The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

Cheers mate! All th6e Mech6anicus models h6ave so much6 ch6aracter. (I'm in the middle of reading5 th6e Forg5es of Mars trilog5y by Neill McGrah6am, and I was surprised to find th6at th6e Mech6anicus priests aren't just soulless cyborg5s, th6ere are some really interesting5 ch6aracters among5 th6em...) Th6e tall pointy h6at is awesome, I knew straig5h6t away th6at I'd use it. Have you considered cutting5 th6e h6ead you used off or using5 a Dremel? Th6e GW plastic is soft enoug5h - better swallow a bitter pill now th6an reg5retting5 your ch6oice every time you look at th6e finish6ed model...
Anyway, h6ow's your Ch6aos army doing5 on th6e battlefield? Have you h6ad any g5ames lately?
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

THE KILL wrote: Sun Apr 12, 2020 8:25 am Have you considered cutting5 th6e h6ead you used off or using5 a Dremel?
Ehh, it's mostly painted now, I'm not going back and making modifications at this point. Plus the hooded hat looks good too - I picked it because it's closer to the Skitarii Rangers and I like a bit of uniformity. Maybe I'll use the other head on something else eventually. GW plastic definitely does lend itself to kitbashing, it responds really well to cement and a bit of pressure.
Anyway, h6ow's your Ch6aos army doing5 on th6e battlefield? Have you h6ad any g5ames lately?
Haven't really played it properly. I did some practice games with small selections of Skaven and Khorne, but not since we went into lockdown. What I've noticed is that a) Bloodthirsters are really fun b) Blood Warriors are totally worth the points cost c) Skullcrushers are nearly unkillable, but also don't do as much damage as you'd think and d) Skullreapers are awesome. That's about it. There's also a new Chaos book that I apparently should be paying attention to, but tbqh I can't be bothered at the moment. I'm working on some regular model kits for a bit, and then I need to beef up my Skaven so I can have 1000-point games at home, I think.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by FVBTVS »

i had the thought while doing dishes last night

i wonder what adjustments you'd have to make in order to play warhammer on a roll20 type vtt? only thing i remember about wh rules back in the day was scatter dice that might be a trick to adjust

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

There's already a "Tabletop Simulator" that's specifically designed for Warhammer and similar games, so no need to tweak something that isn't really suited to it. I haven't tried either, but from what I gather on the wargaming internets, Tabletop Simulator works pretty well.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by FVBTVS »

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

I've been th6inking5 about printing5 a Skaven army, th6ere's th6is dude on th6ing5iverse wh6o does all th6ese really awesome Skaven sculpts:
Th6ere's a h6andful of people in th6e boardg5ame sh6op I frequent wh6o still play Warh6ammer 8th6 edition. I feel really nostalg5ic about WH Fantasy, I used to own a Skaven army 25 years ag5o.

Anyway, post your Skaven and your terrain, Mike!
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

THE KILL wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:25 am I've been th6inking5 about printing5 a Skaven army, th6ere's th6is dude on th6ing5iverse wh6o does all th6ese really awesome Skaven sculpts:
Those are pretty cool, but they're not really significantly better than the corresponding GW models, except maybe the Queek Headtaker one and only because that one's a Failcast model and absolutely horrid.

I like these: ... gXR7v1cSsQ
They've got alternatives for Jezzails, Ratling Guns and others that play well but in same cases still only exist as pewter models from GW themselves. And honestly, as much as I like the Skaven, the old sculpts are really awkward looking for the most part.
Anyway, post your Skaven and your terrain, Mike!
Fine-good, silly man-thing.

I think I've already posted some of these, but I can't be bothered to check.

Here's my Queek Headtaker. I tried to save it as best as I could, but the model is nightmarishly bad and I'm never buying another Failcast model in my life. Which reminds me, I still have a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut that I need to paint. Sigh.



Doomwheel. This thing is a giant pain to work on as well, but it actually looks great and the detail is really sharp.



Warpgnaw Verminlord. Forgeworld and therefore also not the easiest model to work with, but totally worth it. I have a second one that i was going to sell, but I think I'm keeping it.



And Clanrats. I have at the very least another 20 of these to do.






I don't have any Skaven terrain pieces. I keep thinking I might buy the Gnawholes, but I really just have some Skaven because I want to eventually have a 1000-point army for small games at home and the Gnawholes take up too much space on the table. I also badly need to get to work making some damn wargaming terrain - I actually really like scratchbuilding bases for my mecha kits out of just cheap shit that I have lying around, so... yeah.

I do have this, though.

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

spacehamster wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:56 am
Those are pretty cool, but they're not really significantly better than the corresponding GW models, except maybe the Queek Headtaker one and only because that one's a Failcast model and absolutely horrid.
Th6ey're not necesssarily better but th6ey're ten times as ch6eap as GW's stuff... A sing5le man+-sized miniature costs me less th6an 30 cents in resin. Th6e big5 th6ing5s are usually no more th6an 5 Euros (1 litre of resin is 35 EUros). I'm a ch6eap bastard, and considering5 many of th6e rank and file Skaven models are butt-ug5ly I won't spend a sig5nificant amount of money on another GW army...
spacehamster wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:56 am I like these: ... gXR7v1cSsQ
They've got alternatives for Jezzails, Ratling Guns and others that play well but in same cases still only exist as pewter models from GW themselves. And honestly, as much as I like the Skaven, the old sculpts are really awkward looking for the most part.
Th6ose do look nice, especially th6e g5rey seer. 199 bucks th6oug5h6...
spacehamster wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:56 am Spacehamster's groovy Skaven army
I've complemented you before on th6e excellent work on th6e Horned Rat's base - g5et to making5 some terrain dude! It's fuckloads of fun, is a lot faster th6an painting5 minis, and just makes your tabletop come alive. Also, making5 fantasy terrain is ridiculously easy, especially wh6en compared to Scifi terrain, you can find all th6e materials in th6e woods or even in your g5arden.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by FVBTVS »

tabletop simulator for 40k looks amazing?!
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

THE KILL wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:56 pm Th6ose do look nice, especially th6e g5rey seer. 199 bucks th6oug5h6...
Well, yeah, they're not a cheaper option of that's what you're looking for, which is also why I wouldn't buy the Grey Seer, GW's model looks great, no need for an expensive resin alternative.
Also, making5 fantasy terrain is ridiculously easy, especially wh6en compared to Scifi terrain, you can find all th6e materials in th6e woods or even in your g5arden.
I know, I know. You can see from what I did with the base for the Verminlord that I actually enjoy doing it, and the effort to effect ratio is great once you have the basics down - it's really easy and improves everything a ton. I just always have too many projects going on, and right now, tbqh, I'm a bit sick of working on Warhammer stuff. I'm finishing up a Zoids model, starting a Gundam and I'll probably do a Maschinen Krieger one next.
FVBTVS wrote: Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:14 pm tabletop simulator for 40k looks amazing?!
Well, then your job is to try it and report. I've only played Age of Sigmar, 40K makes my brain hurt.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

spacehamster wrote: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:27 am I just always have too many projects going on
Tell me about it. I'm working on two boardg5ames and a card g5ame at th6e moment, a g5aming5 table and some more furniture, two arcade cabs, and I h6ave my Mech6anicus army, a sh6itload of Necromunda MDF and printed out terrain to build and paint. Sometimes a project becomes a ch6ore and you leave it for a year or five, but wh6en you return to it it's h6eaps of fun and you don't h6ave to start from th6e beg5inning5...
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

I will say, by the way, that the worst thing about getting into Warhammer has been the quality of the memes in 40K communities. These people are seriously the most autistic fucktards our species has ever produced. Like, if you're too autistic to be a gamergater, you play 40K and talk about it online.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

haha. post examples mate
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

This one's pretty good. You have to think about what the underlying assumption is for a moment, but once you figure it out, you immediately want to put a bullet in your brain.

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

Some new stuff:

For this one I used real metal paint (for parts of the staff) and oxidized it, but it looks more like a failed attempt at a glowing effect:
Unfortunately, now I'm considering getting a Nurgle army and making it as rusty and decayed-looking as I can...

Printed this asshole out myself, but I'm not happy at all with how he looks. I'll have to add more highlights and details, I guess:

Layering several layers of oil paint and washing almost all of it off again yields some very cool results:

So what's up, Spacehamster?
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by FVBTVS »

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by Necrometer »

that layer/oil/wash piece looks so good
good thing I'll be dead soon, cause I'm tired of liars winning
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

Cheers fellas! Check out this guy's videos if you want to hear more about oil paints:
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

Another 40K goblin:

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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

I don't really ever have anything to contribute but I love this thread. Thanks for keeping it updated boys.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

Oh, hearing somebody say nice things about your work always motivates me to paint some more shit. I always get lost in the details, get burnt out, and neglect my minis for months, before the cycle starts once again.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

This guy also has a ton of good tutorials on various uses of oil paints for minis:

I tend to use them more for weathering on sci-fi vehicle and mecha kits myself. Acrylic washes like Citadel's "shades" certainly have their drawbacks, but the drying times just drive me nuts.

I did recently use an oil wash on a Maschinen Krieger figure:


You can also see my use of oil paints for streaking (and a pin wash) on the mech behind the pilot figure. That's really what I mostly use them for.

The big news at my house is really that I finally caved in and bought myself a magnifier, and boy, does it make everything easier. It's how I did the face here:


And this was the first Warhammer mini I painted with it. If you know how small these Skaven models are, you know what I'm talking about.


Basically I work until I'm satisfied with what it looks like with the magnifying glasses on, and then when you look at it without them, everything is super sharp.

I'm also working on a Baneblade with LED lights at the moment, but that's taking forever, and I broke the gunner, which has ruined my motivation, ahem.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

And fuck me, I just noticed the paint spillover on the Ma.K figure's shoulder pads. So much for those magnifying glasses.

I also hopped on eBay and bought replacement bits for that Baneblade gunner the second I posted the above.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by THE KILL »

Re: magnifier, now I'm curious but unfortunately I can't buy one because I have assured my wife that the really good mini painters never use one (I have no idea why I said that, maybe they do) and I can't let her have the last word.

Also, couldn't agree on the Marco Frisoni fella more, the man is a genius, and his tutorials are fantastic.
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Re: The Bottom of the Nerdhole: Miniature Painting Thread!

Post by spacehamster »

THE KILL wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 9:11 am Re: magnifier, now I'm curious but unfortunately I can't buy one because I have assured my wife that the really good mini painters never use one (I have no idea why I said that, maybe they do) and I can't let her have the last word.
Well, uh... you're wrong. I mean, why wouldn't you use a tool that's available? This sounds like people who say that using an airbrush is "cheating".

In all honesty, though, it's also partly because my eyesight isn't all there anymore. I actually specifically can't focus properly at just about the distance where you'd hold a mini to paint it. Took me a while to notice that that was the problem, and then after about a week of practice with the magnifier (because it does take some getting used to), it's way more comfortable now and less tiring than without it.
storm shadow wrote:This is what happens when people use the internet to get through adolescence, instead of drugs and heavy metal.
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