Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

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Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by father of lies »

I am fucking ENRAGED. Give five bucks if you can. The charges are completely false. This is a pretty common practice, actually, and they know he didn't actually manufacture or distribute anything illegal, but it puts him out of commission. And if he ends up convicted anyway, this will happen to many more COMPLETELY LEGAL businesses.


On Feb 4, 2010 the FDA, Kansas Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement--24 officers in all, raided a lawfully run botanical shop and warehouse. With guns drawn, they burst in and proceeded to handcuff everyone in the building including 65- year-old, white-haired grandmas and grandpas and young, single mothers Jon Sloan Defense Fund
POB 944
ST Charles MO 63302

Total Donated to Date: $1,025.00 THANK YOU!
We need $200,000 to fight these false charges.
They then proceeded to ransack the entire building.
You can see pictures of their nasty work here.

By 10:30 AM, Jon Sloan, the 29-year-old owner was being booked at the county jail. Bond was set at $906,000.00. - Remember that number.

By the end of the day they had confiscated $700,000 worth of products and property, and they had seized funds and bank accounts, both personal and business accounts. They even seized Jon's six-year-old son's savings account. That is the little guy in the photo to the right. They left Jon with nothing in the bank, making it impossible for him to post bond or hire a lawyer. They seized all legal papers, receipts, bills, bank account records – everything.

We were able to find a lawyer who was able to reduce the bond to $150,000, and Jon was finally released late the following day. During the time in jail he was denied any visitors. The condition of his release is that he is not allowed to go to the office or talk to employees, associates or customers. Thus, he has effectively been denied the ability to work and run his lawful business and generate income in order to be able to mount a defense.

He is facing 75 years in federal prison.

The charges are bogus and false. They say that his botanical business was selling these controlled substances.
Here are the charges.
• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine (DMT)

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Mescaline

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Mescaline

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine; Chacruna; Illinois Bundleflower; Epena; Cebil Seeds.

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Bufotenine, Epena, Chaliponga, Cebil Seeds, Colorado River Toads.

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide, Morning Glory Seeds, Rivea Corymbosa.

• Unlawful possession of certain drug precursors and drug paraphernalia: Plastic jugs and filters used or intended for unlawful use to manufacture, cultivate, plant propagate, harvest, test, analyze or distribute a controlled substance.

DMT is a natural substance found in many common plants and is even produced naturally in your brain, making every single human in possession of a controlled substance (if enforced the way these charges are) and is found in most plants. There was no manufacturing or extracting of DMT at any point at the warehouse, including the day of the raid.

Please note how they listed mescaline as one of the substances. There was no mescaline there. There was only San Pedro cactus. San Pedro cactus can be bought at Walmart and garden centers throughout the country. They would certainly look foolish if they busted in and charged him with selling cactus. The world would be outraged. So, instead they say "Mescaline." And then they put that press release out to the public, who then read that Jon was selling mescaline: "A Drug Dealer! Save our children!" After all… don't we usually believe newspaper reports when someone is accused of something? When we see the mugshot on TV (Yes, his mugshot was shown on several news shows) - don't we think "guilty?"

Lysergic Acid Amide: We didn't even know what this was. But, after googling we discovered it is in Morning Glory Seeds. The kind your grandmother plants in her garden. Evidently possession of Morning Glory Seeds available in just about every garden center in the country and growing in just about every neighborhood in the country is now illegal. Not only illegal, but considered “manufacturing”.

The feds are very smart PR wise. They are also genuine thugs. Hired to protect us? Hardly. They destroy the lives of everyone they come in contact with. How many lives have they destroyed with this illegal raid, all the while supposedly protecting us from the horror and evil of cactus and morning glory seeds?

The next charges are for the actual seeds and plants that, again, can be bought at any garden shop. We don't even sell the Illinois Bundleflower, but it grows naturally throughout the United States and the Lady Bird Johnson wildflower preserve in Texas grows and harvests them and sells them to visitors.

We are supposing there is some substance they want to outlaw in the other seeds and plants listed. But… we don't know what they are. Every single item listed can be bought at any legitimate flower or garden shop or wildlife preserve.

The Colorado River Toad is an exotic toad. Exotic, just like a piranha fish or boa constrictor. They can eat whole a live rat. Some people think they can lick them to get high. But only a fool would try. They are poisonous. Licking them would get you a severe case of salmonella poisoning. They can live for 15 years. They are not illegal to own, buy or sell. We bought them from a reptilian pet store in Florida. . Not only that, but Bouncing Bear has already gone through a year-long investigation for the toads four years back with several government agencies coming and asking questions. They took the toads, held them for a year and then finally just gave them back after determining there was nothing illegal about them.

Please note the last of the bogus charges: “Unlawful possession of certain drug precursors and drug paraphernalia: Plastic jugs and filters...” Perhaps the Feds forgot that Bouncing Bear is a botanical store. We grow plants. We water them and fertilize them. We use plastic jugs just like every botanical store in the world and just like every lawn and garden shop. Did they really expect NOT to find plastic jugs?

Every single one of the charges is bogus. They have thrown the book at Jon because they don't like his botanical business and want to shut it down. They have violated Jon’s civil rights in order to make an example that will discourage others from engaging in this type of legal business.

They have posted a $906,000 DRUG TAX on Jon's head. Remember that number?

What is the drug tax? All illegal drug dealers in Kansas are required to buy “Drug Stamps.” They then must put the stamp on the bag of marijuana or cocaine to show they have paid the tax on that illegal drug. This is the way the government can seize private property in the event of a drug bust. "You haven't paid your drug tax? Cool! We get to take all your stuff!"

Of course - they get to seize the stuff even before they you are convicted. (And in most cases keep it even if you are found not guilty.)

Innocent until proven guilty? Hardly. The drug tax was imposed before he was even charged.

This is how they can effectively keep someone from mounting a defense. They seize all of someone's assets so that person can't hire a lawyer, post bond, and must use an underpaid court-appointed attorney and sit in jail for the year that it takes to get to trial. Most of the time the accused will accept a plea bargain. Faced with 75 years in jail if guilty? They take the plea for 10 years. And the authorities look like heroes.

Just be ACCUSED of selling drugs and they can fine you with a drug tax. They just did this in Jon's case. Jon sold no illegal drugs. He has not been convicted of anything. Doesn’t matter. They just have to accuse him, slap him with nearly a million dollar tax, seize all of his assets, put him out of business, make it so that he can't mount a defense or fight the charges -- and they look like gods for “saving our children.”

Now, Jon Sloan is facing 75 years in prison…. for selling plants that can be found at Wal-mart.
He has nothing in the bank and no way to make a living or mount any kind of defense. On the other hand, the feds have unlimited manpower and unlimited financial resources. This is David vs Goliath.

As of this moment, they have stolen his life, his families' lives and all of those around him.

Your tax dollars at work.

Jon Sloan Defense Fund
POB 944
ST Charles MO 63302

Jon has a wife and three small children. The picture above is his son Lyric running to congratulate him after finishing a triathlon.
Jon doesn't smoke, drink or put anything harmful into his body.

This is the mugshot they released to the press. It was on the news shows and in all the papers.

Let's see... you watch 24 armed men bust into your place of business with guns out.
You see them handcuff your 12 employees.
They proceed to ransack the place.
They take you to jail and tell you that your bond is $906,000.00.
They tell you that you will not be going home for a long, long time.
They tell you that they are confiscating all of your property, including your bank accounts and your car.
Your wife is in Arizona.
Your 6 year old son is in school, and you don't have any clue if you can figure out how to get him picked up.

In other words, they have told you that they have screwed your life up royally, and everyone around you, perhaps forever. You may never have your life back.

Then they stick you in front of a camera and say, "Smile."
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by soiled depends »

father of lies wrote: They have thrown the book at Jon because they don't like his botanical business and want to shut it down.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
does your employer know that you are a cold hearted animal murderer in addition to being an insatiable pervert?-meatgrease
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

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I hope they get beaten in jail...
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by death by snoo snoo »


I heard that chick that does all the youtube videos promoting bbb narc'd on a big lsd manufacturer..
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by VueeeuVueeeeuV »

This is shameful to every American. The "freedom relishing" masses will cheer because of the scary drugs around and the little scummy hick police departments will get more homeland security cash to help fight NARCO-TERRORISTS. Fuck the ultra-right who bemoan the war on drugs and the crazy coppers it pays yet think every police organization should operate on a for profit basis.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by The Arsonist »

I like how they pretend they weren't selling stuff to people so they could get high, like they didn't know what they were doing.

My favorite part:
"Lysergic Acid Amide: We didn't even know what this was. But, after googling we discovered it is in Morning Glory Seeds. "

Yeah, right... you had to google that shit.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by Gunther »

The Arsonist wrote:I like how they pretend they weren't selling stuff to people so they could get high, like they didn't know what they were doing.

My favorite part:
"Lysergic Acid Amide: We didn't even know what this was. But, after googling we discovered it is in Morning Glory Seeds. "

Yeah, right... you had to google that shit.
Pigs have access to google. Those mother fuckers knew, somehow!!
Black Jacques wrote:Gordon Lightfoot looks like he was freubds with ghengus John.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by the awesome Assassin »

Yeah... These cops out to get Bouncing Bear Botanicals!!! Some probably joined the force just for this reason!!!
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by father of lies »

Yeah man you can't buy morning glory seeds at fucking Walgreens or anything.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by Deleted Account »

Well why don't you go down to city hall and give them piece of your mind? Just watch it, some of them have dogs who have a nose for Doritos.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by soiled depends »

I love how they're using the kids' piggy bank as some sort of tear jerk story. Stick with the legal arguments and forget about the stupid prime time plot twist, flowerfucker...
does your employer know that you are a cold hearted animal murderer in addition to being an insatiable pervert?-meatgrease
only a fundamentally insecure asshole would relish in the death of domesticated cats-chad

Pyrite Medal of Ignorance

Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance »

hahaha, this happened in the town I grew up in. St. Charles cops get really bored...there isn't much going on besides some run of the mill domestic abuse and child molestation, perhaps some meth-related crimes...
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by father of lies »

I haven't had a Dorito in probably over a year. You guys suck at not wanting the government to bust up legal businesses and ruin lives, knowing full well that no laws were broken.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by soiled depends »

father of lies wrote: You guys suck at not wanting the government to bust up legal businesses and ruin lives, knowing full well that no laws were broken.

How the fuck do I know that no laws were broken just because some guy secretly fucking the kid on the side posts some weepy thing on the internet?

When it comes down to it, I'm just really fucking skectical about guys who can't even get a secret santa right who want me to "throw a few bucks" at some toad-licking flower fucker in some dildo town of losers that I have never even heard of.

Also, did it ever occur to you that maybe I also hate people into botanics? Fucking idiots, every last one of them...
does your employer know that you are a cold hearted animal murderer in addition to being an insatiable pervert?-meatgrease
only a fundamentally insecure asshole would relish in the death of domesticated cats-chad

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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by The Arsonist »

father of lies wrote:I haven't had a Dorito in probably over a year. You guys suck at not wanting the government to bust up legal businesses and ruin lives, knowing full well that no laws were broken.
I was super-pissed when I got busted for selling weed years ago, and it does suck...

but I didn't walk around saying "I didn't even know what THC was until I googled it."

They knew exactly what they were selling and what it was being used for.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by The Schwartz »

I was actually going to make an order for spring break this year

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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by Friendly Goatus »

The Arsonist wrote:
father of lies wrote:I haven't had a Dorito in probably over a year. You guys suck at not wanting the government to bust up legal businesses and ruin lives, knowing full well that no laws were broken.
I was super-pissed when I got busted for selling weed years ago, and it does suck...

but I didn't walk around saying "I didn't even know what THC was until I googled it."

They knew exactly what they were selling and what it was being used for.
That may be so but they've every right to sell these things. you could easily buy just about every single plant/seed/whateverthefuck they had available in your town. If they don't instruct or condone the ingestion of any of their items then they are running a legal business. A gun dealer doesn't get fucked over if a customer decides to off himself, does he? A district sheriff has a bug up his ass because of the propaganda of the war on drugs and decides to ruin a law-abiding family's well being.

Fuck families, amirite?
Last edited by Friendly Goatus on Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

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Guys, show your support. Get ENRAGED.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by father of lies »

The Schwartz wrote:I was actually going to make an order for spring break this year

I'm pretty sure they're still open.

Arsonist, you're either trolling or a moron. BBB doesn't break any laws, and specifically states that their products are NOT for human consumption. In fact, they just stopped selling salvia, because Kansas banned it. Big on the RIAA, too, eh?

Some of their products are a little more exotic, but the more common ones like San Pedro cactus and morning glory are sold everywhere, perfectly legally. It's a crime to boil ayahuasca plants for hours, not to possess them, just as you can have poppies in your garden as long as you don't consume them.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by The Schwartz »

father of lies wrote:
The Schwartz wrote:I was actually going to make an order for spring break this year

I'm pretty sure they're still open.
so whatchu hussin bout foo

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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by zzzzzzzz »

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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by neckbeard »

you guys suck
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by Bored, Esq. »

soiled depends wrote:maybe I also hate people into botanics?
You know they're all: "Man, fuck people. Plants are better than people! My plant never broke up with me!"

Douchebags. Make that...hosebags.

I'm also convinced this is just an Avatar-related viral marketing scheme. That movie hasn't been doing very well. They're taking it to a whole 'nother level.
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Re: Pigs raid Bouncing Bear Botanicals, press false charges

Post by riley-o »

father of lies wrote:Yeah man you can't buy morning glory seeds at fucking Walgreens or anything.
well if i can still get high at walgreens then what's the issue here
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