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I can't believe my friend let me drive his car home just now

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:13 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
I spent 5 minutes finding the...switch...for the headlights. Drove the entire way behind a cop while blasting alice in chains.

my friend rules, going to work tomorrow is going to be so effortless...thanks, guy! promise to return your car in similar condition...

Re: I can't believe my friend let me drive his car home just now

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 4:31 am
by Chad
as a fellow substance abuser and a fella diagnosed with a bad liver who loved my crack, both white and black...I'd love to be able to sympathize with a thread, but there's something I call the Sinatra line. lemme give you a graph

you are enjoying booze and drugs, fuck, isn't everyone funny, god I love life and how bout that song...he's GOT to hear that song

---------sinatra line

oh I just woke up, fumbled with that thing, i bet everyone loves me time to talk...hah talked puked...what did I wanna show who cares lemme TALK ABOUT ME BLARGH BLARGH BLARGH

Re: I can't believe my friend let me drive his car home just now

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:07 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance

well, i drove to get some food now too. fuuuuhhh. cops everywhere and i smiled at every one. i know what it is to pretend you didn't know something was expired...

just kidding, man. this thread is for my sociology class...SHHHH