wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:29 pm Finished the Wolfenstien 2 campaign and about 60% of the assasination missions. A fun shooter.
I got as far as the first boss fight and then I lost interest. I don't know what it is about this game, but it just doesn't grab me like the first one did. Of course having to play the entire first level in a fucking wheelchair didn't help.

I'm finishing up Horizon Zero Dawn - seems like I'm at the end part where it drags on forever, and the level design is getting a bit too clumsy for its own good. Walking around a poorly designed underground tech facility for like an hour only to have holograms spit exposition at you, occasionally interrupted by boring human enemies is, um, no. We'll see. I like the game fine otherwise, it plays well, it's pretty and it's really well written.

Maybe I'll get back to Wolfenstein 2 after this. But I also just remembered yesterday that I never played the new Deus Ex game after I bought it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:50 am
by The Bill
spacehamster wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:15 am Walking around a poorly designed underground tech facility for like an hour only to have holograms spit exposition at you, occasionally interrupted by boring human enemies is, um, no.
This happens more than once, yes/no? Anyhow, if you are where I think you are, the best parts of the game are behind you. There isn't too much more to do now, and the game will give you an ultimatum to proceed to the end game or dick around some more.

An alligator snuck up on me in a city in Ass Creed Or and scared the hell out of me. I appreciate a game being able to do that, but game... go fuck yourself. I have no idea how much is left to play but I think it might be a lot. Like, a lot a lot. While I'm still super invested in it, a big chink in the armor does become exposed as time passes. See, Witcher 3 had the luxury of having a rogue's gallery of monsters and villains to mix things up with. Here, it's essentially all soldiers/bandits and your choice of hippo, gator, or lion. And you are going to kill many of those animals already just for crafting, so side missions that involve them are pretty meh. I know there's a gladiator arena with a variety of bosses and war elephants wandering the world somewhere. I need to get to these things sooner than later or game fatigue may set in, which would suck since I'm on a roll here. Of awesomeness, I now have a bow that shoots flaming arrows which I can "remote control".

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:03 am
by spacehamster
The Bill wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:50 am the game will give you an ultimatum to proceed to the end game or dick around some more.
I think I got that ultimatum and then I tried to climb out from where I was and couldn't, so I just went ahead instead.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:19 pm
by Spooky Apparition

spacehamster wrote:I got as far as the first boss fight and then I lost interest. I don't know what it is about this game, but it just doesn't grab me like the first one did. Of course having to play the entire first level in a fucking wheelchair didn't help.
It seems like a lot of people are having issues with the actual gameplay in Wolfenstein. Both Giant Bomb crews have complained about the lack of damage feedback, which sounds really annoying. They should have just copied Doom's gameplay dammit.

But the story parts sound so great that I kinda just want to get it cheap, turn the difficulty down, and blast through it.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:26 pm
by The Bill
I didn’t read the article but I think it was Kotaku that posted a headline along the lines of “You should play Wolf 2 on easy to make it a superior game.”

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:14 pm
by doomeddisciple
I caved and bought PS4VR on Black friday

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:54 pm
by spacehamster
The Bill wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:26 pm I didn’t read the article but I think it was Kotaku that posted a headline along the lines of “You should play Wolf 2 on easy to make it a superior game.”
It is surprisingly hard, though, and not in a fun way. I dunno, it just feels like a slog, and the first one was so much fun. I'm really not sure why.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:41 am
by The Bill
doomeddisciple wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:14 pm I caved and bought PS4VR on Black friday
If I might add my 2 cents:

(1) Resident Evil 7 and Skyrim (Yes, I bought and tried out Skyrim VR, and it's better than sliced bread) are a must for the VR. I recommend using the Dual Shock as the Move controllers are just Wii remotes that look like vibrators.

(2) Graphics take a janky hit big time with both titles, drastically so when you've played it at 4K and maxed PC settings, obviously.

(3) Get used to and get over the lowered graphics as the Immersion™ is unparalleled. RE7 & Skyrim are mind blowers in two distinct ways. Use the headphones, 'cause the 3D sound is key.

(4) Aiming with your head is the correct future of motion control. Aiming with Move controls, or plastic guns is shit and will always be shit. We're many moons removed from Duck Hunt and Operation Wolf, let it die already.

(5) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is probably the third best game. It's an on rails shooter that does use controller aiming, but it's fine in this specific case.

(6) If you have COD Infinite Warfare and/or Star Wars Battlefield 1 for PS4 then download the free flight simulator VR addons. Both are short but magnificent. Like Disney rides.

(7) Games that take place in cockpits like the aforementioned free addons, Battlezone, and EVE Valkyrie are the perfect VR setting. There is yet to be a proper fully fleshed out cockpit game released, but keep your eye on Ace Combat 7. That's probably the next must have PSVR game.

(8) There is a lot of shit out there on the PS Store that have high star ratings. I know, I got drunk one day and took advantage of some good deals during a Summer PS Store sale. Most were just okay or crap. I mean, when the VR experience is new, they all seem kind of neat, but the novelty will wear off, and the cream rises to the top, and you'll never want to deal with the lesser games again.

(9) VR kind of fucked with me for awhile. Oddly enough, I had feared booze and VR would make me puke. Turns out the booze did something where I can now wear the headset with no problem now.

(10) There are several options for movement in FPS games. Teleportation, a sort of radial movement, and full locomotion (the normal way you play without VR). I suspect the first two are for people who get sick, but I can't stand them. VR games also blacks out for a millisecond when you crotch and stand. I'm wondering if it's more of a technical thing vs a nauseous thing.

*DOOM VR comes out this week, I think.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:07 am
by The Bill
I was worried from what I've seen with the DOOM VR preview clips. They all showcased teleportation movement and Move controller aiming. It made me very sad, and thought I'd probably skip it. Just read an article that it has full locomotion and head tracking aiming options.


Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:03 pm
by doomeddisciple
The Bill wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:41 am
doomeddisciple wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2017 9:14 pm I caved and bought PS4VR on Black friday
If I might add my 2 cents:

(1) Resident Evil 7 and Skyrim (Yes, I bought and tried out Skyrim VR, and it's better than sliced bread) are a must for the VR. I recommend using the Dual Shock as the Move controllers are just Wii remotes that look like vibrators.

(2) Graphics take a janky hit big time with both titles, drastically so when you've played it at 4K and maxed PC settings, obviously.

(3) Get used to and get over the lowered graphics as the Immersion™ is unparalleled. RE7 & Skyrim are mind blowers in two distinct ways. Use the headphones, 'cause the 3D sound is key.

(4) Aiming with your head is the correct future of motion control. Aiming with Move controls, or plastic guns is shit and will always be shit. We're many moons removed from Duck Hunt and Operation Wolf, let it die already.

(5) Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is probably the third best game. It's an on rails shooter that does use controller aiming, but it's fine in this specific case.

(6) If you have COD Infinite Warfare and/or Star Wars Battlefield 1 for PS4 then download the free flight simulator VR addons. Both are short but magnificent. Like Disney rides.

(7) Games that take place in cockpits like the aforementioned free addons, Battlezone, and EVE Valkyrie are the perfect VR setting. There is yet to be a proper fully fleshed out cockpit game released, but keep your eye on Ace Combat 7. That's probably the next must have PSVR game.

(8) There is a lot of shit out there on the PS Store that have high star ratings. I know, I got drunk one day and took advantage of some good deals during a Summer PS Store sale. Most were just okay or crap. I mean, when the VR experience is new, they all seem kind of neat, but the novelty will wear off, and the cream rises to the top, and you'll never want to deal with the lesser games again.

(9) VR kind of fucked with me for awhile. Oddly enough, I had feared booze and VR would make me puke. Turns out the booze did something where I can now wear the headset with no problem now.

(10) There are several options for movement in FPS games. Teleportation, a sort of radial movement, and full locomotion (the normal way you play without VR). I suspect the first two are for people who get sick, but I can't stand them. VR games also blacks out for a millisecond when you crotch and stand. I'm wondering if it's more of a technical thing vs a nauseous thing.

*DOOM VR comes out this week, I think.
Thanks mate!

Yeah, I went through PS store & downloaded a bunch of free stuff including the Star Wars thing and Until Dawn is free PSplus game this month so I got that too.

I’ve played through RE7 already and lent it to a chick at work so I will ask for it back to have another go.

I am not at all a racing car game fan, but given your points on cockpits etc, I wonder if Gran Turisimo is worth a lash.

The package I got comes with the camera, Skyrim and PS Worlds - cost 350 AUD which is pretty good when the VR sans camera and games normally costs 550 AUD.

Keen as for a lash, just picked it up from the post office & watching some set up videos that include a tip about doing the measured eye distance and some other stuff that’s not in the quick setup guide to help reduce blurring etc.

Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:14 pm
by The Bill
doomeddisciple wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:03 pm
I am not at all a racing car game fan, but given your points on cockpits etc, I wonder if Gran Turisimo is worth a lash.
I tried one of them. Maybe Dirt or the other one. I can't remember. I suck at and hate racing games. The VR didn't do anything to change this fact.

doomeddisciple wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:03 pm PS Worlds
Oh, I forgot about that. The Shark tank is the best thing, actually. Not a game, but an experience *FART*. It's cool as fuck. The London Heist was a bit long winded so I never finished it, but that seemed cool, as well. Street Luge is pretty stupid. The Alien Mech game seemed alright (again cockpits), but never finished that. I can't remember the last game. Handball or some such shit. But, yeah, the shark tank rules. I've watched it about 5 times.