
Music posts are a bannable offense.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by Zerohero »

hey poo poo, i think it's safe to say, ninnya is not going to fuck you.
rileyo wrote:i like that she's wearing high heels &stockings to get fucked by dead pigs,that's some real forward thinking metal right there
LordDarksoul wrote:Thanks for the concern, Fucktractor.
BUNGVOX wrote:i don't want metallica to shit their pants. i want metallica to shit MY pants.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Zerohero wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:32 pm hey poo poo, i think it's safe to say, ninnya is not going to fuck you.
Good, then I don't have to get lost in the bottomless chasm that is her gaping pussy; aged and stretched by only the most descriminating sub-educated bumfuck wanna-be Nazis.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

chrisinLA wrote: Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:23 am Image
There's at least a foot gape between her tits. Put her on a lift bench and they'd disappear drooping off the side.

You'd have to throw flour all over those thighs to find her tiny asshole in that mass of lipids. I can only imagine how it smells. ... %20a%20day.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by cxwx »

chrisinLA wrote: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:02 pm
chrisinLA wrote: Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:23 am Image
There's at least a foot gape between her tits. Put her on a lift bench and they'd disappear drooping off the side.

You'd have to throw flour all over those thighs to find her tiny asshole in that mass of lipids. I can only imagine how it smells. ... %20a%20day.
Sounds like you want to fuck that Bassett hound.
samiam wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:05 pm Most of my favorite bands are mexican, like cephalic carnage
Would you have the goodness, pardon the intrusion, to hold my little doggy?
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Not to mention her face. Speaking of dogs
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Bitch could've gone back to Russia to live there at any time, but she knew better didn't she.

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by cxwx »

Can I audition for Cannibal Pal? I have a triangle and some sambago bells.
samiam wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:05 pm Most of my favorite bands are mexican, like cephalic carnage
Would you have the goodness, pardon the intrusion, to hold my little doggy?
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

"let the battle royale begin"
Who will be the next Nazi, yet Nazi-hating "special military operation", hate monger who will fund "Russian" Nina and her 2 children for the next decade?

Will it be you?




Just imagine you will wake up every day with this face staring back at you with your pants down, sans make-up and brutally sober ever morning!

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by cxwx »

We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168

In the thighs of a hire
Does my face look almost lean?
It’s time to develop for android man!

My big vocal kit is gone
I striped off all my gym clothes
In the thighs of a hire

We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168
We are 168

Ate ate ate ate ate ate
Ate ate ate ate ate ate
Ate ate ate ate ate ate
Ate ate ate ate

( I won’t be fat much longer )
samiam wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:05 pm Most of my favorite bands are mexican, like cephalic carnage
Would you have the goodness, pardon the intrusion, to hold my little doggy?
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

"Let the battle royale begin!"
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

chrisinLA wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:47 pm
"Let the battle royale begin!"
Nina's whole thing with Spencer was a political coup to try to bring this SS soviet style police state to the USA.

Nina likes facist regimes. She loves to adorn and promote men who will beat her into submission. ... llegations
"three weeks before their church wedding ceremony, Koupriianova said that Spencer dragged her down the stairs by her “legs, arms and hair” and threw her on a couch, resulting in bruises."
Most women would have cancelled the wedding, but not Nina. No, that made her hot.

Finally, "a man" she thought.

Nina's parents weren't "nice enough" to her growing up, and so she fantisized and romanticized her Russian heritage from her home in rural Canada and developed a serious psychological condition we still see today in her Twitter posts.

In her own mind, maybe if she goes along with it all, her "big strong facist" will take her away to a fantasy land where it honestly doesn't matter how ugly her face is. And she'll never have to work or make sense for that matter because he will use all his money for her and her kids even if they aren't really his.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Well, at least she shaves her mustache.
You go get 'em Nina. The losers with no life that follow you on Twitter will make an excellent match!

Especially the retards with the Putin "Z" as their avatar.
You know the ones.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Do you know about Putin's €1.4 billion palace?
Stop living in opulence in a 1.4 Billion dollar palace and go to war yourself you bitch!

Nina the Russian Nazi's kindred spirit made himself felt this week.


Everybody loves this war in Russia just like Nina says.

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Lately Nina has been posting videos of nature, where she her speech sounds like somebody with severe autism.

She regularly shares posts about how she loves all things nature and WHOLESOME ....






Nina vehemently, and at least 5 Twitter posts a day worth, only supports the most wholesome of "special operations"



Oh, I am sure her Chinese CCP "friends", erm..., cough... would LOVE to hang out with a wholesome "Russian" somebody who listens to Bestial Warlust, Impaled Nazarene and Sadistik Exekution. Especially after reading the wholesome lyrics. Or hanging with somebody that exclusively dated neo-nazis in 2 different countries. Seeing how the Nazis sponsored those "loving" Japanese WWII invasion and torture memories they love and cherish.



Nina is so honest, pure and wholesome it hurts.

And lets not forget the OP. What can possibly be more WHOLESOME than this! Which can of course only be written from the most wholesome person.

BARKS! wrote: Tue Mar 08, 2022 11:16 am You remember lots of things about many women.

Of all the things you remember about women, I hope the first is that none of them have ever loved you. You remember lots of women's names, but nobody knows the name of a woman who loves you. You remember the places where lots of women have lived, but not any place a woman wanted to share with you. You remember the names of many women's boyfriends and husbands, but you are by yourself because women do not want you.

You are alone when you shoot semen into your weak palm. When you are dying, you will be alone with memories of old porn. No one has ever held your hand because they wanted to. Pornography is your primary and final relationship.

Everyone who has ever had the responsibility of caring for you is disappointed in themselves.

You are a mundane, boring obscenity levied against natural decency. All cruel methods of execution ever inflicted onto the human animal are retroactively justified because you were born. You are unloved, with good cause.

Please understand that your father, if he is still alive, deserves the mercy of forgetting you. It is unspeakably selfish that you deny him the relief of reading your obituary. He led a cursed existence from the moment the world began to understand you. He would have considered himself a criminal every time he looked into your dead, selfish, needing eyes.

I have it on good authority that your mother avoids looking at her own vagina in the bath, because that is where you came from. She bitterly regrets every moment of wasted agony spent birthing you. I hope she understands that the misshapen absence in your heart is the fault of god or nature, and not a failure of her maternal efforts.

Chris is the name of a soft, inflamed cavern on the body of our species. It is a tide-pool filled with debris left over from the wreck of wholesome things. You should save your money, so that you can pay people to touch you.

Love is in the sun, and you are the farthest thing of all from that.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

I mean, just look at how Nina's community LOVES her "wholesome" initiatives in Montana with her friends from the Daily Stormer Nazi hate group (banned from Google, use another search engine)

Are you feeling the good, clean, wholesome fun yet?

Nina is now throwing out the word wholesome like she just learned it yesterday, but hasn't yet looked up the definition.

WHOLESOME ... s-revenge/

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Nina's definition of wholesome relies on the fact that part of the word is in Whole Foods where she may have shopped at once, qualifying her use of the word.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA » ... t-of-kids/
Russian born Nina Kouprianova accused Spencer of abusing her for eight years including by dragging her down the stairs calling her ‘genetically defective’
Calls her genetically defective but marries her a few weeks later and has kids with her?
40-year-old Spencer is also accused of stating that the only language women understand is violence’
The fact that she went along with this because of her retarded Russian meanie Putin strong-man upbringing?
And her desperation for US Citizenship?
Kouprianova claims her estranged husband called her ‘genetically defective’ in front of their young daughter
He basically calls his own children genetically defective.
This is how hard up he really was for pussy.

Richard got his fate because a crazy Canadian bimbo born in Russia was the only one who would seek him out and cling to him and believe all his utter bullshit. At least for a while. At least until she got her US Citizenship.

I hope he realizes this.

In this case:

You don't ask for a RMA.
You don't sponsor their USA citizenship application.
You put them on the plane and you zip them back to Russia.
Where they can enjoy their accolades of Putin and the former USSR in stunning 64 bit reality. ... -homeland/


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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Does anybody feel like the US State Department wouldn't feel so "wholesome" about her green card and US Citizenship application after reading her Tweets?

I can't see anything but shock on the case worker's face reading her tweets.

If she is acting as a foreign agent of Russia and she's not registered,

or she lied on her green card and citizenship application about her intentions in this country, I'm sure they can find a way to reverse it.

If she's not happy here, I'm sure we can find a way to return her.
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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Take your sorry ass back to Russia




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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

"so proud"


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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

Just another day in the park for Nina's "people" ... -m6k6hfx5m


Nothing new for Nina.

Her comrade Walkie even jumped off a building yesterday rather fuel her Twitter feed and Putin's dementia. I think that says a lot. Walkie was a Russian rapper with 2 million listens on his Spotify hits.

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Re: ChrisinLA

Post by chrisinLA »

It's 2022, human furnace technology has come a long way hasn't it Nina? ... ke-1749167

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