rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

james wrote:
fallbacktostone wrote:i've been watching a fuckload of scientology shit on youtube lately and its really no wonder these 4chan minion people have such a bug up their ass about anything scientology related. we have one church place down here in south florida but i've never met a scientologist myself.

the way they go after people with PI's and how they harrass ex-church members and shit is unreal. even the lower rung morons have a certain type of dollar store verbal acuity that they hone and they just play these word games when they argue. its pretty astounding. ive seen footage of dudes getting the treatment where i know i would've gotten physical and they just have to maintain their cool no matter what
I've heard about the magic debate techniques. Link pls? I wonder if it's better than the magic black people tricks I've seen, like just saying the same thing over and over until the other person stops talking in confusion. I like that one a lot! It works!

this guy is a top scientology apostate and runs a half-way house type thing for people who leave the church. he's very much still a believer though he's just run up against david miscavaige and his higher ups and so he's trying to bring on some kind of martin luther-esque revolt against him. there's a ton of throw away stuff but this guy rathbun had a "hit squad" outside his house for months with cameras and little uniforms. its surreal in almost every sense of the word. i need to find the encounter his wife had at her own front door with some random cult member. it was like something out of poltergeist.

http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninsca ... erview.php

thats another long thing with another dude
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

fallbacktostone wrote:
it was like something out of poltergeist.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by featherboa »

Chad wrote:
james wrote:I just think its cool that a belief system as rigid as Christianity changes and adapts to conform to it's host culture as soon as it spends any time broken off in a weird lil part of the world...
Christianity's doctrine hasn't changed
Which one?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ch ... ominations
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by Cascade Whore »

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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by Cascade Whore »

I don't really know who did what who here but I'm enjoying the nice levels of what the fuckness the video brings.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

those guys are goons sent by scientology to harrass him until he loses his mind.

the thing about 'marty' is that he's still very much a scientologist and he was really high up on the food chain. he swings his dick and smashes them verbally like he's still in charge.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

i've spent at least two sundays going down whatever hole this is. it will fuck you up. at one point marty just gets the hose out and blasts them all down like a G. :tup:

theres one video of similar PI cult goons who drive around like journalists and dress up like they're the media. its great.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by riley-o »

can you make a thread for this or take over this one that seems to not really be serving any other purpose

edit: take it over with videos
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by Cascade Whore »

I'd like to put my probe in Jenna Elfman's Emeter. if you know what I mean. :bigdog:
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

these are the videos marty recorded when he was about to go to germany and scientology found out some type of non-scientology supporter might've been flying him out. there's some incredible moments in all three. even when they're losing they don't know it or care..

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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

close up of the eyes are :what:

and the fact that he calls her nurse ratched is great
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

another epic confrontation at the airport as he's leaving. a lot of cryptic inside baseball shit but you can tell these people were all extremely close at one time and they just spend a lot of time playing mind and verbal games with each other.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by riley-o »

oh fuck when his hat flew off i was like sam neill in the movie theatre at the end of in the mouth of madness
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

DM is david miscavaige the ceo grand vazier of scientology

cut my com: is like interrupting my ideas or my communication

tech: blessed authorized scientology technology :lol:

com cycle: conversation :awesome:

clear: is like their version of whatever, baptism or confession but they use voltmeters and mood rings
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

the end of that OT in LAX is great because some adults show up and the cameras immediately go off like kids playing at a slumber party. hahahahaha

some more terminology
xamples of some of these new words, and their Scientology meanings, are:

"aberee" -- one who is aberrated

"anaten" -- a state of being unconscious to some degree

"anchor points" a person's boundaries in space

"alter-is" -- to consciously change something

"analytical mind" -- the conscious mind which, without the influence of the reactive mind, operates logically

"as-is" -- to make something disappear by staring at it for a long time

"awareness of awareness unit" -- another word for the person

"bad indicators" -- a person not smiling and not having a "floating needle" after a session

"between lives area" -- a word to describe the events that happen between the time a person dies and when he picks up his next body

"bypassed charge" emotions restimulated during auditing but not discharged

"case gain" -- progress made by an individual because of auditing

"case supervisor" -- the person who examines each session done by the auditor and programs the next session

"clay demo" -- a picture made in clay to demonstrate the learning of a theory

"comm course" -- the Communication Course of Scientology

"comm lag" -- a long hesitation in conversation

"comm line" -- the imaginary line between two people who are talking together

"covert hostility" a condition of masked anger

"cycle of action" -- defined by Hubbard as start, change, stop

"degraded being" -- a person in really bad shape

"destimulate" -- to calm down the reactive mind

"dirty needle" -- a certain motion of the needle on the E-meter which is ragged and erratic

"eighth dynamic" -- the Scientology term for God

"enmest" -- short for "enturbulated MEST," which means anything material which is in a disorganized state

"entheta" -- short for "enturbulated theta," and means a person or thing that is destructive and upset, usually referring to someone or something against Scientology

"enturbulate" -- to upset

"first dynamic" -- things having to do with the person himself

"floating needle" -- a needle on the E-meter that is lazily floating back and forth across the dial; this means that nothing in the reactive mind is activated at the moment

"genetic entity" -- the identity of the body containing a consciousness of evolution

"itsa" -- a person who in auditing is identifying something

"line charge" -- a prolonged spell of uncontrolled laughter

"mental image pictures" -- pictures in the mind; memories

"misemotion" -- any painful or unpleasant emotion

"missed withhold" -- something bad which a person did that someone else almost found out about

"not-is" -- to make something that exists into nothing

"obnosis" -- observation of the obvious

"operating thetan" -- a person minus the reactive mind who has the ability to control the physical universe

"overt motivator sequence" -- what happens when a person does something bad, then subconsciously causes something bad to happen to himself

"reach and withdraw" -- a principle in Scientology that something reached for tends to withdraw, and vice versa

"reactive mind" -- the subconscious mind which accounts for illogical behavior in humans according to Dianetic theory

"restimulate" -- to stir up the contents of the reactive mind

"second dynamic" -- having to do with love relationships, sex, and marriage

"stable datum" -- something known to be true that other facts can be based on

"terminal of comparable magnitude" -- something or someone equal in some quality to another

"theta" -- the life force, spirit or soul

"thetan" -- the person himself as a spiritual being or soul

"theta trap" -- any place which attracts people

"third dynamic" -- having to do with the group

"third party" -- the Scientology principal that in any conflict between two people there is a third person that is the real cause of the problem

"time track" -- the recorded history of a person's lives back to the beginning of time

"tone arm" -- one of the dials on the E-meter which shows how much "charge" has been erased in the session

"tone scale" -- a scale of emotions in Scientology

"two way comm" -- conversation between two people

"unmock" -- to destroy or make nothing of something

"upstat" -- someone who has high statistics; the opposite of "downstat"

"uptone" -- someone who is at a high emotional tone level; the opposite of "downtone"

"very good indicators" -- happens after an auditing session when the preclear is smiling and has a floating needle
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

oh fuck i've never seen this one but he's dropping knowledge on battlefield earth!! :awesome:

marty is sitting next to the other guy that i posted the long interview with where he talks about being in a scientology prison. they were both very high ranking dudes.

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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

obviiously it pays to keep in mind these these are ex ranking cult priests. they've been brainwashed before so who knows what their credibility levels are but its so incredible.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by fallbacktostone »

the guy fishing next to marty is mike rinder and he's featured prominently in this doc at different points before he left the church.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by Cascade Whore »

Ethics protection

In 1965, Hubbard issued the policy letter HCOPL 1 Sep 1965 (reissued 5 Oct 1985) entitled "Ethics Protection". In it, he states that "Ethics actions are often used to handle down individual statistics. A person who is not doing his job becomes an Ethics target" and goes on to detail how a Scientologist can protect himself from Ethics punishment by being more productive and keeping statistics up:

"In short, a staff member can get away with murder so long as his statistic is up and can't sneeze without a chop if it's down."
If the staff member's production is sufficiently high (as evidenced by an up statistic), the Scientologist gains an immunity to the Ethics process, even if they have openly committed violations:

"When people do start reporting a staff member with a high statistic, what you investigate is the person who turned in the report. In an ancient army a particularly brave deed was recognized by an award of the title of Kha-Khan. It was not a rank. The person remained what he was, BUT he was entitled to be forgiven the death penalty ten times in case in the future he did anything wrong. That was a Kha-Khan. That's what producing, high-statistic staff members are - Kha-Khans. They can get away with murder without a blink from Ethics.... And Ethics must recognize a Kha-Khan when it sees one - and tear up the bad report chits on the person with a yawn." [5]
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by Cascade Whore »

would love to hear peoples stories of going through an audit. I can't remember who had posted about doing one of these before.
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by james »

I just don't understand how this is such a well-recognized phenomenon, and yet it is allowed to continue... or at least continues, without regard to whatever public policies are in place that are supposed to prevent it. I mean say what you want about our country, we are a fucking law-bound civilization at the end of the day - what the fuck is going on?
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by From Blintzes to Crepes »

Cascade Whore wrote:
She keeps saying "Jar. Jar." and I keep saying "Jah. Jah."
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by Thrashmaster Flash »

fallbacktostone wrote:even when they're losing they don't know it or care..
This is an interesting observation coming from someone whose sample size of observing Scientologists is limited to a few Youtube videos. From someone who has interacted with a LOT of Scientologists (I live 30 minutes away from the world headquarters, and several friends/acquaintances are Scientologists), I find this observation to ring true almost across the board, to the point where I think it has almost nothing to do with individual personality and almost everything to do with Scientology training.

I've mentioned this before on the board, actually. A friend of mine's dad was a former high-ranking Scientologist who ended up having to move from his Clearwater home after being shunned by the church (and his wife left him, and so on). If you leave the Church, you automatically lose all of your contacts in the Scientology world, although the Church denies this (despite overwhelming unanimous agreement amongst everyone who's ever left the church). He was OT VIII, which is the highest level of Scientology you can get to. If a Scientologist read this right now they would accuse me of flat-out lying, because the thought of an OT VIII leaving the church is an impossible scenario, according to their training.

Anyway, talking to the guy is very weird. He comes across as creepy to just about everyone he meets, but I can tell that he's actually a very smart and normal guy, other than the years he spent undergoing training to become a high-level operating thetan. Stuff like maintaining eye contact with an auditor in silence for hours on end. So as a result, he developed this completely unbalanced view of himself in relation to his peers as someone who has "special" abilities or a somehow more acute understanding of interpersonal relationships and dynamics. But it's all bullshit! His Scientology-derived tendency to dominate conversations and ask strangely pointed questions doesn't give him any sort of special power over his fellow man (ostensibly one of the great benefits of becoming OT VIII), it just makes people uncomfortable when speaking with him. Even though he left the Church years ago, the effects of the Church's training have had a permanent effect on his personality.

I say this because these personality traits are consistent among nearly everyone I've ever met in the church (more than a handful of people). To myself and others, they often come across as slightly arrogant, abrasive, and a little creepy (even when they're people that we generally like otherwise). I'm not trying to paint an unfair portrait of Scientologists as people—many of whom are decent, good people despite their involvement in the Church—I'm only explaining that a good amount of empirical evidence suggests that this is a direct result of involvement in the Church of Scientology and not pre-existing personality traits.

For more evidence, see every single one of the videos posted in this thread.

Full disclosure: the paper I work for has covered the Church of Scientology (in what I'll admit is a strongly un-objective manner) for many years, and in 2009, they started publishing a big series where they interviewed former high-ranking officers from the Church, Sea Og, and so on. The stories are insane and also seem to support my hypothesis that intimidation and aggression are fundamental characteristics of Scientology training. When the first series of articles came out in 2009, the Church got SUPER PISSED and published a glossy magazine called "Freedom" that they mailed to almost every resident of the Bay Area (the Times' primary circulation area). That magazine is also online: http://www.freedommag.org/the_bigotry_b ... mes_facade


Changing the subject a bit: does anyone know if homophobia is inherent in Rastafarian ideology? I know Jamaica has one of the most unapologetically-homophobic cultures in the entire world (on a level of insanity as the way women are treated in some super-conservative Islamic regions), but I don't know if this has anything to do with being a Rastafarian. I would suspect that it's more due to Jamaican culture than Rastafarian belief itself.

Useless trivia: the derogatory terms for gay men in Jamaican slang is "batty boys," which is a surprisingly common reference in lyrics from big-name reggae artists. Like if top-40 acts routinely peppered their lyrics with references to "xasthur fans."
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Re: rastafarianism is as stupid as scientology or mormonism

Post by nick »

I know from watching a lot of pornography, that black men usually go straight for the asshole (in straight porn, of course). I think that speaks for itself. It doesn't matter if it's a woman or not, if you go straight for the asshole, you're a faggot.
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