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Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:59 am
by Chad
brb, watching Braveheart

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:32 am
by Necrometer
too many people to quote but I'm going to chime in on screens & selecting a showing. if you can see this in 70 mm 2D IMAX I'm sure it'll be rad. eventually, I'll probably see it at this 70 mm IMAX screen in San Jose that has a dome AND the projector is nestled between the fucking seats so you want to be somewhere in the center but not with the projector in your ear? fuck if I know. sorry... tangent

febtys is right that centering is less important because dome screens are so rare, but I find that sitting in the center is pretty important for 3D since for a lot of the tech if you tilt your head it can fuck things up. I know rotating can be done without tilting but whatever. so I still say go for a centered seat as priority one, and then do near/far as second priority!

the 3D in this movie looks as good as about anything; there are a good amount of scenes where it's barely noticable, but it was never BAD in my experience. I was initially all riled up since it was a conversion, but you'd never guess. as far as IMAX/not goes, there's literally one (admittedly cool) sequence that blows up to full IMAX aspect ratio but other than that it'd probably be fine in non-IMAX. so if you hate all use of 3D just go see it in a 2D screen and sit up close or do whatever you can to make it feel less like an HDTV

I personally saw it in the laser IMAX in downtown SF this morning and it was a KILLER presentation. they use my favorite tech for the glasses (color wheel) so you can tilt your head and it doesn't dim the picture. it looked & sounded amazing and the screen was full size. I checked for tickets a couple of days after they'd gone on sale and basically all decent seats were reserved for about a week! BUT I noticed that a Friday 5AM showing had literally one ticket purchased (I think they'd just added/released that showing) so I snatched up a single seat, dead center. I fortuitously just got back from the east coast yesterday so I was still on east-coast time (go to sleep at "1 AM", wake up at "7 AM" for the "8 AM" showing) so it wasn't nearly as grueling as I thought it'd be when I bought the ticket. here's the story of me getting to the theater this morning:
Not so good was my experience this morning. I woke up at 4 AM (3:58 actually, *before* any alarm went off), showered, ate a snack, and got in the car at around 4:35. I'd initially checked the ETA and the app said 20 min; when I started my car it had jumped to 33 min due to an accident on the Bay Bridge. Uh-oh. Maybe it'll be cleared soon, right? Nope. Fears were confirmed when the electronic signs on the highway announced "ALL BRIDGE LANES BLOCKED AT FREEMONT; USE ALTERNATE ROUTE". That's a big [sic] on "FREEMONT" they were indeed indicating the Fremont exit which is just inside of SF. A couple of miles from SF it became apparent that things were about as bad as they could be. I was imagining every car on the Bay Bridge piling into a single intersection with a red light slowing releasing them to the city. After 20 excruciating minutes of some of the worst lane-selecting I've done in my driving career, I arrived at the parking garage at around 5:20, freaking out since the movie had begun and I was sure that someone with a terrible seat would hop into the awesome doubly-centered seat I'd reserved. Once I got to the Metreon (which isn't a standalone establishment but rather part of a complex with a food court and other stuff, I saw a corral full of SW fans waiting on the sidewalk for a subsequent showing - no employees in sight. The doors to the place were locked and there was no employee in sight, aside from a security guard deep inside the building who was thoroughly ignoring anything taking place outside. So I was apparently SOL, as were three other people who were trying to see a "5:15" showing. It turns out I'd mistook the time of the showing, so I had just scored 15 minutes I didn't think I'd had! These other three people were very keen on walking around the entire mall-sized building to get close to another entrance that was much closer to the indifferent security guard. When we made it over there (and after my slight detour that involved me pleading to be let in with an employee who informed me that "this is Target" to my total embarrassment) we saw an actual employee talking to the security guard, and we were eventually let in after I used my phone's screen with e-ticket glowing as a sort of signal flare to draw their attention and announce my legitimacy. I made it into the theater, happy to see a few empty seats peppering the central area, and I waited at the side 'til the movie switched to a scene bright enough to illuminate my treacherous waddle past an aisle of people made oblivious to peripheral passersby thanks to the blinders provided by the 3D glasses. Ultimately I made it to my reserved seat which not only remained unoccupied, but was adjacent to *two* empty seats. So although I missed the crawl (and basically just the crawl according to a plot summary), the rest of the experience was great: total silence outside of the laughter & applause one wants to hear. And thanks to my lateness, I was probably one of the most disruptive people in the theater!
^^^ not actual spoilers, just a big story I wrote to my friend who obsesses over in-theater experience

in summary:
3D is good in this movie
IMAX is not especially necessary
sit in the middle of the theater
chad is a hypocritical kike

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:35 am
by Chad
what does a collective sigh sound like?

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:41 am
by The Bill
FVBTVS wrote:

This pretty much confirms what I thought. Force Awakens haters are probably the same bunch of afraid of girls virgins that disliked Mad Max, which is odd because those are exactly the type of person you would think would love anything Star Wars.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:45 am
by Chad

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:48 am
the revenant looks okay from the trailer but its inartu and he's probably the biggest joke fucking ever, chad. you need to learn to focus your fire a little better..

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:53 am
by Chad

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:55 am
There's blood

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:04 am
by Whee of the Dead
It's just A New Hope for the ADD Marvel movie generation.

As terrible as the prequels were, they still had tiny pieces of Star Wars movie in them. This whole thing is just on fast forward, reveling in pointless pew pew boom boom bullshit.
I hope the guy who sells the empire their death star parts is the same dude who gives the rebels the blue prints because he knows the empire is just going to build another one after it gets blown up because all this shit is creatively bankrupt.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:23 pm
Chad wrote:blasters're a whiny cunt finding himself
pfffhaah you wish. NO ONE is more on the level than me.. NO ONE :fonz:

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:36 pm
by Chad
I'm bout to go out for a bit...but you're right. you are one of the coolest fucking guys on here, and my post was dumb

love you dude, next cig I smoke, I'll think of you

let's go

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:44 pm
by Necrometer
Chad wrote:translation: the movie sucked

what does a collective sigh sound like?
man I didn't say a single thing about the quality of the movie beyond how well one aspect of technology was employed. people are curious so I'm chiming in because I fixate on the same silly topics.

beyond that, it would be worth you doing a little febtus-brand introspection on the topic of you being generally clueless on the subject of when someone is just fucking with you

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:17 pm
Chad just hates jews and his hatred clouds his judgement.

Needs a Lil hitler to help with focus

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:18 pm
by Chad
ross is looking like ross y'all

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:42 pm
by ghost boner
monsterod posted a massive spoiler on fb and i read it like 10 min before i left. asshole!

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:17 pm
i always hated that fucking faggot

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:11 pm
by Wang Mandu
Defriend that cocksucker.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:15 pm
by Necrometer
I'm sure that turd just copied it from wikipedia

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:33 am


Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:07 pm
by ghost boner
did anyone else notice fin said "droid, please" to bb8? was that intentional??? that shit ruled

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:09 pm
by Necrometer

for all this posting you're sure not doing that much movie-watching :betternotstartanyshit:

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:11 pm
by ghost boner
??? i said i liked it in the movie thread! even addressed your problem of missing the three act arc!

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:30 pm
all they need to do now is make sure to get some billy dee williams in the next movie.

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 4:55 pm
i liked it just fine! and i reallly dont have many thoughts! i fucking loved adam driver and this ridley girl quite a bit. the jokes were good. i just kinda accept i'm not necessarily the most star wars person ever so a lot of the fan service was a little flat on me. carrie fisher was basically terrible and distracting to look at in a movie where theres rubbery full cgi rendered charaxters :lol: i'd like to see them take the series into somewhat uncharted territory in terms of the religious angle but the series is always kinda going to be what it already is. i think the light saber battle in this one easily rivaled the kinetics and viscera of luke and vader in empire. certainly a movie that 40+ year old star wars xasthur fans do not deserve..

Re: Consumption Be Done About These New Star Wars Movies ?!?!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:04 pm
by Foot Foot
how the fuck do you cast THREE actors from The Raid and proceed to have them ABSOLUTE ZERO cool ass batshit Raid stuff? cut some time out of the beachball's bleeping and blooping and let 'em go.