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The Pigs

Post by neckbeard »

> ... r_embedded<
In this video, two British police officers come up to a young woman who is filming a building and harass her, imply that she is a terrorist, intimidate her, demand to see her footage. The policeman says that he's harassing her for being "cocky" -- punishing her for failing to cringe sufficiently. England's police chiefs have ordered policemen to stop harassing photographers, but this officer called for backup and 7 more officers converged on the photographer. The photographer was brutally detained -- she is covered in bruises -- and fined but she had the presence of mind to return to the scene and interview the witnesses to the assault.
Last edited by neckbeard on Sat May 04, 2013 11:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by neckbeard »

Cop who tased girlfriend’s face might not do time

there's a video but i think it's just an interview with the girlfriend
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by DeadWalrus » ... ooting.htm
PHOENIX (CN) - A homeowner says a Phoenix police officer shot him six times in the back during a 911 home-invasion call, and the 911 tape recorded the officer's partner saying, "That's all right. Don't worry about it. I got your back. ... We clear?" The family says the officers were not aware that the 911 call was still recording as they spoke about covering up the shooting.

In their complaint in Maricopa County Court, Anthony and Lesley Arambula say an armed intruder "crashed through the front window" of their home on Sept. 17, 2008 and ran into one of their son's bedrooms.
Anthony, worried about his son who was still in his bedroom, says he "held the intruder calmly at gunpoint" and called 911.

Phoenix Police officers already in the neighborhood heard the crash of the Arambulas' window. When they approached the house, Lesley says, she told Sgt. Sean Coutts that her husband was inside holding the intruder at gunpoint. Lesley says Coutts failed to pass on that information to the two other officers.
Inside the house, the Arambulas say, Officer Brian Lilly shot Anthony six times in the back while he was still on the phone with the 911 operator - twice when he was on the ground.
The officers ran into the bedroom after Anthony told them, "You just killed ... you just killed the homeowner. The bad guy is in there."

The complaint states that Officer Lilly "admitted that it was only after Tony was laying, bullet-ridden, on the ground that he assessed the situation. The 911 tape continued to record what happened even after Officer Lilly unloaded his weapon into Tony, including Officer Lilly's post-shooting, one-word 'assessment': 'Fuck.'

"Tony believed he was going to die; the 911 tape records his plaintive goodbye to his family: '... I love you ... I love you.' Then Tony made what he believed was a dying request to the officers; he did not want his young family to see him shot and bloodied. Officers callously ignored his request and painfully dragged Tony by his injured leg, through the home and out to his backyard patio, where they left him bloodied and shot right in front of Lesley, Matthew and Zachary."

The Arambulas say the officers later dragged Anthony onto gravel, then put him on top of the hot hood of a squad car, and "drove the squad car down the street with Tony lying on top, writhing in pain."
According to the complaint, Lilly can be heard on the 911 tape telling Coutts, "We fucked up."
Lilly says on the tape that he did not know where Anthony's gun was when he shot him and that he "opened fire because he heard loud noises and saw someone who looked like he might be the 'Hispanic' male they were pursuing" before getting to the Arambulas' house, according to the complaint.

The complaint states: "Sgt. Coutts knew that officers has just shot up and likely killed an innocent homeowner and the husband of Lesley, with whom he had spoken before entering the home, instead of the armed intruder. Sgt. Coutts was quick to commence the cover-up of their terrible mistake. Sgt. Coutts asked Office Lilly where Tony's gun was at the time Officer Lilly had opened fire on Tony. Officer Lilly admitted that he did not know where Tony's gun was: 'I don't know. I heard screaming and I fired.'"

Lilly later told a police internal affairs investigator that Anthony had pointed his gun in his direction, "in the 'ready' position," the complaint states. But Anthony Arambula says he was facing away from the officers, who could not have even seen his gun.
The complaint continues: "Still not knowing that he is being recorded n the 911 tape, Sgt. Coutts interrupted Officer Lilly's admission and apology with his assurance that the cover-up would commence: 'That's all right. Don't worry about it. I got your back. ... We clear?'"

After the shooting, the Arambulas say, the Phoenix Police Department treated them "like suspects in a drug bust," denying Lesley, Michael and Zachary information about Anthony's condition and denying friends and family members access to him at the hospital.
Anthony Arambula survived, but continues to suffer pain, which he expects will last for the rest of his life.
The City of Phoenix and Officer Dzenan Ahmetovic also are named as defendants.
The Arambulas seek punitive damages for gross negligence, civil rights violations, failure to supervise, excessive force, deliberate indifference to medical needs, false arrest, and emotional distress. They are represented by Michael Manning with Stinson Morrison Hecker. ... a0925.html
A Phoenix police officer who mistakenly shot an armed homeowner during a search for an intruder was cleared of wrongdoing this week by a committee that reviews such shootings.

The ruling by the Phoenix Use of Force Board determined Officer Brian Lilly acted within police policy in the incident, in which he fired six shots at the homeowner amid the confusion of a home invasion last September.

The shooting hospitalized homeowner Tony Arambula, who earlier this year sought a $5.75 million settlement in the case.
Lilly and Phoenix Sgt. Sean Coutts were named in a lawsuit filed last week in Maricopa County Superior Court.

Arambula, 36, was armed and holding a suspect at bay when he suffered gunshot wounds to his back and arm, according to the complaint.

Arambula claimed Lilly shot him twice as he lay bleeding on the floor of his living room, his wife and two young sons nearby.

The suspect, Angel Anastacio Canales, had broken into Arambula's home near 32nd Street and Thomas Road as officers tracked him from a "shots-fired" call in the area.

Arambula had the gunman cornered in his 12-year-old son's room when the officer opened fire.

"This is the type of thing that so severely demeans the credibility of these (police) review boards," said Michael Manning, the attorney representing Arambula.

"Physically, it would have been impossible for (Lilly) to see Tony's face or the gun," he said. "They admit on the 911 call that they didn't warn him."

Officer Jerry Gannon, Lilly's representative from the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association, said it took less than one minute from when officers entered the home searching for a Hispanic male suspect to the when Lilly reacted to seeing Arambula holding a gun.

Gannon and other members of the organization's board said the shooting was difficult to avoid, considering the fluidity of the emergency scene.

"If Brian would have known there was a homeowner in there, he probably would have hesitated," Gannon said, "but if he had hesitated, and it was the (suspect), the outcome could have been tragic."

Phoenix Public Safety Manager Jack Harris will review the Use of Force Board's ruling and make an official determination on Lilly's shooting.
Short Version: Police invade a house in pursuit of a suspect, shoot the homeowner in the back 6 times for no reason, try to cover it up on the 911 tape, drag him through gravel and throw him on the hood of their cop car and drive around for a while and are cleared of all wrongdoing by a police review board. Fuck the police.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Toxicarius »

DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by smellmyfinger »

Was this lady white? Seems to me there is a new law against filming "while brown" much like driving while black can get you in trouble in some neighborhoods.
The rare occasion that I have been questioned by a cop/ security guard while shooting.. The first thing I say is "nothing nefarious" I also don't hesitate in showing them my card, (If they are cops) It says Photographer right on it. It sucks, but the worse thing you can say is that they have no right asking for ID.
This is like talking to an internet ghost who doesn't even realize he's a ghost yet and keeps trying to talk to those around him. If you try to put a shirt on so people can recognize you I WILL PUNCH THE SHIRT INTO OBLIVION thus rendering you still a ghost. FUCK YOU, smellmyfinger
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by neckbeard »

Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by DeadWalrus »

Toxicarius wrote:And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?
i will def call the people who will shoot me in the back and then get a paid vacation

KENT, Ohio - Michael Barrett Jr. and his friends were winding down from a typically busy Halloween night in Kent. The home he and his sister rent is not far from the campus of Kent State University, where the holiday typically draws a crowd from surrounding communities.

He says it was about 4:30 a.m. when he was walking through the house and noticed flames coming from the first floor bedroom where his sister normally sleeps.

"I thought she might be in there so I ran through the room, and when I ran through I got burned, and I couldn't even breathe so I came out this (back) door," explains Barrett.

While his sister was not inside, five friends were in the basement and one other friend was asleep on the second floor.

Barrett ran back into the burning house to warn the people who were in the basement. "We were just all down there talking and then Mike came downstairs and said there's a fire. We came up the stairs, got our shoes and stuff on and we came up the stairs by the kitchen, and as soon as we got to the stairs by the kitchen...the kitchen was already in flames," Brandon Stewart told Fox 8 News.

"We thought he was joking at first," said Matt Moschella who was also in the basement, "but when they went upstairs to check it out like the whole kitchen was ablaze and we were barely able to get out the back door."

Those who were in the basement say had Barrett not run downstairs to alert them when he did -- the flames would soon have engulfed their only way out.

Next, Barrett's attention turned to the friend who he let sleep in his bedroom on the second floor. By now however, the flames had become more intense and the smoke much heavier.

Barrett ran back into the home again and up to the second floor bedroom where he took the shirt he had been holding over his face, and offered it to his friend.

"I gave her my shirt to put over her face and when we were coming down the stairs, I heard popping. It was full of black smoke, windows was breaking from the heat," Barrett explains.

Barrett suffered second degree burns on both of his ears, burns on his face, his left arm and on his torso. He says he thought about the flames and smoke at the time but it was more important for him to get everyone out alive.

By now one of the people rescued from the basement had called 9-1-1.

But because of the normally wild Halloween night in Kent, police were already out in force. Before firefighters arrived, Matt Moschella ran out to flag down a passing police officer.

Barrett by now had everyone safely out of the house. He tells Fox 8 News he ran over to see the police officers but was "in shock" at the time. He says police started cursing him and as he turned to walk away he was thrown to the ground.

"After I got everybody out, I ran down to the driveway. There was two policemen sitting there and I asked them can you guys help me my house is on fire," Barrett said.

Barrett tells Fox 8 News that he "stuttered" a few times while talking to police. "And then the police was like (expletive) what do you think we are going to (expletive) do? And then I just walked away like what are you guys here for or something. And the next thing I knew, somebody jumped on my back and slammed me to the ground. And I tried to get up and about. It went for about five seconds before I got tasered."

Brandon Stewart says he saw what was happening and tried to intervene. "When I came outside I saw three cops over there and they had already manhandled him to the ground. I seen them taser him and they just kept telling him like, 'don't move or you are going to get tased again.' And then I came over to talk to the cops and they just like started cussing and telling me to go back on the street...on the curb."

Barrett showed Fox 8 news the two marks in the small of his back where he says the taser probes were lodged.

Kent Police charged Barrett with misconduct at an emergency and resisting arrest. Despite his burns, he was taken to the city jail where he spent the night until his first court appearance on Sunday.

Police will not discuss details of the arrest because it is "still in litigation", but Lt. James Cole tells Fox 8 News, "his actions at the scene were not helping the fire department or police in a dangerous situation and was putting himself in danger, and as you can imagine in the early morning hours after halloween -- he was not thinking clearly."

Kent Fire Chief James Williams Senior -- who was at the scene while firefighters were still battling the blaze -- says he witnessed the fire, which he says got very intense because of the type of construction of the house.

"He put his life at risk making sure everybody got out," Chief Williams said. "It was a fast moving fire, which was more critical for him to make sure everybody was out."

Chief Williams says he never saw Barrett at the scene and did not witness the incident between Barrett and police. But he did say he would agree that the efforts to save his friends that night were heroic.

"Anytime that somebody puts their life at risk to save others, obviously that's a pretty heroic act."
Barrett by now had everyone safely out of the house. He tells Fox 8 News he ran over to see the police officers but was "in shock" at the time. He says police started cursing him and as he turned to walk away he was thrown to the ground.
"And then the police was like (expletive) what do you think we are going to (expletive) do? And then I just walked away like what are you guys here for or something. And the next thing I knew, somebody jumped on my back and slammed me to the ground. And I tried to get up and about. It went for about five seconds before I got tasered."
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by cm34p4in »

Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

Not the fucking cops, thats for sure
calling someone a "faggot" or "nigger" is also not okay.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Toxicarius »

cm34p4in wrote:
Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

Not the fucking cops, thats for sure
Better to shoot the savages yourself and dig a deep grave in the backyard, methinks.
Mr. Budd

Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Mr. Budd »

Regatta and Outlands are mandatory - reunion tour SU U UUU UUUU UUU CKED.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by delmuerte »

I have never once in my 32 years on this goofy planet called the cops (aside from prank calls when I was a wee lad). Soooo...handle shit.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by ThE GodDamN BattletweeteR »

Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

i call the threee "S's"

shoot, shovel, and shut the fuck up.

caldwell.the.great wrote:but no other member here does exactly what ThE GodDamN BattletweeteR does, not even the other trolls.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Double Anal »

i called the cops once when i was 14 because my step dad and i got in a fight. he threw a lamp at me and then we had a confrontation. cops came and arrested me. no police ever.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by thürstön.3®®0® »

Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?


Ozark Armory.

"Hey phil, how much 9 are you holdin'? used up all my extra on THE SAVAGES last night...."
"It is Baby Bush's fault, like all of the country's problems currently are, and the poor black dude has to mop up after the irresponsible frat boy while the rich white assholes criticize him as usual." - the most naive motherfucker i've ever come in contact with that wasn't a female mennonite.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Toxicarius »

ThE GodDamN BattletweeteR wrote:
Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

i call the threee "S's"

shoot, shovel, and shut the fuck up.
Toxicarius wrote: Better to shoot the savages yourself and dig a deep grave in the backyard, methinks.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Morpheus »

The 3 times I've called them they've been quick, respectful and got the job done without any hassle. They're also very effectual in clearing the underage punks who drink alcohol and make noise in the park across the street. They even pour their booze away. I've got nothing but respect for the police.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Raw Ting »

Morpheus wrote:The 3 times I've called them they've been quick, respectful and got the job done without any hassle. They're also very effectual in clearing the underage punks who drink alcohol and make noise in the park across the street. They even pour their booze away. I've got nothing but respect for the police.

You are a faggot.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by canon.docre »

hahhaaha you call the cops on underage drinkers in a park across the street? hahahahaha what are you, mormon?
[XHATEXBRIGADEX] because your a polotical faggot
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Morpheus »

Raw Ting wrote:
Morpheus wrote:The 3 times I've called them they've been quick, respectful and got the job done without any hassle. They're also very effectual in clearing the underage punks who drink alcohol and make noise in the park across the street. They even pour their booze away. I've got nothing but respect for the police.

You are a faggot.
Oh my dear Oscar, I wish I'd said that...
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by T O))) M »

Raw Ting wrote:
Morpheus wrote:The 3 times I've called them they've been quick, respectful and got the job done without any hassle. They're also very effectual in clearing the underage punks who drink alcohol and make noise in the park across the street. They even pour their booze away. I've got nothing but respect for the police.

You are a faggot.
that rat might call Deparment of Homeland Security on you and get you for a hate crime....
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by ThE GodDamN BattletweeteR »


caldwell.the.great wrote:but no other member here does exactly what ThE GodDamN BattletweeteR does, not even the other trolls.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by TheDrunkTankJudge »

Toxicarius wrote:
DeadWalrus wrote: Fuck the police.
And yet, when the savages are breaking into your home, who will you call?

My Ithaca Deerslayer...
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by neckbeard »

If Lon was my neighbor I'd call Lon.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread

Post by Erik13 »

Guys, the police are your friends.
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Re: general love for the police catchall thread


Erik13 wrote:Guys, the police are your friends.

Erik's a NARC!
Fuck off.
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