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Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:34 pm
by fecal flakes
father of lies wrote:Fuck, I want some fly agaric. Golden gamma rays of peace, mens.
I tried it a few years ago with tea. Got about the same effects the patients got in the documentary, but a little less. I also didn't drink my own urine after consumption, which is supposedly what really helps. :tdown: If you get your hands on some, just make sure to boil it well, unless you want to fuck your liver up.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:34 pm
by smooth
father of lies wrote:Fuck, I want some fly agaric. Golden gamma rays of peace, mens.
Anyday now, I'm going to order some myself. Don't forget to recycle you PEE as all the muscimol is in there. That's the REAL way to do it haha.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:35 pm
by barfingawesome
Mr. Budd wrote:
Bored, Esq. wrote:Mushrooms make me hallucinate AND horny. Not a good combination.

Yup, all I want to do on Shrooms is fuck like crazy.
Remind me to never take shrooms with you.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:36 pm
by smooth
fecal flakes wrote:
father of lies wrote:Fuck, I want some fly agaric. Golden gamma rays of peace, mens.
I tried it a few years ago with tea. Got about the same effects the patients got in the documentary, but a little less. I also didn't drink my own urine after consumption, which is supposedly what really helps. :tdown: If you get your hands on some, just make sure to boil it well, unless you want to fuck your liver up.
I've had no bad experiences with Latvian Amanitas. And yeah, making a tea out of it is definitely the safe bet.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:39 pm
by fecal flakes
I got Siberian ones from Bouncing Bear a few years ago. They were fucking pretty. And rather cheap.

Nintendo knows a lot about that mushroom.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:41 pm
by Dr Yail Bloor
whilst on acid i have spoken to both jesus and the devil in person.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 7:34 pm
by father of lies
Fuck, I am not above drinking my druga pee...

Those things actually tasted pretty good.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:26 pm
by hana maru
pleasuretokill wrote:I will never touch acid again, shit is pure evil. I would kill for some good 'shrooms though....
ah...acid. i miss it. NOT evil! it's good times...

also, did shrooms once, but they sucked. i hated it. all tense body feel, nothing fun. urgh. i'm willing to do some good ones though.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:16 am
by Jerrod
I drank some shroom tea made from shrooms I grew last Saturday. It was the first time I made a tea with them, and I liked it. I didn't get any of the stomach discomfort that I'm used to, and the effects hit me in about 10 minutes. Visuals were STRONG. I definitely want to order some more spores now. Also, on two seperate occasions, my ex girlfriend and I ate shrooms together, and had 6 hours of marathon sex. That's a pretty intense experience I'd like to recreate.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:24 am
by caldwell.the.great
still never done hallucinogens. want to. in this thread for later.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:28 am
by John Jr. has more information that you could possibly hope for on the subject

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:40 am
by iEd
GUIs I really want to trip during portal smooth rob was going to be my bff at mdf butt he isn't going anymore :(

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:59 pm
by hana maru
John Jr.
been bookmarked for nearly a decade.

i still love hearing about others experiences like those that post here.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:19 pm
by father of lies
Luke, what are you looking to get out of the experience?

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:40 pm
by caldwell.the.great
father of lies wrote:Luke, what are you looking to get out of the experience?
I think I just want a sense of what it is like. As incredibly stupid as it sounds, part of me wants to do it just because I've listened to Bill Hicks for so long. At first the whole "see God and aliens!" crap really appealed to me, if only because I thought altered states of consciousness were interesting, especially where they intersected with religion. I guess that's still somewhat the case, but now I'm also curious about what it means to "alter" perception. What does that feel like? Is it really that much different than smoking a lot of weed? Or getting very, very drunk? I figure mushrooms are a much better place to start than LSD, plus I'd like to be able to try it out without tripping for extra long periods of time.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:04 pm
by father of lies
Mushrooms are for you, then. Or maybe low dose dxm, but that shit is not recommended.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:08 pm
by Hotchka!
caldwell.the.great wrote: I'm also curious about what it means to "alter" perception. What does that feel like? Is it really that much different than smoking a lot of weed? Or getting very, very drunk?
the most concrete difference to me is the laughing fits. on shrooms and acid it can get pretty fucking scary. doesnt happen all the time and really not all that frequently but when it does thats some serious shit. its like the most the most intense laughing fit ive ever had but then it keeps going long after i thought anything was funny and really the only thing in my mind then is how terrified i am. its almost like literally being possessed by some sort of laughing demon. way beyond anything ive ever experienced on pot.

other than that i think pot is more cerebral. shrooms and acid are so visual for me that im a little too stunned just watching the clouds and yelling "Wow!" over and over.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:13 pm
by White Like Jesus
It's all mental and set/setting with me. Best shrooms experience I ever had was when I didn't know that they would take effect. It was a small amount, and when they did kick in, I didn't know it was shrooms. All I knew was that I was thinking 3x faster, and I was talking so hyperactively, like I couldn't get my words out fast enough because talking fast was too slow for the flow of thoughts that were coming in. Every time after, I knew I was taking shrooms, and it was basically telling everyone to get the fuck away from me. The amounts always varied.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:23 pm
by monsterod
caldwell.the.great wrote:still never done hallucinogens. want to. in this thread for later.
Ditto. :oops:

At some point I'll get a few stems for a start. Most def will have some Xanax and beers on hand in case I decide to abort.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:31 pm
by Hotchka!
i couldnt say positively about xanax but alcohol is a myth. i tried that on my most intense trip but i just ended up drunk on top of everything.

meditation, music, etc. techniques are by far the best bet to just ride it out. im not aware of any true abortive methods.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:35 pm
by hana maru
Streven Adler wrote:
hana maru wrote:
pleasuretokill wrote:I will never touch acid again, shit is pure evil. I would kill for some good 'shrooms though....
ah...acid. i miss it. NOT evil! it's good times...

also, did shrooms once, but they sucked. i hated it. all tense body feel, nothing fun. urgh. i'm willing to do some good ones though.
this sounds... backwards to me.
it kind of is. i didn't know anything about shrooms, i got them through a girl i had a class with. don't know if i did a lot or a little or if the highly annoyed mood i was in was because of where i was...not sure. i think if i did them again, it would be better. but who knows.

i always had fun times on acid. though i never did much at once. lots of laughing, definitely. hated the body feeling and that was one reason why i stopped using it (also, it just got old and i got tired of it lasting so long).

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:00 pm
by Necrometer
caldwell.the.great wrote:At first the whole "see God and aliens!" crap really appealed to me, if only because I thought altered states of consciousness were interesting, especially where they intersected with religion. I guess that's still somewhat the case, but now I'm also curious about what it means to "alter" perception. What does that feel like?
Luke I just wrote you a massive response then the computer froze in the home stretch... so here's condensed version of my anecdotal report:
- deeply philosophical, more than anticipated
- mental reservations dissolve, self-awareness diminished
- I was able to focus on positives, just letting negative thoughts float by
- examined my station in life and came away feeling Image
- had visual moving sculpture fantasy art while my eyes were closed, this had great meaning

I think it's for you, man. Just get outdoors with someone you feel comfortable with and set aside 6 hours or so. There are studies that show that people basically DON'T have bad trips if they're high the right environment. I will find these for you if you like. Basically there's been a resurgence of study into psylocibin's use for legit therapeutics.

Here's a post from before, hopefully not too redundant:
Necrometer wrote:I just tripped on mushrooms and there's still no god - take that, assholes!
Necrometer wrote:
thürstön.3®®0® wrote:you know ross, you'd either be the best or worst possible person to trip with. either way, i bet it'd be worth it.
hahaha, the most interesting point was ... well first of all having no mental inhibitions means you're more animal-like, right? definitely i could sympathise with a dog chasing his tail because WHY NOT. so yeah, the mushroom kingdom is a more animal, less "human" place because the self-awareness drops away. and then at the same time i felt my internal laguange devolving into pure abstract thought - symbology instead of articulated things, poetry as #1 mode of thought. and i realized that this abstract/symbolic/poetic mode of thinking - it's the essence of art. at its essentual core art is really just a purely symbolic language to convey correlations, emotions, etc - right? so - here i am thinking purely artistically, in a sense. but going in, I definitely considered art as a human singularity - something animals don't/won't/can't make or appreciate. so even though my self consciousness is stripped and I am less human, i am helpless but to think in this hyper-artistic and hence hyper-human mode of abstract poetic symbology. i thought it was a conundrum, but... maybe it all adds up. maybe art is cherished by man because it is a reversion to the symbolic language that is the most advanced mode possible for non-human animals. i think dogs/cats/birds/whatever can see/comprehend these symbolic connections - image = food etc etc etc... if you are not self-aware and sentient, this correlation that image = food must remain abstract. but for us it's concrete. and we strive to make concrete so many things ... EVERYTHING! so maybe art speaks to that abstract and fundamental animal language that we've suppressed/ignored/whatever.

also there was a anti-getting-sunburnt sign that said "SLIP on a shirt" and someone stuck a BANANA BOAT suntan lotion sticker next to it - i was absolutely delighted by the idea of banana shirts for people to slip (i.e. trip and fall) on.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 12:43 am
by father of lies
Aborting... just fucking ride it out, and be thankful for the experience. If your environment is appropriate (and this includes having an emotional and mental state to be able to handle such an experience) and your druga are pure, you won't have a "bad trip." It might be scary or unpleasant, but if a moderate mushroom trip is too much for you, maybe you need that experience.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:03 am
by Big Blood Grenade
I think that avoiding a bad trip is all about intention and preparation. If you are just looking to get fucked up and amuse yourself watching goofy movies or going to a concert or some shit, you should probably leave psychedelics alone. I had my first bad trip when I was about 20, sitting alone in a dirty apartment on 3 grams of homegrown caps, several bowls, and a couple ounces of robotussin. Watching Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey and The Wall. Lesson learned.

Just make sure that you are in a safe, private setting that won't be interrupted by sober people or strangers, etc., have everything you may require for the duration of the day/night on hand (food, beverages, maybe some chill music,etc.) and surround yourself with peaceful, like-minded and trusted friends. Decide what you want to get out of the trip BEFORE you eat the drugs, and make sure that you're in a positive mindset and have no substantial pressing issues or negative situations in your personal life that may suck you into a freakout.

And in my experience, booze has definitely helped me out in times where the trip becomes too intense or interpersonal situations get a little weird. But that's speaking about lower doses only. If you eat 5 or 6 grams of mushrooms or three hits of acid, you're most likely just gonna have to ride it out. Never had benzos on hand for a trip, so I can't speak for that, though they've helped me plenty in a couple of "one toke over the line" kinda situations. Just remember that very few people have ever been killed by psychedelic drugs short of those who have jumped off of buildings trying to fly or walked out into traffic or something. Respect the sacraments and they will respect you.

Re: hallucinogen FAQ thread

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:08 am
by Comrade Slinky
Bad trips build character. Seriously.