The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Krieg »

The Bill wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 4:38 pm
Krieg wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 6:01 am Quantum Break is one of my favorite games ever. I hope you can enjoy it. I even really liked the "TV Show", which received lots of hate.
I haven't given up, but what a stink of a coincidence that the one game that must have internet is the one I play when I don't have internet. This was an Xbox One era game, yes? Combat feels like a gimmick 360 era game.
It is a 2016 game, so it does not feel that outdated. I actually played it around 2020, when it came in promotion somewhere for $5, I never really cared about it before but since it was from Remedy and I was gay for Max Payne I decided to give it a try. It ended up been one of my favorites ever, mostly because of the awesome sci-fi story. I think very few games had succeeded at creating a game that feels like a movie but it is still a good game. They hired real actors as well, Dominic Monaghan and Lance Reddick (RIP) did an awesome job. Then you had as well the TV mini series that complemented the game, and while it had low production I think it did a good job at extending the story. Or maybe this game sucks but it manage to cover a bunch of things I really like, who knows?
The Torsion wrote:I don't like Krieg
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

Eh, looks like I’ll give Quantum Break a redo, maybe come Autumn. I’m playing a bit less than usual right now and Plague Tale Requiem is at bat and I think it’s a long game. After, well, I’m going to need to first person shoot something. Then a quick nonsensical something before a long summer vacation. I really should get a handheld Arcade rom machine, though.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Handheld emulator device market moves so fucking fast that I NEVER feel like it's the right moment to dive in. I think a lot of them can handle Mame and FBAlpha though. I'd be willing to bet that that steam deck will wind up being the most capable and supported mame device for the next few years.

Ive been thinking about getting some stuff to make a lightgun mame setup on my pc. I really really loved those shooty zombie games and I'm sure there's some great shit i never played.
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Tears of the Kingdom is pretty great so far. Im maybe two hours in.

I was slightly apprehensive about this one, especially once I heard that the map was a redux of BotW. The second Bravely Default game tried the same sneaky trick, and it was fucking terrible. I'll have to complete more of the game before I can say for sure, but so far it definitely feels like a new game.

One big difference is that Tears has a pretty lengthy tutorial section, and those generally send me into a blind rage. This is a spiritual departure from BotW, which felt very breezy and immediately "open". Although I wasn't enthusiastic about it this time, the new mechanics absolutely require explanation and it was designed perfectly. There's more talking than I'd like.

The crafting stuff really is very special. As with the map I may feel differently after many hours, but it felt very novel and exciting. I'm happily torn between wanting to save resources and blowing through them in experimentation.

The graphical style is gorgeous, basically a slightly different palette from last time. That said the technical limitations of the console are pretty obvious, and texture issues make this feel slightly less immersive than BotW. I think some of that will probably be improved with patches.
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

I think its very admirable how they've revitalized the Zelda series. I didn't despise Skyward Sword, but it was pretty obvious that that formula had completely run its course. People would have continued to buy these games forever, even if they became completely stagnant and formulaic. I figure it took balls and a lot of effort to create something totally new, while managing to recapture the original spirit. Is there any game series that's been going this long, and still manages to stay relevant and impress players? I can't really think of any.
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

I won't spoil anything but... jesus. This game as a fucking surprise.
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

Zelda, Zelda, Zelda!

I couldn’t get into the first Switch/Wii-U one. My-son made a dent in it but stopped after awhile. I have no business fooling around with it anyway. I never finished the one with the wolf. I actually might be alright only playing Windwaker and Link to the Past for the rest but f my life. If anything, I’ll play the Gameboy one remastered for the Switch. I like the art style.

The stealth/puzzle gameplay of Plague Tale is completely not my bag, but I slowly proceed.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Yeah if you and the boy didn't like Breath of the Wild, then this one is a skip too.
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

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I’m sitting here pondering all the unplayed games I have. Be it Steam sale bought or just roms for emulation. My “library” is simply brobdingnagian to the point that having a Steam wishlist is a fool’s errand. I do want those survival/horror remakes like Dead Space, Alone in the Dark, and Silent Hill, please.

This Plague’s Tale is getting a little on my nerves. All my deaths come from not knowing the direction in which to go. The characters know. Yet, they neither point it out, nor does the game highlight left or right. I don’t need hand holding, but come on.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by THE KILL »

The Bill wrote: Sun May 21, 2023 4:13 pm If anything, I’ll play the Gameboy one remastered for the Switch. I like the art style.
I haven't played this one myself, only watched a mate play it for fifteen minutes. Don't you mind that everything looks like plastic? Anyways I'm sure gameplay-wise it's as great as the Gameboy original, which I play through every couple of years. I get sentimental every time the end credits roll... :cry:
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

THE KILL wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 3:21 pm
The Bill wrote: Sun May 21, 2023 4:13 pm If anything, I’ll play the Gameboy one remastered for the Switch. I like the art style.
I haven't played this one myself, only watched a mate play it for fifteen minutes. Don't you mind that everything looks like plastic? Anyways I'm sure gameplay-wise it's as great as the Gameboy original, which I play through every couple of years. I get sentimental every time the end credits roll... :cry:
I like the plastic toy look, as I like Windwaker’s cartoon cell shading. I’m all for style over realism. I’ll take Witcher 3’s Blood & Wine over Call of Duty any day. If a game supports Geforce ansel filter, I’ll usually pump up color and sharpening.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

Vernon! Do not get the Gollum game.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by ghost boner »

:lol: thanks for the heads up, pal!
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by spacehamster »

WH40K Boltgun is pretty fun so far. Don't know how long it's going to take for it to get stale, but I think I can already say it's worth 20 $ bux.
storm shadow wrote:This is what happens when people use the internet to get through adolescence, instead of drugs and heavy metal.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

spacehamster wrote: Sun May 28, 2023 10:17 am WH40K Boltgun is pretty fun so far. Don't know how long it's going to take for it to get stale, but I think I can already say it's worth 20 $ bux.
You’re going to have to tell me how the levels pan out. Of the footage I’ve seen, the levels themselves seem kind of boring and confusing. And definitely redundant. Or is it like DOOM or Quake,?where levels work well despite not looking like much.

I also want a piece of that System Shock remake, although that seems confusing as well.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Boltgun does look cool
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by spacehamster »

The Bill wrote: Mon May 29, 2023 1:52 pm
You’re going to have to tell me how the levels pan out. Of the footage I’ve seen, the levels themselves seem kind of boring and confusing. And definitely redundant. Or is it like DOOM or Quake,?where levels work well despite not looking like much.
From what I've seen so far, I'm afraid you might be on to something. I've never played Quake, but at least from what I remember, Doom 2 doesn't get nearly as much credit as it deserves for its intelligent level design, and Boltgun doesn't have that. The puzzles are all "find key, open door" and the level design is just a bunch of big arenas connected by hallways. And sometimes balconies and elevators.

The weapons are absolutely all fun to use, the controls are fantastically responsive, I've yet to encounter a single bug and if you're a fan of 40K like me, they just absolutely nail everything from top to bottom, down to the armor stat being named "contempt". That's where the fun is in this game. The level design ain't it. Which is why I'm expecting it to eventually get stale.
storm shadow wrote:This is what happens when people use the internet to get through adolescence, instead of drugs and heavy metal.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by FVBTVS »

i feel like all the retro/throwback fps games i've tried have all been missing inspired level design when you compare them to doom

really cool everything else though
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

FVBTVS wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 12:44 pm i feel like all the retro/throwback fps games i've tried have all been missing inspired level design when you compare them to doom

really cool everything else though
I agree. I think this is where these “boomer shooters” are suffering with their single person (or very few people at most) development team. Great ideas and great combat, but they aren’t jacks of all traits, and could of used experienced level designers to work with them. Had they only threw a few bones at a few DOOM, Quake, Half-Life, and Unreal Tournament mod community folks I think a lot of what I’ve sampled would have been must play, instead of “I’ve seen enough”.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

There's some doom mod about a guys house which people are discussing as though it's a contender at cannes
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

Eight Bit Alien wrote: Tue May 30, 2023 4:08 pm There's some doom mod about a guys house which people are discussing as though it's a contender at cannes
I’m 100% positive a Darkwing Duck DOOM would be better than any of the AAA titles that came the last three years which featured a minority woman on its cover art. Prove me wrong.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

When Ninja Gaiden for the NES came out, I was enthralled with its cutscenes. Later, when Metal Gear Solid came out, I was all about more games needing all this cinematic interludes. Now in 2023, I want these game to shut the fuck up and let me play something. If you want to tell a whole sweeping epic, fine. But do it like how Half-Life does it. No more movies.
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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

I'm literally just hitting buttons the entire time any cutscene starts, hoping to god I can skip it.
livid dealer wrote: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:31 am DIO NEVER JUMPED ON WHAT WAS POPULAR (THE PROVERBIAL BANDWAGON)

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Re: The Bill's Now Playing Video Game Thread (Now with Bames)

Post by The Bill »

Eight Bit Alien wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:06 pm I'm literally just hitting buttons the entire time any cutscene starts, hoping to god I can skip it.
Don’t get me wrong. Shit like the Call of Duty 4 nuke scene or Andrew Ryan golf club from Bioshock are cool and can be considered cut scenes, but it’s not done like a novice film project and keeps you in the game. Yet, this Plague Tale, with rambling dialogue and close ups… spare me, Chief.
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