Research chemicals

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Eight Bit Alien
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Research chemicals

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Stolen from reddit (sorry)... these guys get fucked up on literally brand new, unknown chemicals made by Chinese industrial firms. Many such stories. Made me laugh my ass off;
Over the weekend I got drunk and worked up the courage to try some APVP I got my hands on, but was frankly afraid to mess with since its not a stim I've used before. I had a gram of the stuff and some etizolam in pg to chill me out and figured I'd play some drums and some video games (no fap fest for me guys, been there, done that). I really enjoyed the APVP, I enjoyed it so much I stayed up for 3 days doing the gram (I used to be cokehead so I know how to make bumps last). By day 3 I'm completely fucked. This is all fine and what I was going for, but what happened next was just weird, but before I get into that, keep in mind that I'm completely surrounded by shadow people (its more of a presence then actually seeing them, but there is no doubt we were chillin'). The shadow people insist that I eat something, so I get up off the couch and notice the tile floor in my room is a little wet. The shadow people inform me that I knocked over a cup because my motor skills are nonexistent at this point. I then stumble into the kitchen and eat leftover spaghetti with my bare hands then return to my room, tripping and falling everywhere but I manage to make it back to my room... And that is when the fun starts:

My room has approximately 2 inches of water on the floor. In the entire room (it's a good sized room with its own bathroom). I'm extremely confused as to where this water came from, or if it even exists. It can't exist. I'm fucked up and hallucinating obviously. There is no water in any other part of the house. Just in my little crack den room I have, so clearly it's in my head. The shadow people were like fuck this and left me on my own. What the fuck is going on? There is no leak anywhere. This is a nice house I live in. Nothing coming from my bathroom. The water is clear, I even tasted it. It tasted like water. I figured I'm hallucinating and I keep playing whatever the hell game I was playing on my PC, which is sitting in a puddle of imaginary water. A few hours go by and this imaginary water level keeps rising. About 20 mins after finishing my bag of APVP, I started to come back to reality... And that reality involved about 200 gallons of water in my drug den bedroom. Regardless of how it got there, I must take immediate action or else lose thousands of dollars worth of electronics, furniture, basically everything in my room. Keep in mind, I have not slept in 3 days and I have probably consumed 50mg of etizolam by that point including the flakka and I think I did some hexen too, I have no fucking idea. I can barely control my limbs and where my body goes if I'm walking around, but I must move my shit out of my room or I lose everything that I cherish.

First thing I go to do is unplug all electronics, power strips, everything. I get up off the couch and attempt to walk towards the shit I need to unplug.

This was a mistake.

After about two steps I am propelled into the air where I perform no less than 36 somersaults, as if gravity decided I wasn't worth the effort. I land face down in the pool of water, and obviously drink some of it because I'm fucked beyond comprehension.

At this point I just need to get the power strip unplugged and my PC off the floor. I get up, and carefully walk towards the shit to unplug it. This time I do a split, and faceplant into the water a 2nd time, again drinking it because I am thirsty and stupid and still not entirely sure if this water is real. I decide to give up on the salvage plan of moving all my stuff and to just unplug the main power strip. I literally swam over to it, since the possibility of cracking my skull open in this mess is very high. So there I was, flopping around like a fish in shallow water. Gasping for air and having a few sips of water because gosh I am a thirsty fucking idiot. I manage to get to the power strip. I unplug it. I flounder my way on the water covered floor to my bed. There is towel on a chair. I wipe as much as myself down as possible and crawl into bed, and go to sleep.

I wake up about 5 hours later to take a piss, completely forgetting WTF just happened and I immediately go flying into the air and then break my ass on the tile floor, which is now a kiddie pool with 6 inches of water in it. I go out into the main hallway to collect towels and I slip on the tile again, hitting my head, knocking myself unconscious for at least an hour and I piss myself because I never made it to the toilet.

So what happened? The roof leaked during a rainstorm that lasted for two days. I lost all my consoles, my pc, my macbook, every single cable I own, and most importantly my dignity.

But boy, I really enjoyed that APVP. 10/10.

Edit: stop asking me to source the APVP you fucking animals. It ain't gonna happen.
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Re: Research chemicals

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

In an effort to appear legitimate, boy helps ants get mangled on novel designer drugs;
So awhile back when I entered the rc community I was asked for proof of intent by a certain Canadian site on my first order. Now i have learned that most bs an excuse but I was unaware this would not lead to them wanting proof so what did I do. Nope I didn't just say plants and give plants drugs. That would have been to easy. I ordered an ant farm. And waited 5 days for an established colony and then explained that I was studying effects of drugs on the communal behavior of ants. When I found out nothimg more than saying it was enough I still had the ants. And when I got my 4 aco dmt I said screw it and crippled a few grains into a corner and waited. And within 3 mins an ant found this pile of powder and went inside the tunnel and out came more ants and suddenly they were taking it into the best and they I suppose did what ants do and vomited up portions if what they ate and other ants eat it. And then he'll broke loose. While I likely added less than 10mg of powder. The 20 ants in the little nest basicly just did the human equivelent of eating a hunk of solid 4 aco dmt the size of your fist. They all began running around. And around. And around. Into walls, in circles. And I thought they would die. But after about 10mins of manic activity they all slowed down. And the entire colony just slowly convened inside the main chamber. Normally at least 6 remained gurading the tunnels but all of them just collected in the biggest chamber and stopped moving. For 3 hours i was sure they were dead but finally they came back slowly and returned to being ants. Since then I bought I real ant farm set up and a queen of honestly unknown species was found in a nearby field. I just collected every ant with wings I saw until i had like 20 and waited. 2 laid eggs and placed in seperate test tube setups. Then over 3 years I now have ants. And I have found that like humans. Las causes increased activity and they group together more afterwards. Also nbome is toxic to them as well.

So honestly didn't know this would get so much interest so to answer a few basic questions.
Since a bunch of you asked about how to start your own ant farm. This is the site I think is the best.

Second. I also gave them some coffee one day. It was probably 50mg of instant coffee mix added to their sugar water. So maybe 20mg caffiene. The first ants that got the water died relatively fast as they drank it directly. However the ants that contacted these ants to drag them to disposal became what looked to be unaware of their surroundings. They become very active but stopped communicating with other ants and stopped moving the bodies like they were doing. Now ants do not fail their job. So to suddenly stop moving the bodies to just run around shows me that they were so affected that they could no longer function. I removed the caffiene laced water as after about an hour so many ants had come into direct or indirect contact that I feared the queen could be harmed. Luckily after a few hours order was restored but for like 5 hours the whole nest was in chaos.

I have also given them a spray of jwh-018 dissolved in an extremely small amount of ether. This caused a generally sedated nest as while i sprayed as far from any entrance as possible ether is heavier than air and so a bit traveled into the best. This has carried a very small amount of the cannabinoid. I dissolved 10mg in the solution. A small number of deaths. Not even enough that I can say it wasn't just a natural amount to die as I don't count deaths normally so the 3 I counted could have been natural. However food was consumed in greater amounts.
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Re: Research chemicals

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

This is a story about how I sprinted through some woods into unknown territory like a meth commando on a mission. Here goes nothing.

It was 2AM. All was still in the small town I live in, not even a single car was on the road. I had used a good bit and was skywalking at this point and had a deep calling to drive over to my buddy's house to go exploring in his woods, he was completely unaware of my presence there. I parked at the bottom of the dirt road and walked up the hill to my buddy's land to go nightwalking in the woods. I was very dissociated so it was hard to see my way through the forest of trees.

I noticed that I had came upon the ranch thats behind my buddy's land. And like a ninja, hopped fences and prowled through the private property with a deep feral yet instinctive drive to find something, but I didnt know what I was looking for. As I crept along the dirt trail through the property, I could hear them howling in the woods. A howl that was a mixture of man and dog, the werewolves. I stopped at the woods edge maybe 2-300 yards in to the private property I was clearly trespassing in. I could see lights in the distance through the trees and saw them running super fast between the trees. I was wary about going in any further until I heard a female werewolf howling.

This struck some kind of instinctive drive to find her. I felt like she was my girl, at this point I thought I was certainly turning into one of them. I started walked through the woods and turned to my right and saw a ravine, in that ravine I witnessed one of the most creepy myths I thought never existed. The thick and forbidden White Mist. There were clicking sounds coming from it that sounded like crickets but more alien than anything, kind of like the aliens in the movie Signs with Mel Gibson. I had a bad feeling of the White Mist so I turned to my left back into the forest.

And when I started walking back in the woods, there they were standing right in front of me, the werewolves. As I approached them they seemed frightened of my presence and would climb up a tree or hide behind one to peek out at me. I disregarded them and kept walking. I finally came upon a neighborhood that I've never seen before. I got closer and saw blue translucent ghosts holding weapons and patrolling a property in the neighborhood but when I walked up to them they disappeared. The leaves crunched beneath my feet and some german shepherds started barking. I thought uh oh, code red, its either canine units or personal pets and if I don't watch myself they could f*** me up. So I sort of ran walked deeper into this community that I never knew existed in this part of town.

I sort of blacked out for a bit, I was THAT high on meth. When I came to I was close to a group of houses and all their dogs were outside. One of them saw me and barked, it came after me. I ran as fast as I could around a house, it was literally on my heels. I sprinted up some stairs onto someones back porch, the dog ran up the stairs after me, and slammed the door before the dog could get me. I hid out in total fear on some random persons property, adrenaline was pumping at 120%. I was scared for my life. I looked around while 2 dogs were barking loudly at me while running around the house I was at. There were 3 or 4 black ghosts standing on everyones porches in the neighborhood. The dogs wouldnt stop barking even 10 minutes later, so I decided to make a break for it.

As I crept down the steps and walked under the porch deck, the yard lights were turned. Oh fuck, time to burn the fuck out. I sprinted into the woods next to the house I was at and as I entered the woods something strange and horrifying happened. The branches of the trees and the vines on the ground started wrapping around my arms and feet to where I couldn't even move. I fought through them for my life ripping vines and branches off my body with godly strength, I lost my beanie. The dogs were still right on my 6. I somehow made it out into an open field and ran faster through it than I've ever witnessed anyone run in my entire life, I literally glided across the field in seconds.

I found a tree that fell and was a bit slanted leaning on another tree. I climbed up the tree until I was about 20 feet off the ground. I just sat there and tried to let my breath catch up, it took about 2 hours for it to catch up considering I sprinted a total of 2 miles or so up to that point. I looked around in the woods and saw beings made of shadow and other beings made of light walking around the woods watching me. Very alien in nature. And then the piece de resistance of the entire experience that night happened.

I looked about 200 yards down the hill from where I was and saw a property with multiple spotlights pointing down in its front yard. In the front yard I saw about 30-40 dogs sitting, walking around, barking and there were even some cages. I just sat and watched this intriguing sight that I came across until about an hour before sunrise. At that point every single one of the dogs slowly transformed back into humans. And all the people just walked away in different directions... I know it sounds absolutely crazy but I saw it, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

As they walked away, so did I. I was kind of hoping to come across one to ask it questions as I walked back to the dirt road that my car was parked at but I never saw anyone. A spotlight at a construction site watched me and stayed facing towards me as I walked past it. I finally made it back to my car and when I sat down I let out a big long moan/sigh. I was thinking holy shit, Im alive.. I didn't get eaten by dogs tonight. I turned the keys in the ignition and drove to my other friends land where he let me stay for a bit also due to my homelessness. I sat back in my jeep on his land and finally fell asleep.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. This guy was a fucking danger to society haha. I was, I had little control over my actions, but what that led me to was a 6 month journey of mind blowing happenings. I actually have one more woodrunner story and a few others where I learned how to manipulate physical reality with my mind, but until then, Skinwalker out ✌
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Re: Research chemicals

Post by MPD »

I saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at the theatre in 1998!

I also saw Dark City and Fight the Future when they first came out at that same theatre...thanks for the reminder james!
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