doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

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doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Zerohero »

Mr. Doom Dom
The Collected Works

Wha. does th. followin. words mea.????
F. th. sys. an. f. th. gov.
Wo. f. men over fo. chi. sup.
All me. ar. examp. o. Chris.
Les. lic. s. fro. ano. wo. a.
Wo. ar. no. cap. to r. a c.
M. th. less sensuo. gend. ar. providers of mone. fo. wom.
Wo. ki. of. ever. man walkin.
Pres. Geo. Bus. is ki. off ever. man walkin.
Wo. mas. at dia. chang.
Sain. Vitu. ar. th. bes. doo. ban.
If yo. don. understan. all th. abov. then your stupi.
Why Did GOD Create men with BIG DIKKS???(and
not tiny ones?)
Answer:To control the human population.(and prevent extinction from over
If men had tiny and soft dikks and were as pretty as women,then this would of
resulted in women wanting men as much as they want other females and
engaging in intercourse as often as women masturba or lay with other
females.....2 to 10 times daily,for every single day of each year,resulting in over
population,and eventually resulting in the extinction of the human race.
The fact is,if God created men with tiny dikks since the beginning of
humankind,the human race would of died of over population millions of years ago
due to men and women having intercourse 2 to 10 times a day and over
populating the Earth to extinction.
So God prevented this from happening by creating men with large dikks so that
women would only desire intercourse perhaps 1 to 3 times(at most)per week,not
10 times a day as with man with tiny dikky......If women had intercourse 10
times per day(every day of each year)with a man with large dikk,she would be IN
PAIN,so therefore this never takes place,thus controlling population.
So therefore,God's plan to control the human population by creating men with
large dikk actually worked,because the human race still exists today.
My above theory is only referring to humankind at its most earliest and primitive
stages of development.The VERY BEGINNING of the human race where they
would not live long enough to understand or learn how to control the
population.(by sukking dikky or in butt hole).Thus if men were created as I
mentioned above(pretty with tiny dikk),the human populatioin would grow to 500
billion within 1000(or more)years,thus resulting in extinction from overpopulation
through hunger and disease.
Is it ok to have SEX WITH PAIN OR
SLIGHTEST PAIN OR DISCOMFORT,but quite often people do have sex with pain
and discomfort and it is NOT right.
And then there are those people that say....."well we use alot of lubricant and it
feels good.".............feels good for who??????.......the giver or the
reciever??????..........I know the answer.......the giver(me). Well even when using
alot of lubricant it still may lead to pain,discomfort or rape for the reciever
especially if its given to someone from behind or if intercoe is practiced on a daily
basis between a man and a woman.
Lets face it,women do not need intercoe on a daily basis,they would rather
engage in private activities by themselves or with another female 10 times on a
daily basis,or bloe J's with gents,where intercoe or behind activities never takes
place unless its self controlled by their lonsome.(even when self controlled by
their lonsome,it still may lead to pain or discomfort so they shouldnt try that
But in regards to bloe J's with gents,the gents better watch out for the teeth
because one slightest mistake may end their manhood forever.Maby the safest
way for a gent to have sex is to grab some porno and a realistic P and A sex toy
because any other way may fucckkc him for life.(a realistic P and A sex toy is the
closest feeling to intercoe but with the difference of no possible
pain,discomfort,rape or NO CHILD SUPPORT for the reciever and it only requires a
one time payment of perhaps $100 to $300 and does not require a continued
payment of $60 each and every fuckkcing time you see a reciever....or does not
require a loss of your house or 50% of your earnings or alimony that goes
towards a reciever,etc,etc.It only requires a one time payment towards a piece of
rubber and you're set for life and FREE TO FUKKKCCCK).
government fukckers!!
WHY does the government consider polygamy a SERIOUS CRIME???It doesn't
really make sense as to why its illegal if a gentleman decides to screw,have blo
jo* or have 69 fun with 2 or even 20 wives.This is a violation of human
rights,freedoms and preference.
There are alot of benefits of marrying 2 to 10(or more)fems.The gent will never
get bored of the same old CU and A and can also get a blo jo* from 2 or more
fems at the same time. Also when hes busy screwing 1 female,the other 9 fems
could either masturba or engage in lesb*anism,so everyone will become satisfied
in this marriage.
The gent can also enjoy pornography(with all the fems' permission)by installing
hidden cameras in their rooms and bathrooms.After he screws 1 wife,he could
then watch a video of another wife as she masturba's on toilet or as she eats
another fem.
When you really come to think about it,it should be LEGAL for a gent to marry 10
or more fems and ILLEGAL to marry just 1 fem,because a young man needs to
screw 3 or more times per day,365 days per year,and doing this to just 1 woman
would leave her tired out and quite soar,so therefore screwing 10 or more fems
would be a better solution.
And then I imagine what would take place between a marriage of 1 female and
10 males.......(that house would probably buy vaseline in large numbers....maby
1000 jars of vaseline per year to prevent the ouch ouch)....just imagine 10 gents
on 1 fem or 9 gents without the fem. Laughing Laughing Laughing
But to be honest,men have to be quite stupid to marry 1 or 20 women.Because
that means the 1 to 20 women will eventually leave the gent so they could
engage in mastoba and lesb*anism without him.Then the stupid fukkk would
have to pay unfair child support amounts towards 20 frucking lebos the rest of his
fIlL iN THe BLaNKs__FiLl In thE bLaNkS__fiLL in tHE
One woman lays down on her front side,showing off her big ___ ,then goes
___,then another female sits on the woman's big ___ and (does what????).
One woman lays down on her front side,showing off her big ponytail,then goes
crazy,then another female sits on the woman's big ponytail and laughs.
MUSEUM..preserved for display
I have a new idea for a museum......I know there are museums that feature
preserved dead human bodies displayed as art,well how about a museum that
displays preserved dead bodies of people who were kil?ed,murd?red or who
committed suic?de,including decay?d bodies,but only if this kind of museum
would be legal.(killi?gs and murd?rs committed purposely for displaying dead
bodies in this museum will NOT be legal).
When someone dies,wether it be by murd?r,suic?de,accidental or natural
means,and the dead body is discovered and investigated by police
officers(perhaps minutes,hours or a few days after death)for legal and
identification purposes,the body will then immediately be transported to this
museum and preserved in a thin coating of liquid wax and displayed in the
museum.But only if such a person has signed a consent form in the past allowing
a museum to use their dead body in this manner.(it will be required by law for
police officers to check the computer to find out if the deceased person has
signed this consent form to appear in a museum before transporting the body).
So the museum will feature preserved dead bodies of people who were sh?t in the
face or head,sta?bed to death,died of old age,died of a heartattack,be?ten to
death,suic?de by ha?ging,run over by a car or truck,got mangl?d and crush?d in a
car accident,etc,etc.(just imagine seeing a mangl?d up and crush?d body
preserved in wax!!!!!.....scary as fukckckc).
Then the other half of the museum will feature decay?d and rott?n bodies
preserved in wax.So dead bodies that were discovered weeks,months or years
later(instead of minutes,hours or days later),that rott?d quite well will also be
featured in the displays.Imagine seeing a decay?d corpse of a guy chop?ed up by
an ax?,and so on,and so on.
How many would buy a ticket to see this kind of museum??? I dont know if I
WARNING:The following message may or may not
be true:
I am the second coming of Christ.Whoever beleaviff in me,shalt haviff eternal
lififf.Whoever not beliefiff in me,shalt burn in helliff.
The above message may or may not be true.Most likely its NOT TRUE.AND THIS
SAME MESSAGE IS RIGHT FROM THE BIBLE!!!!! But seriously,how many people
beleave that I am the second Christ?ALMOST NOBODY!!!!! Especially of the fact
that no one saw me preform any miracles.
Well BILLIONS of people(in the past when Jesus existed and up to present
day)have NEVER saw Jesus preform any miracles either,thus have the right not to
beleave in this hoax!!!!
A MAN!!!!
beto fin ritip dretter females foebot glip freper mast
beto fin ritip dretter females foebot glip freper mast fipip greto frepper uurbate to
ledder laboe flabbot drister an intense frippers flider drent oregasm on a glip
cretto grepper bop daily dint blip fomfoe leters basis.
The U.S.government or people in general do NOT own all patches of land within
the United States Of America. Humanbeings should have the right to populate
Earth and occupy any unowned patch of land they desire, in any
country,especially of the fact if they are working and paying taxes!!! If illegal
immigrants are working and paying taxes,then they are contributing to society
and should be a part of it.In fact,U.S.A. can hold another 10 or more billion
people so why doesnt the U.S. government just legalise illegal immigrants??? Like
I already mentioned,the U.S.government and people in general do NOT own the
entire United States Of America,thus humanbeings world wide should have the
right to populate it(or any other country they desire).(this post applies to all snot
nosed people who do not allow other people to freely populate an unowned patch
of land in their country......OOPS,their country???I dont think
so!!!!........ANYONES country who is willing to work,pay taxes and contributes to
I just invented a NEW type of METAL
The title of this new type of metal that I just invented is called,"Dommetal".(and I
should patent it)......or maby I should call it "Domemetal".(different forms of
music trapped within a dome)
In order for metal music to be considered "dommetal",within each song MUST
consist of 2(or more)different forms of music,in which 1 form must include metal
music.BUT the 2(or more)different forms of music CANNOT be played at the same
time,but instead MUST be played seperately within the SAME song.
Seperate songs where 1 song consists of metal only and the other song consists
of the other form of music is NOT considered dommetal. And as I already
mentioned,one form of music(such as industrial for example)playing in the
background at the same time metal music is being played is NOT considered
dommetal...the different forms of music must be played seperately and must
switch back and forth continuously throughout each song,with or without pauses
in between each different form.
A 3 minute song: The first 30 seconds of the song is 100% pure drone noise,then
after the 30 seconds the drone noise STOPS 100% and immediately(or with a
silenced pause)begins the metal music for lets say 45 seconds then completely
STOPS.(it can be any type of metal music).Then the drone begins again for a
number of seconds and switches back and forth from drone to metal,drone to
metal,drone to metal within the same song.
A 4 minute song: The first 20 seconds 100% muzak with organ,then stops
100%,then there is 5 seconds of silence(no audio),then brutal black metal begins
for about 20 seconds,then immediately switches back to muzak for 10
seconds,then 1 second of silence,then back to black metal for 60 seconds,then 10
seconds of silence,then back to muzak,and so on,and so on within the same song.
WHY is society so much against men wearing
Men and women should have the right to wear any possible article of clothing that
they choose without being treated any differently.
Personelly,I would not like to wear a dress,but there are MANY benefits in
wearing one.Such as it keeps the lower body cool.And there are a lot of benefits
in keeping the genitals cool,such as increased sexual capabilities.And why should
women only have that benefit and men are not allowed to.Life is not fair!!!
BUT the reason why it is not acceptable for men to wear a dress,especially a
short cut dress is because for the simple fact that men are NOT sensuous.Men are
masculine with HAIRY and muscular legs and they tend to have a strong bodily
odour.So when you take these factors in consideration,men tend to be viewed as
being VERY UNAPPEALING while wearing a dress.And women tend to be viewed
as being VERY APPEALING while wearing a dress because they have hairless and
shapely legs.
Then it makes me wonder......I thought women found men to be VERY
APPEALING.If women did find men to be VERY APPEALING,then shouldnt they find
a man who flaunts his body by wearing a dress to be appealing.NO women and
men find it DISGUSTING when a man wears a dress and only finds it VERY
APPEALING when a woman wears a short cut dress.THIS MUST PROVE THAT ALL
VEGETABLE OIL......................................THE MOVIE
-no one was hurt,burnt or frozen during the production of this movie-
Ahhh,just woke up.Time for some bacon and eggs.....Oh my fruckcing god,I put
my hand on the frying pan,but,but,it feels good.I dont understand why my hand
did not burn.Let me try it again....Ahhhh,it feels so good to rest my hand on
some boiling vegetable oil and my hand is not hurting or burning in anyway,I
wonder why?
I want to find out how it feels if I were to pour some boiling vegetable oil in my
rubber doll.....Oh,oh,it feels so hot that I finished the job in 1 second instead of
10 minutes.Looks like im going to have to buy a new rubber doll each time I use
it because the boiling oil melts the rubber but does not burn my thingy in any
-2 hours later-
It seems that im developing a great urge to feel boiling hot vegetable oil all over
my hands and body.I have a great idea.I think i'll buy a bunch of 2 litre
containers of vegetable oil and hot water tanks.
-6 days later-
Great,I now have 20 hot water tanks connected to pipes throughout my
house,and each tank is filled up with vegetable oil.Time to set the temperature of
each tank to maximum.The pipes are connected to my bathtub,all sinks and even
my small swimming pool outside.So whenever I take a bath,go for a swim,or
wash my hands,I will be able to feel the wonderful sensation of hot boiling oil all
over my body and hands without it burning or hurting me.Heck,I could even deep
fry some chicken as I take a bath.I got it made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just imagine the extremely intense facial expressions of a female as she uses a
vibrating massager(vibrating 2 areas of her body at same time),to the point of
her having an extremely intense..........How many gents would like to see a
candid video of this? She will reveal it all in a candid video and her facial
expressions will not be fake!!!!
This topic may be offensive to some people,but what 2 areas do you think she is
vibrating at the same time? Well maby shes using the vibrating massager on her
shoulders and back to the point of having an intense back ache.So you cant really
prove what I mean.
JERRY SPRINGER said,INCEST is wrong and offers
no protection
Jerry Springer said on a number of his shows,"incest is morally wrong and offers
no protection for females." He also stated, "a home is the only place that offers
protection for a female,and to have her protection violated by a family member is
not right." He does have a point here......but.............HERE IS MY QUESTION TO
Does he(and society)feel the same way if incest is shared between 2 females,or
does he only feel this way if its shared between a male and female? I beleave
he(as well as society)have NO FEAR if incest is shared between 2 females but
only have fear if its shared between a male and female.(and we all know the
reason why....females cant harm other females through se*).
Is incest right or wrong?
Well,I would not want to engage in incest,(maby cousins though),but for those
who do,ITS NO ONES GODDAM business but their own.How can sharing pleasures
be morally wrong? There are a number of factors to consider if incest is right.First
of all,persons involved in incest should be within the same age group.If there is a
risk of birth defects due to a woman becoming pregnant from a family
member,then such pregnancies should be avoided.And other factors should be
considered to determine if incest is right or wrong................
The following describes a female 18 and over.
How many fem's world wide engage in TOI. MAS.?
I sure would like to be in front of a fem's presence without them knowing that im
there when they engage in toi. mas.!!!!!
How many other gents would like to see them do that?
Imagine if you could freeze time in real life(real life
If I was able to freeze real time in real life,including reversing or forwarding real
time in slow motion,but I would always remain in normal time and will not
freeze,but also including a certain function that never tires or grows old or weak,I
would do a number of things.
Wom,where would I begin? O.K.,first I would go to an office where women work
and would look for a female who is wearing a tight and very thin dress that is
partially transparent to the point of seeing her tight panties on her butt,revealing
her lower butt cheeks.Then I would freeze time(including reversing or forwarding
time in slow motion)and ????????????.
Then I would go to a college or other place where females do cheerleading or
ryhthmic gymnastics.As soon as a female would do a basket toss,leg lifts,or
spreads,I would freeze the time.(and reverse or forward in slo mo just like as if I
was viewing a videotape,but it would be real life).
Then I would sneak into people's houses and it should be easy because I could
freeze time before entering the house to see who and where the people are.Then
I would look for a pretty female so I could see all the things she does and you
know what i'll do next.
Imagine if god has the ability to freeze time in this manner.Maby thats why he
created us for this sole purpose only.He gives us the gift of life and we give him
the gift of real life porno.He would be in heaven if he had this ability........Oh wait
a minute,he invented heaven so he must have this ability.
Anybody ever find panties on the floor somewhere?
Years ago I went to my relatives house for supper.I went to the washroom and I
was in heaven.I noticed 2 panties on the floor.One was silky white and another
one was light pink.They must of belonged to my aunt and my female cousin.Try
to imagine what I did next.........
Alot of females of different ages let the water run for a long time while being in a
bath tub.Ever notice a female doing this? What do you think she is doing? Also
alot of females take a bath together,I wonder why? I WISH I COULD BE
YOUNG FEMALE with WET PANTIE in bathroom.
19 years of age,dont worry not younger,I dont want a government fukcker after
A young female goes to the bathroom in her own house and notices a wet pantie
on the floor.The wet pantie came from another female living in the same
house.She then decides to wear the pantie over her head covering her face.Then
she uses her hands quite quickly,moves her head left to right repeatingly and
makes facial expressions.
you fockers).
World Wide Surveilance System by 2050,may
eliminate allcrime
A world wide surveilance system may eventually eliminate all crime on Earth. By
2050,video cameras combined with computers with new technology will be
mounted on every satelite throughout the world.These cameras(combined with
computers) will use a new radar technology that will identify every single
humanbeing walking the Earth,as well as identifying every single
street,household,building,patch of land,etc, and will record our daily activities
onto discs.
If a crime happens to occur at a certain time and place,the government or the
computers will be able to view the recorded discs and indentify the individual(s)
involved in the crime. Then they will be able to track and find the exact current
location of the individual(s),no matter where they happen to be and capture
them. (These cameras will also be able to indentify individuals inside of buildings
and even underground or in tunnels). When people know it will be impossible to
escape from a crime,then they will no longer commit crimes,thus eventually
eliminating all crime on Earth.
HOW DARE THE GOVERNMENT not allow me to pay a
female for....
How dare the government not allow me to pay a female for a certain
service.THEY ARE VIOLATING MY HUMAN RIGHTS!!!! If a woman wishes to
receive money for a certain service provided to a man,SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO
DO SO,and its not the government's goddan business!!!!! In fact,whenever a man
does that thing to a woman,hes automatically in dept to her,so it would actually
be UNFAIR if a man does not pay for this service.
Its actually LEGAL for a man to pay a woman for a message.There are message
clinics everywhere.A female uses her hands to give a massage and this is a form
of bodily contact,so why cant a female receive payment for other forms of bodily
contact?It doesn't make sense.That choice to pay and receive such a service
should be decided between two consenting adults NOT THE GODDAN
The government is TWISTED,EVIL and HYPOCRITICAL.They dont allow men to
pay women for this service but they allow women to take half of his earnings,and
receive alimony and unfair child support amounts through a divorse.MARRIAGE IS
these poor gents.The government should BAN all marriages and legalize
prostitution because alot of women TRICK,SCAM,CHEAT and DECIEVE men
through divorse.
If you were able to grow 3 extra body parts,what would they be and where would
you grow them?
1). Buthol-I would grow it on my left arm.
2). Vageni- I would grow it on my left arm next to the buthol.
3). Dingy- I would grow it on my right arm.
Im going to lose 40 pounds so I could reach and
succ my own!
I am almost at 195 pounds and I had enough.Its time to loose weight and get
down to 160 pounds,then my stomach will no longer be in the way and I will be
able to reach and succ my own!!!! (dont worry,im not gay).When I was in my
twenties I did weigh about 160 and I discovered that I could reach it,and reached
it even more at 155 pounds.So I must now return to that weight.Who the fucc
needs a woman when you could reach your own. Especially of the fact that my
service woman that ive been seeing left me and went back to her ex-husband.I
must now loose my weight so I could give myself the best possible pleasure
known to humankind,and that is succing your own!!!!(so I dont offend anyone,I
will give you a hint as to what i'll be succing......maby its my own toe or knee,it
could be anything so you cant really prove what I mean).
500 YEARS FROM NOW...Videocamera that will view
past time...
I predict that 300 to 500 years from now,there will be a video camera that will
view the past time on Earth.This is how it would work:
By aiming this futuristic video camera in outer space,will cause the video signal to
reach a planet or star that may be hundreds,thousands or millions of light years
away,within a split second.Once the video signal reaches a planet or star,the
signal will be reflected and return back to Earth within a split second,thus being
able to view past time on Earth as it takes place.(when you look at a planet that
is MANY light years away,you are looking in the past,thus a reflected video
camera signal that reaches Earth within a split second from such a planet will
view past time on Earth).
Depending on which planet or star the video signal reaches will determine how far
in the past you will be viewing.For example,if the video signal reaches a planet
that is only 10 light years away,and reflected back to Earth,you will view exactly
what is taking place on Earth 10 years ago!!!!!!
Once this video signal is reflected back to Earth,you will be able to control this
signal to travel ANYWHERE you want to on Earth.The video signal will travel
through the microscopic molecules in the air,thus you will be able to view inside
people's houses or anywhere else you want to on earth,on sky,or even
PAYING a WOMAN for a DATE is LEGAL,so this could
lead to....
Did you know that paying a woman for a date is actually LEGAL!!!!! Then while on
the date,the woman may decide to have sex with the guy and there is not a
godddam fuccking thing the government could do to stop her. FUCCKING
GREAT!!!!!! She knows by giving the guy sex on a paid date means she will have
repeated customers,so men can finally pay a woman for sex without having the
godddam fuccking governmnet up their butts.
QUESTION: So if its legal for a woman to recieve money for a date,then why isn't
there many women out in every street corner asking for dates? I dont see any in
my neighborhood.Please answer this question because I thought it was legal to
pay a woman for a date.Im also surprised I dont see many ads in the paper from
women asking for money for a date.I only notice some ads from Escort services
that ask for a whopping $160 for an hour date.Far too much money for 5 minutes
of ectasy.(I would rather pay $60 at most for a 30 minute date,not
$160)......oh,by the way,I do pay a woman for a $,69 style,once every 8
or 9 days(on the third day I watch some porno with a s*x clone,silicone bod part
with butt and alot of vaseline then I see her 5 days later),but i've been seeing her
for the past 8 years and getting a little bored of her.That is why im looking for
another 5 minute date who is much younger then she is.Shes 38(im 39)and I
would rather date a 20 year old because they are more prettier then 38 year
olds.(but fucck the 30 minute date,I only need 5 minutes).
How many guys can reach their own.............?
If I was able to reach my own,I would be in paradise and I would be reaching it
as much as I can.
......reaching what ? you are asking could be
cant really prove what im referring to because I know it may offend alot of
people..........maby its reaching your toes or something............or maby its trying
to reach your ankle with your tongue......or trying to reach that itchy spot on
your upper back thats hard to get could mean anything..........think about
it ............
female HUMPIN female butt...WORLDWIDE
I heard of females(over 18 years of age)humpin other females'(over 18 years of
age)butts(without a dildo), and I heard of males(over 18 years of age)humpin
females'(over 18 years of age)butts, and I heard of males(over 18 years of
age)humpin other mens' butts, but I NEVER heard of females(over 18 years of
age)humpin a MAN'S BUTT(without a dildo)???????? Does this even exist????
EXERCISE VIDEOS that show sexy
their titles.
Sometimes exercise videos will show a woman spreading her legs or doing leg
ups or leg up lifts while laying on her side,revealing her crot** and part of her
bu*t area,and if you are lucky enough you may also see part of her pan*ies
through her transparent hose.One example of an exercise video that shows this is
titled "Jazzercise",from 1987.While smiling,a pretty blonde spreads her legs
showing her crot** and lower bu*t area,and you could also see part of her
pan*ies through the white hose.HOT!!! I must admit that I enjoyed this short
scene a number of times.
If you know of any exercise videos that shows females spreading their legs or
doing leg up spreads or leg lifts(even if its for seconds),PLEASE post their titles
on this thread,because I want to buy them over the internet.
Post your age,gender and how many times you DO
Male gender,37.....I do my load only once every 6 or 7 days.If I try to do my load
every 4 or 5 days,it becomes painful,even to the point of having a pain in my
brain.30 cups of water a day may help to releave my pain in brain and do my
load better.
Post the way you make homemade pizza.....
First I prepare the pizza dough.I pour warm water in a bowl and add some
yeast.About 30 minutes later I add flour and mix until it forms a dough.I then
cover the bowl with a plate and allow the dough to rise for a good hour and a
Then I prepare the pizza sause.I open a can of 100% ripe tomatoes and place it it
a mixing bowl along with some tomato paste.(I may decide to add 1 can of Ragu
tomato sause along with every 3 or 4 cans of 100% ripe tomatoes).Then I add
spices such as,granulated garlic,basil,parsley and a pinch of salt.I then boil some
brocoli and red peppers in a seperate pot and add them to the mixing bowl.I mix
the sauce and spoon it into glass jars.
I then place the glass jars(one at a time)into the microwave,mix when
needed,until they are extremely hot to the point of boiling.I then seal the jars by
placing the lid of the jars very tighly.This will allow the jars to form a air tight seal
and could last a number of weeks or months in your fridge.(empty cans of Ragu
glass jars with a sealable lid may work for this purpose).
Then I place vegetable oil on a pizza pan and spread the dough.I add a good
amount of the sause onto the dough,along with pepperoni,salami or bacon and
mushrooms.(sometimes I may also add black olives or add pepperoni only to the
sause).Then I spread some grated mozzarella on top and pre-heat a oven to 425
degrees.Then I place the pizza in the oven for 15 to 18 minutes until well done
but not burnt.
150,000 FREE bloe jub pictures,pantie
spreads,etc,on yahoo
I stayed up til 2 am last night hunting for bloe jub and pantie pictures by going to and typing in "Blo? jo? picture",then clicking "images"(above the
search bar).then clicking "search" and almost 150,000 bloe jub pictures showed
up.I was thinking it would take forever to look through each and every picture,so
I thought to myself that I would only save the VERY,VERY BEST bloe jub pictures
onto my floppy discs and quickly pass by the crappy or even very good pictures
just to collect the VERY BEST ones.
It was like searching through lost treasures,I selected the prettiest females
sukkin biggies,usually with mouts wide open and tongs sticking out.Including lots
of pearl facials.And clicking one picture may bring you to a bloe jub website with
hundreds of more pics.(I found quite good).Considering that there
were so many pictures to choose from,I was thinking to myself,"No not this
one,no not this one,na forget it,not good enough,HOLY FUCC I HAVE TO HAVE
THIS ONE,etc,etc".
And then I searched for pantie spreads through yahoo using the images icon,and
quite alot of pics showed up.And I kept on saving only the VERY of the VERY best
pictures onto my floppy discs.I was up til 2am,and as I saved the best pictures,I
marked on the index label of my floppy disc a quick description of the best
pictures I saved,including a rating between 10 to 100.(100 rating means the
ultimate very best of the very best pictures). The short descriptions that I used
were usually something that I only would understand such as,"LUP PNTY SPR A
90"(hint as to what this means-"both legs up pantie sprea,as? showing,with an
90/100 rating")........"PRET BLON BLO CF 80"(hint- "pretty blonde bloe jub,cu? on
fac?,with an 80/100 rating")........."LO CAM PNTY A SHOR SKIR 99"(hint-"low
camera view,pantie as?,wearing short skirt,with a 99/100 rating").
rileyo wrote:i like that she's wearing high heels &stockings to get fucked by dead pigs,that's some real forward thinking metal right there
LordDarksoul wrote:Thanks for the concern, Fucktractor.
BUNGVOX wrote:i don't want metallica to shit their pants. i want metallica to shit MY pants.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Zerohero »

wait.. there's more:
FAT GIRL- "Im hungry".....
Fat Girl- " Im very hungry,I think i'll eat a large
pizza"......"crunch,munch,munch"........"Delicious,I think i'll eat some Big Macs
and Mcchickens"......."munch,munch"......"Now its time to have fun on toilet as I
go poooo poooooo."
Fat Girl- "Lunchtime,,i'll have some macaroni and cheese"......."And some
coke"...."slurp,slurp"......."I think i'll have another large pizza"......."Now i'll eat
some turkey with mash potatoes,gravey and bread"......."more fun on toilet as I
smell my fingers and mast???".
Fat Girl- "Time for breaded chicken sandwich with mayo"......."Now i'll have
another pizza but this time with the works"......"Oops,I gotta go pooop again and
Fat Girl- "Time for some cupcakes,chocolate bars and milk"....."Now some
macaroni,cheese and meatballs"......"And Bacon Double Cheese burger,Big Mac
and Mcchicken"......"It looks like I have to go pooop again and have fun on
Fat Girl- "I have a great idea.I'll move all my food into my bathroom and live on
the toilet.So that way I could eat all I want and have fun on toilet at the same
Im Mr.Georg Bushe and I demand all lesbians
worldwide to
"Im Mr.Georg Bushe,and I demand all lesbians worldwide to go to the lab and
select your children to be female only.Thus eventually females will out number
males 100 to 1,and there will be no more wars.War is definately male gender
related.Males tend to turn against other males and I will no longer spend another
60 billion for this war.Instead of killing off the male population through wars,I
demand all lesbians to choose the sex of their children to be female,thus we will
finally win the war on terror.Thank you."
This is how videogames may be like 50 or more
years from now
I predict that 50 years from now,videogames will be compatible with virtual
reality headsets that will be very high tech and advanced in technology compared
to today.As you wear this futuristic headset,it will produce computer generated
images in the environment that you are in,for example in your own house,for you
to interact with.
So just imagine buying a monster videogame 50 years from now.As you walk
through your house while wearing and looking through this virtual reality
headset,you will actually see monsters in your own house!!!!!!! Shocked For
example,finding a monster in your attic or closet.SPOOKY!!! Surprised But of
course,once you remove the headset,you will no longer see a monster in your
closet or attic.Then depending on the type of game,you would either shoot the
monsters down or interact with them.This futuristic headset will be so advanced
that the computer generated images will look 100% real,AS IF THEY ARE REALLY
THERE WITH YOU IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT!!!! Surprised These headsets will
adapt to any environment,such as any building,outdoors,your neighborhood,a
I would love to play a Fred Flintstone video game with this head set 50 years
from now.Imagine interacting with Fred Flintstone the cartoon character in your
own kitchen!!!! Smile "Hey fred,do you want a hamburger?" 'Yabba Dabba
Doo!!!!" Or playing a zombie game and finding grotesque walking dead people in
your house(or backyard)to shoot down.(the gun that you are holding will also be
computer generated).You could also play puzzle games and the headset would
produce images such as items or keys that you have to find in order to open one
of your doors.
Imagine interacting with computerized humanbeings in the environment that you
are in while wearing this head set.How about a lustful female in your own
bedroom. Surprised Or an ugly old man.The possibilities are endless.This headset
can also change and alter the environment that you are in.(example-your normal
house can become a medieval castle with dungeons,including corpses).This head
set could even produce computer generated bands to play live in a building.How
about Black Sabbath playing the lp "Master Of Reality" in your own bedroom!!!!(is
it master of reality....or master of virtual reality!!!).
QUESTION: Do you think my above prediction of videogames will happen 50 or
more years from now????
(send this thread to Playstation....maby it will give them ideas to build such a
headset). Idea
New idea for a LIVING DEAD movie.....WARNING 18
and OVER:
I have a new idea for a living dead movie that has never been done before.All
previous living dead or zombie movies always involves zombies that kill
people.How about a living dead movie involving a living dead person that is very
normal and tries to blend in with society.
Heres how the movie may be:
A man dies in his sleep.After he awakens,he doesn't realise that hes dead.He then
goes to work.Three hours later his fellow workers start to smell something
bad.They are actually smelling his rotting flesh.The living dead person named
Harry also starts to smell something bad and he realises that the smell is coming
from his own body.Harry then goes to the washroom and looks in the mirror to
notice that his skin color is becoming white.Shocked at what he sees and
smells,he decides to go home.
When Harry arrives home,he finally realises that he is not breathing and realises
that hes dead.He does not understand how he could function normally like a
living person but be dead at the same time.As the days go by,his body continues
to rot but his mind remains the same.He still thinks,behaves and functions the
same way as when he was alive,but the only difference is that his body is
decaying like a dead person.But for some reason,its decaying very slowly.
Harry then decides to visit his family.His father and mother are shocked at what
they see.Harry explains it all to them and they are still in disbelief.After hours and
hours of explaining his unbearable situation,his parents finally accepts him the
way he is and asks him to stay for supper.His father told Harry that each time he
comes over for supper,he must sit at the far end of the dinner table close to the
opened window near the fan and must also wear a mask while eating.The fan will
blow his rotting stench of a smell out the window and the mask will hide his
grotesque decaying face.Harry accepted these conditions and enjoyed visiting his
Harry then tries to blend in with the outside world and always wears his mask
whenever hes outdoors.Whenever he goes to grocery stores,people always keep
their distance due to his mask and bad smell.One manager of a grocery store
even told Harry that he didn't want him shopping at his store.Harry would then
say that he had every right to shop at a public place and that a manager cannot
discriminate against him based on his physical appearance and bad odour.Fearing
a lawsuit,the manager allowed Harry to shop at his grocery store.
Harry then looks for a job.He finds a job in a junkyard and he hopes that none of
the other workers will notice his smelly rotting stench due to the junkyard having
a bad smell to begin with.Whenever a worker would approach him,he would
always carry some garbage along with him,so that way the workers will think the
rotted smell is coming from the garbage and not from Harry himself.If eventually
the workers discover that the smell is coming from Harry,he may look for another
job in the sewers because sewers have even more of a bad stench compared to a
junkyard,and Harry may blend in perfectly while working in a sewer.
Nature(or a life force)(or God) exists and lives within each and every one of us
and it is possible that nature(or a life force)(or God)is feeling our own individual
lives. When a person or animal dies,nature(or life force,etc) no longer feels life in
that certain individual but continues to feel life in all that is still alive.
If its a possibility that a life force is existing within us and experiencing the life we
live,then it may be fair to say that each of us are this life force and that we are
living each others lives and don't even know it. The reason why we do not know
we are living each other's lives is because we each have individual brains and we
cannot possibilly feel the life of another person or animal.
So it may be fair to say that a life force(us) is feeling the lives of every single
human and animal on planet Earth at the SAME TIME but at an IDIVIDUAL basis.
So of all the billions of humans and animals that died in the past,we have ALL
lived their lives. And of all the humans and animals that exist today,we are also
all living each others lives.So maby no one truly dies when you take this in
So if you hit or harm another person,you are actually hitting or harming yourself
and don't even know this,because you are actually living that other person's
life!!!!!!! Just think of all the billions of people that suffered far greater then you
and me,or who have died at a much younger age then others.I don't think it
would be a fair world if they were the only ones that lived their own suffered or
short lived lives. Is it fair if a man lives in luxury for 80 years but a child dies at
age 5 from disease? NO!!! Is it fair if a cow is slaughtered for beef but we enjoy
hamburgers? NO!!! We must of also lived their lives because it wouldn't be fair
any other way.THIS MAY BE THE LAW OF NATURE!!!!!
This is why the BIBLE is nothing but
This is one of the reasons why the bible is bullshiit.The bible specifies that sex
MUST ONLY be shared between a man and a woman within a marriage,and MUST
ONLY involve intercoerse.Any other sexual activity other then interkourse is
considered immoral and evil by the terms of the bible,such as masteerbation,oral
sex and sex outside of the marriage.
Lets take a young man for an example.A young man of 21 is capable to have sex
10 to 14 times per week.And if a young man were to obey the word of the
bible,he should be fucckcing his wife 14 times every week!!!!!!!!!!! It is a
scientific fact that a woman's body cannot handle being fukcked 14 times per
week,because it would leave her battered,bruised and in pain!!!!!!!!!!! BUT the
STUPID bible specifies that a man MUST ONLY have interkkourse with his wife
ONLY and does NOT ALLOW a man or woman to mastuurbate,have oral sex or
sex outside of the marriage. This little factor alone proves that the bible is
nothing but fukckccing bullshiite!!!!!!!!!!!!
And on top of all of this,a woman cant even become satisfied by having
intercooarse only.She needs to either mastorebate or have oral sex or huump
other females in order to have her BIG ORGAZM.The bible is a fukkkcccing joke.
Can a woman sue for alimony if you pay her for sex
If I were to see a woman for sexual services once a week at $50 per visit($200 a
month),for 5 to 10 years,will she be able to sue me for alimony or any other
amounts? This woman has a daughter in which I am not the father but tends to
rely on the $200 that I give her per month in order to pay her bills.We are not
married and do not live together.
It really makes me wonder in this day and age if a woman could really fuckk over
a man and demand child support or other payments if a guy just paid her for sex
only for many years.That would be the greatest injustice committed by a woman
to a man if she can.
If a woman cannot sue a man for alimony or other amounts if he pays her for sex
only,what if she lies in order to try to sue.For example,what if this woman lies
and says that for the past 10 years,me and her have been having a serious
relationship in which I was NOT paying her for sex but was giving her $200 per
month to support her and her daughter.If she committed this lie,would she then
be able to sue me if this so-called serious relationship ended? Or if I paid her for
sex and she doesnt lie about it,can she still sue me? How do I protect myself?
How many LEZES world wide li. small amounts of
po. in 1969?
I wonder how many lezes world wide li. small amounts of po. in 1969??
This may offend alot of people so I have to make it difficult to understand. What
do you think li. and po. means?
Humanbeings 200 years from now...
By year 2200(or longer),stem cell research may lead to controlling a person's age
as well as his or her own growth.
Here are my predictions of humanbeings 200 or 300 years from now:
#1).Every humanbeing will be the same age of 11 years old and no one will ever
grow older then that.And will have the bodily growth of an 11 year old,but will be
as youthful as a 1 year old child.We will consist of both boys and girls.
#2).Same as #1),but will consist of all girls only.
#3).We will all have adult bodies that will also never grow older.Our adult bodies
will be as youthul as a 1 year old child,but will have the growth of an adult
body.We will consist of both males and females.
#4).Same as #3),but will consist of all females only.
Should GAY gents have the right to get
Yes they should have the right to get married and im surprised governmental
gents like George Boosh are able to get away with banning it.Although I dont
beleave in marriage of ANY KIND(because its stupid and meaningless),but if 2
gents as well as 2 gals wish to get married,its no one's goddamm business but
their own.How the fuuc would George Boosh like it if a bunch of gay
governmental gents banned heterosexual marriages???
George Boosh has specified that marriage should be between a man and a
woman,not between a man and man,or woman and woman.Well gay gents and
gals SHOULD SUE the fuccc out of him because he has VIOLATED their rights and
also has DISCRIMINATED against them based on their gender and sexual
preference.I thought discrimination was against the law and I dont know how
governmental gents like Boosh get away with discrimination.
But apart from their rights in getting married,I will also have to say that gay
gents,as well as heterosexual gents do have the right to share gentle pleasures
PAIN.(keep it on the outside---co. on co.,co. on as.,co. on cu. never co. in
as.,never co. in cu.).
Do you have MENTAL-mental illness or PHYSICALmental
There are 2 kinds of mental illnesses,a mental-mental illness and a physicalmental
illness.A mental-mental illness is a sickness that a person has developed
in the mind either by oneself, or by influence from others.Mental-mental
sicknesses can range from very minor to very major. Usually it involves a person
who has developed some rather sick habits or sick behaviours,including acts that
harm him/herself,or others. The greater the harm caused,the greater the
sickness.Very major mental-mental illnesses in the extreme is better known as
being insane. Although no matter how minor or extreme a mental-mental illness
is,a person can learn to overcome it by developing new thoughts,habits or
Very often in our society,courts and medical doctors have found a person who has
committed a sick and evil act as being "legally insane" and that such an individual
"did not know" what he/she was doing.WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIIT!!!!! It is
IMPOSSIBLE for a person not to know what he/she is doing.If you are conscious
and are able to think and feel,then you know what you are doing,no matter how
mentally insane you are. No matter how major the sick or evil act is,you always
know what you are doing,and Im very surprised to this day that alot of people
still get away with it.
A physical-mental illness is not a mental-mental illness,but 100% physical
elements that occur in the brain. This physical element in the brain may very well
be bacteria that is released within a person's blood stream,that clings and comes
into contact with the brain. Once this bacteria comes into contact with the
brain,the person actually starts to feel a pain in the brain.This pain in the brain is
what a physical-mental illness is.
The more bacteria that clings to the brain,the greater the pain in brain is and its
noticable through a person's facial expressions. A person with an extreme case of
pain in the brain will actually look as if he or she is mentally-mentally insane,but
in reality the person is only physically-mentally insane and quite normal.(a
person who is mentally-mentally insane cannot reveal this by his facial
expressions,unless done purposely).Having a physical-mental illness cannot affect
the way a person thinks. They will still think the same way as normal people do
and will not do any crazy or sick acts. Very often Doctors mis-diagnose people
who have a physical-mental illness as being mentally-mentally ill based on the
person's facial expressions. People as well will think that a person with a physicalmental
illness may be mentally-mentally ill based on their appearance and will
treat those people differently and with discrimination.
There are a number of ways how this bacteria develops in the blood. One way can
be an addiction of some kind. A drug or even sex addiction may lead to forming
this bacteria in the blood. If you take drugs or have sex to the point of feeling
pain or doing damage within your own body,the bacteria will then form and
circulate within your blood stream. This bacteria or pain in the brain may also
develop after a person with an extreme addiction has a bowel movement. And it
may also be possible that this bacteria may be contagious.If a person with a
physical-mental illness makes eye contact with a person who does not have the
illness,the person may be affected by the sick person's emotions and may
develop the bacteria in the blood as well. It may also be possible that continued
thoughts of rage,anger,depression,stress,loneliness,craziness and other thoughts
may also develop this bacteria in the blood.
For people who have a physical-mental illness,it may be very helpful to drink
large amounts of water or reduce the addiction. By drinking alot of water,the
blood becomes more thinner and the bacteria will circulate quicker and there will
be less of a condensation of bacteria in the blood. Thus less bacteria will cling
onto the brain. Think of it this way.......If you were to put 1 cup of sand in a 1
litre container and fill up the container with 2 cups of water,the water will be very
thick,muddy and condensed with sand particles. But if you were to add 1 litre of
water to that cup of sand,the water will be much thinner,more clear with a far
less condensation of sand particles.The sand particles in the water can be
compared to the bacteria in the blood.
I,myself have developed a physical-mental illness.Although I must add that this
physical-mental illness started exactly when I had the vasectomy in 1998 and
never before. I have an extreme obsession with female sexuality and
pornography and the vasectomy did not agree with me as an individual and has
caused me to feel pain with sex,including a pain in the brain,as I described in the
above paragraphs. I also experince a pain in the brain when I have a bowel
movement. (by appearance wise,my *enis tends to look worn out at
times).Although if I reduce my sexual habits to once every 4 or 5 days,I
experience much less pain,including much less pain in the brain,and drinking
large amounts of water per day also helps my situation greatly. If I dare try to
have sex every 1 or 2 days,the pain is far worst and at this point,I have
developed temporarily physical-mental insanity,although I almost never attempt
this. In order not to feel any pain at all,I should have sex perhaps once every
week,but to be honest,a little pain in the brain is worth it every 4 days or so.
I also had a reversal in 2002,the problem either remained or slightly improved.
The fact is,any man who had a vasectomy and recommends it to others are the
type of men who accept such a brutal and inhumane sacrifice to pay in order to
have intercorpse with a woman.I dont accept such a sacrifice but its too late for
me.A vasectomy is a cruel evil committed by our government and it should be
The following describes females 18 years of age or older:
A female's erec? cli? is not noticable through her clothing,thus they are able to
have se? at any time or any place and try to fool everyone in thinking that they
are not really doing that.But in reality they are doing that and THEY CANT FOOL
I noticed females doing the following because of the above fact:
>>>>>>Female sitting on other female's lap.
>>>>>>Females riding double on a bike.
>>>>>>Female with a lawnmower.
>>>>>>Female sitting in the back seat of car with her eyes closed.
>>>>>>Female sitting on a couch with a vibrating massager.
>>>>>>Female leaning against a washing machine.
>>>>>>Female sitting on a beach close to the crashing waves.
>>>>>>Female sitting in a library.
>>>>>>Female sitting in a bus.
>>>>>>Female wrestling with other female.
salami sandwich
I want to make a salami sandwich and add the following
I want to make a submarine sandwich and add the following items:
Growing a complete HUMAN BODY with NO
BRAIN(by year 2150).
In the near future it may be a possibility to actually grow a complete human
body(with NO brain)by using an advanced,complex machinery.In order to grow
and keep this human body alive,a special tubing must be connected from the
machine to the body at all times,in order to provide air,food and water.The bodily
functions of this body will be the same as a normal living person except for the
fact that it will NOT be able to think or feel because of having NO brain,thus it will
NOT experience a life.
It will NOT be illegal to grow human bodys(with no brains)and keep them
permanently connected to this machine by the tubing for the sole reason that
they will NOT be able to think,feel or experience life.So therefore,keeping these
human organisms connected to these machines will NOT be considered cruel
enslavement and will be available in EVERY household throughout the world by
2150......If this was available NOW,I think i'll grow myself a woman with no
brains so I could do whatever I want with her without paying child support or
...........I wonder how many straight gents may want to grow another gent with
no brain? Would they be considered gay if they did?
Neighborhood Harrassement against single man
living alone
The following may be true or may not be true or may be an exaggeration of the
truth or may be complete bullshiit:
Let me explain how my neighbor across the street treated me ever since I moved
into this house:
The first day I moved in,I noticed the neighbor across the street staring at me
through his front window,but I didnt really think much of it.But then I started to
notice something very strange.Each and everytime I would arrive home with my
car after work,I would notice my neighbor across the street arrive at his house
within 2 to 3 minutes of me arriving.At first I thought this was just a coincidence
but this wouldnt stop happening.
Six months passed by and this neighbor kept on doing this.I would arrive home
after work about 4:20pm and sit in the living room of my house and play a
videogame or watch t.v. and notice the fucccker across the street arriving at his
house within 2 to 3 minutes.I have a very large living room window that faces his
driveway and its almost impossible not to notice him arriving home with his car.
Now I was starting to think that this bastarrd neighbor was doing this on purpose
against me for some reason.Is this his way of telling me that he doesnt want me
to live in his neighborhood because im a single man living alone and that I cant
be trusted and that he needs to arrive home to protect his family against the likes
of me,or someone like me should be watched or tracked? But why? I never broke
the law in my life( Laughing Laughing Laughing )or harmed anyone so why would
this fucccker neighbor be doing this against me? It seems that someone in his
house is phoning him each time I arrived home or what if this fucccker installed a
hidden camera or microphone in my house,is this how he knows when I arrive
I do understand that in this day and age neighbors are paranoid or suspicious of a
single man living in their neighborhood but this is ridiculous.Is he suspicious of
me because he has a big family living there and im the strange single man living
across the street? I did notice(if im correct of their ages),an 8 year old female,a
10 year old female,an 11 year old male,a 16 year old female and his 21 year old
wife living at that house.Oh and by the way,this neighbor bastaard looks like hes
about 58 or something.(whats a 58 year old doing with a 21 year old?)(he cant
enjoy her as much as he would like to considering his age).
But anyways whatever reason he has for doing this to me,I have to find a way to
stop him.So I decided that each time I notice him arriving home after I do,I will
simply look out my front window and stare at the bastard.So this will be my way
of telling this fuckcing bastarrd that I am aware of what he is doing.
For the next 3 days,I kept on staring at him through my front window each time
he arrived home after I did.As soon as he noticed me staring at him for the third
time,he appeared to be quite confused.The next day he rang my door bell and
asked me why I was staring at him.I told him that for the past 6 months,after I
would arrive home,I would notice him arrive at his own house within 3 minutes
and I thought it was a possibility that he was doing that on purpose to harrass
me.He then explained that he was arriving home from work and told me exactly
where his place of work was.I was shocked to discover that he worked at the
same location as I did and left for home at the same time as I do.I then replied to
my neighbor and said,"oh sorry,it was just a misunderstanding."
Different ending:
The next day my neighbor across the street rang my doorbell and wanted to
know why I was staring at him.He said to me,"Why the fuccck are you staring at
me,is it because im the only man living in that household with young females and
a young male and you think I might do something wrong against them? Is my 21
year old wife in on this too and did she tell you to stare at me because she is also
suspicious of me? Is this your way of telling me that just because im a man
someone like me has no right to be amongst the meek and that I should be
watched or tracked because the likes of me may do something wrong against
them?.......well come to think about it,maby I will,so can I move in with you,so
that way I will let the meek inherit my house.....just call me jesus and I will call
you christ......the 2 crucified ones."
Imagine seeing how EVERY SINGLE humanbeing
DIED on Earth....
The fact is,there is an exact number of how many humanbeings died on Earth
since the beginning of humankind.Does anyone have a rough idea as to how
many? I'd say maby,900 billion people died in one way or another on planet Earth
since the beginning of humankind.....Or zillions apon zillions...I really dont know.
But can you just imagine if you were able to see how every single humanbeing
died on Earth.You would see billions apon billions of hangings,gun shot to heads
or other body parts,people dying from a heart attack,people burned in fires,air
plane crashes,countless suicides,people falling off buildings,machine gun
killings,rifle shots,bombs exploding,earthquakes killing people,hurricanes,sniper
shot in heads,bazooka attacks,people freezing to death,people dying of
cancer,people dying in surgery,people drowning,dogs attacking people to
death,wolf attack,ape attack,a lion attack,elephants crushing people to
death,people starving to death,people dying of thirst,people getting hit by a car
or truck,people being fried in an electric chair,heads cut off in gullitines,swords
cutting heads off,being stabbed to death,nailed to the cross,nail in head,being
beaten with clubs or bats,by hammer,by sledgehammer,people being eaten alive
by a lion,shark attacks,a stroke,people dying of disease,old age,acid poured on
people,sinking in quick sand,sliting wrists,hair dryer falling into bathtub,inhaling
gas fumes,inhaling smoke from a fire,kidney failure,bow and arrowed to
death,falling into a booby trap,dying of aids,lung failure,dying of a flu,snake
bites,spider bite,people dying in car crashes,train crashes,inhaling exhaust fumes
within a car,zombies killing people......oh wait,thats a horror movie so that
doesn't count,people suffocating to death by a bag over head,locked in a
box,locked in a freezer,buried alive,dying in birth,abortion,drug overdose,death
by lethal injection, and did you know there is an exact number of how many
people were axed to death since the beginning of humankind(maby 100 million or
so?),people being poisoned to death,food poisoning,the list goes on and on and
on.I wonder exactly how many people hanged themselves since the beginning of
humankind???(anyone know?or have a guess?).Imagine being able to see(by
magical means)each and every single humanbeing that hanged him/herself in the
past.You will see millions apon millions of hangings,one by one,and it would be
one of the saddest things imaginable.I would NOT want to see something like that
or any other deaths.
Im not making this up.Billions of humanbeings did die the way I described above
and there is an exact number as too how many.And its quite scary and sad when
you really think about it.Maby we now know what our purpose in life is. Satan
collects endless videos showing how people died on Earth and God collects
endless videos showing people having sex.Remember,God and Satan are able to
see all that we do.Now we know why God and Satan created us....but I'd rather
be God then Satan anytime.
Anyone else want to describe how people died on Earth?
DATELINE : TO CATCH A PREDATOR.....all predators
are men????
This show is on right now.These gents are pretty stupid to respond in that
manner to those teenagers online. Then when those gents show up at the teen's
house(as agreed to online)(a set up by dateline),Chris Hansen of Dateline
confronts each guy as to what was spoken online and almost all the gents
respond and say that that was only "on-line chat" and that they were not going to
actually carry that out with the teenager. And then as each gent leaves the
house,police tackle them down to the ground and arrest them.
My response to this is of course men should not talk to teenagers on-line in this
manner but the police CANNOT PROVE FOR A FACT as to what these men were
actually going to do with the teenager at the house because nothing took place
but a converstion with Chris Hansen.Its very possible that some of the men would
of only had a conversation with the teenager and nothing more.
Anyways,one of the gents was almost a teenager himself,about 20,and he was
also called a "predator" and was also tackled down and arrested.I WONDER IF A
CONSIDERED A PREDATOR? It seems that Dateline were only targeted
males.....and I know why.
Wrench pizza- dont try this at home:
Place a wrench in a pot of water and bring it to a boil.Then remove the wrench
and place it in the microwave for about 4 hours.Add salt.Then place wrench on a
pan and add tomato sauce,peppers,mozzerella and eggs.Bake the wrench pizza in
the oven for about 1 minute or until golden brown.Remove the wrench pizza and
place it again in a pot of water and bring it to a boil. Then,for the second
time,place the wrench pizza in the microwave for about 6 and a half hours,then
add some black pepper and you got one hell ov a pizza!!!!!!! Try to avoid chewing
your teeth as you eat this delicious wrench pizza. If you're gums bleed,dont
mistaken the blood as the tomato sauce.Enjoy....but dont try this at home.
Being able to see what took place in past within
your house.
Imagine being able to see exactly what took place in past time within the entire
square footage of your own house.Imagine what you would see.
Well im going to imagine this:
I've been living in my house for the past 13 years and im going to first imagine
exactly what took place 5 years ago from today on June
24,2005,9:50am>>>>>>>Wow its June 24,year 2000,9:50am and im able to
see myself sitting down playing videogames like I always do.I notice that I look a
little younger but other then that everything else within my house looks the
same.(Im not the type of gent who renovates or decorates my house,or does
paint jobs).
Now im going to imagine what took place in my house exactly 15 years ago
before I lived here>>>>>>>Holy fuckckc,I hear an old woman screaming in the
basement.I did buy this house from an old woman,so that must be her.I better
check out the basement.Oh spooky as fuckckc,an old man has hanged himself in
the basement of my house.This old gent must be the old woman's husband,maby
that is the reason why she sold this house to me.Now im always going to be
afraid to go downstairs to my basement knowing that an old man hanged himself
there 15 years ago.
I wonder what exactly took place in my house 30 years ago in
1975.>>>>>>>Wow,I see a family of 5 living here.My house looks so 70's
like,its weird.Im going to check out my bedroom.Wow I cant beleave what this
female is doing in my own bedroom 30 years ago.She has the fastest hands in
town and shes making intense facial expressions.I think im going to stay here for
a while so I could get off on it.
Now im going to go back 50 years ago,in 1955 before my house was built and I
wonder what i'll see.>>>>>>>>I only see an empty lot of long grass and
weeds.My house was built in 1960,so I imagine they will start the construction in
about 5 years.Interesting!!!
How about 100 years ago in year 1905.>>>>>>> am
underground.It seems that the exact square footage of space within my entire
house was underground 100 years ago and I wonder why.I see nothing but
dirt.How scary.
500 years ago in year 1505.>>>>>>>I'm in a dungeon of a castle and I see
people being tortured to death.I cant beleave that within the exact square
footage of space within my house 500 years ago people were being
tortured,whipped,hanged,be-headed,etc,etc,in a torture chamber.I will be
haunted for life.
Now im going to imagine what took place within the square footage of my house
CROSS!!!!! I cant fuckckcing beleave that JESUS was actually crucified on a cross
within the space of my house 2005 years ago!!!!!! Now for sure im going to be
haunted for life if I continue living in this house.
CLOSING STATEMENT: I better move to a new house!!!!!!
The fact is,if you were to take the square footage of space contained within a
house,building or other area,something did in fact take place in the past countless
years.Imagine being able to see images or picture stills of these past happenings.
..........I wonder how many people died or were killed in the exact square footage
of space within my own house in the past..........I wonder how many dinosaurs
walked by or occupied the exact square footage of space within my house in the
past..........I wonder how many soldiers on horses rode through the exact square
footage of space within my house in the past.............I wonder how many people
had sex within the exact square footage of space within my own house..........I
wonder if the exact square footage of space within my house was once
underwater in the past........Or maby in one point in time,black empty space or a
star or other planet occupied the exact square footage of space within my
house...........the list goes on and on and on..............
How many gents don't FUKCK because of the FEAR
That is the only reason why I dont fuuuuukkkckcc.(as well as the reason of
women not needing it). Although how I wish I could do a woman without ANY
possible risk of pregnancy!!!!! If only I could trust a woman when she tells me
that she had her tubes tied and cant get pregnant.(tubal ligation).Then I would
be doing them at a constant rate.(especially when I was younger).($60 per visit).
But I just cant trust them. And using a condom looses most of the feeling and its
not worth it. Maby 69 is the best alternative but interkoarse without a condom is
always the very best............intercorpse #1,porno #2,69 #3.........Its too bad
that god has cursed every man walking by giving them a risk of paying unfair
child support amounts.
How many gents dont fukkkcckk because of the fear of pregnancy? If so,what do
you do as an alternative?.........Gay gents also reply.
If I become the NEW POPE,here are the NEW
If I become the new Pope,here are the new rules:
It will still be forbidden for a priest,bishop or pope to marry or have se* with
another person,(especially the younger kind as it became so popular with priests
of today),so therefore each and every priest,bishop and pope must own a life size
female se* doll made out of silicone for a realistic feel.
The bible will be replaced with a pornograp*ic book containing thousands of
pictures of females mastur****** and having se* with other females and males.I
prefer the front cover of the new bible to feature a female suc*ing a big
co**.Each and every priest,bishop and pope must also own a copy of the new
Priests,bishops and pope will still not be allowed to have se* with nuns.So
therefore,nuns will be required to provide each and every priest,bishop and pope
with there well worn and soiled panti*s on a daily basis.(but this does not apply
to nuns over the age of 40).
I want God and religious fanatics to realise that priests,bishops and myself(the
new pope)are like normal men with normal sexu*l urges,so therefore if God does
not allow us to fuc* women because of our religious statis,then we should be
allowed to fuc* a se* doll,view pornograp*y and recieve soiled and wet panti*s
from nuns.Thankyou and may God bless you.
Is it o.k for OLDER MAN to have relations with
Is it o.k. for a 35 or 40(or older)year old man to have relations with a 19 year old
Well the fact is a young female has a youthful body and pretty face that is very
appealing to the human eye,so therefore it will ALWAYS look appealing to an
older person.So it would be an older man's dream come true if he was involved
with a young female of 19 or so.In fact it would too much for him to handle.(im
referring to 69 not interco....).
A young female's capabilities is at a constant rate at that age.(im referring to
mast... not interco...) They are able to mas. a good 3 to 8 times a day if they
wanted to.And to have such a young female in the presence of a much older man
may lead the older man to DEPRESSION and even ANGER.Because the older guy
wont be able to enjoy her as much as he would want to,because his capababilities
have been greatly reduced compared to when he was 19.You heard of the
term,"OUT OF SIGHT,OUT OF MIND." So it may be better to have the young
female out of his sight when hes not able to function.
Even worse would be if a young 19 year old female is living in the same house
with the older man.The older man will know what she is doing in her own
bedroom and washroom,especially if shes with another female,and this will
remind him of all the INTENSE ECSTASY that he is missing out on.Just imagine a
young female going to the washroom or bedroom with another female 2 or 3
times a day while the older man is watching t.v. and has to wait for it once every
fuking week.IT WOULD DRIVE ME INSANE!!!!! He may even be tempted to ask
her to record what she does in privacy on videotape to see what hes missing.So it
may be better for an older man NOT to have such a relationship with a young
female.(out of fuking sight,is out of fuking mind).Although an older man would
sure be in heaven if he was able to function once or twice a day while living with
a 19 year old!!!!!!
BUT would such a relationship be in the best interest for a young female? Well,
NO!!!!! An older man of 40(and older) has a body and face that has GREATLY
aged through the years and would appear to be VERY UNNAPPEALING to a young
person's senses.A young person DESERVES to be involved with someone much
younger,perhaps within a 5 to 10 year age difference.It WOULD NOT be in the
best interest for a young girl of 19 to be involved with a 40(or older,or younger)
year old man!!!!!!!!! So therefore older men should not have relations with young
females because it would not be fair for the young girl.
Your birth date may determine if you are the ANTICHRIST:
If your birth date equals to the numbers 666 by ADDING any one of the digits of
the day,month and year in which you were born,in any possible order,then you
may be the ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!!
Here is an example of what I mean:
You must transform your birth date into 6 digits:
I was born on April 29,1966........
The 6 digits of my birth date are: 04/29/66(April 29,66).......
(4+29=33)(66).(I added the 4 and 29 to get 33).......
(3+3=6)(66).(then I added the 3 and 3 to get 6).....
(6)(66).....then I combined all of the 6's to get........
666-the number of the BEAST......Maby im the ANTI-CHRIST!!!!!!
NUMBERS 666,THEN YOU MAY BE THE ANTI-CHRIST(you can only add and cannot
subtract,divide or multiply).........
Try to find out by using your own birth date on this thread,,,,,,,,,
NEIGHBORHOOD(im fucckced).
I was hired as I cable service installer last month for my neighborhood.Let me
explain how my past month handling this job went.
As soon as I got the job,the first customer that I had to install cable for was
actually my next door neighbor.The problem is,I hate the fucckcer because he
always complains about the weeds on my front yard and he always stares at me
and thinks im a strange person.But I had no choice but to do the work.What I had
to do was connect a cable line from his digital reciever in his living room to a
second reciever in his bedroom.But because I hate the fuccker so much,I dont
want to greet him at the door or even see him.I was wishing I could do the work
without having to see him and thought of a solution.
The only way I could install the cable line and reciever without seeing my
neighbor is to do the work when hes not home.But the problem is,how do I get
inside his house?I cant break a window or door so I thought of a solution to get
inside.The only possible way I could get inside his house is to dig a tunnel
underground in my backyard leading directly under his basement floor.My
backyard is fenced in so my neighbor wont be able to see what im doing and his
house is very close to mine so it shouldnt take that long to dig the tunnel.Once
the tunnel reaches directly under his basement floor I will then use a power tool
to break through the floor and make a hole.After I do the work in his house,I will
then have to fill in the hole with quick dry cement so he would never notice it.But
of course I would have to wait until he leaves his house before making the hole in
his basement and he always does about 8 am each morning to go to work until 5
pm,so i will have plenty of time to do all the work.
So the first thing I have to do is dig the tunnel leading to his basement.........It
took about 8 days to dig the entire tunnel leading to under his basement and I
found quite alot of strange things underground on his side of the property,such as
lipstick,used condomns,panties,a purse and what appeared to be a full body
silicone sex doll and I thought to myself and said,"and this fucckcer thought i was
the strange one". But anyways,I finally reached under his basement!!!! Now all I
have to do is wait until the fucckcer leaves for work in the morning then I will use
the power tool to break through his basement floor.
The next day,my neighbor left at 8 am as usual and I went into the tunnel with
the power tool.After an hour or so,I made a hole through the floor large enough
to allow me to fit through it and went into his house with the digital reciever and
the cable line.It didnt take long at all to connect the cable line to the second
reciever and all i had to do now was fill in the hole in his basement floor.I used
quick dry cement and it dryed quite quickly and then I left through the back door
of his house.
After I completed the work,my cable company phoned me and my neighbor was
wondering how the hell I installed the cable to his reciever without him being in
the house.I lied and explained that I went to his house and knocked on his front
door and after I knocked on his door he opened it but immediately fainted.I also
explained that as he was fainting,I heard him say,"I dont feel so good,but please
install the cable line anyways." So I listened to what he said and installed the
cable line to his reciever. Of course it never really happened this way,but I had to
think of something to say as to how I installed the cable line.
The next day,my cable company phoned me again and informed me that my
neighbor didnt remember fainting but he beleaved that it must of happened that
way because he was thinking how else did I install the cable without him being
there,so he was convinced that he did faint.But now there is a second problem.My
cable company informed me that I have to install a cable line to my other
neighbor across the street and I even hate that fucckcer even more then my
other neighbor.So I was thinking.......Here I go again!!!!!!
THE ABOVE SITUATION MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE and was wriiten by mr.doom
dom of this Sothern Lord forum on Aug.8,2005.
When you look at a girl in mini-skirt,what do you
think of?
I think of her panties.
Cindy and Terri in the bathroom after school.......
Any persons who have the same names as "Terri" and "Cindy" is only a
coincidence and not meant to be you.
Terri(female,age 20): "So are you coming to my house after school?"
Cindy(female,age 19): "Yes,im so looking forward to it.Did you also want me to
do that other thing?"
Terri: "Yes please."
****later after school at Terri's house****
Terri: "My parents will be home after 6pm,so no one will be able to hear us as we
do our exercises."
Cindy: "Great,lets go to the bathroom."
Terri: "I'll get in the knee position and you get in the dogy position as we do our
Cindy: "Did you want me to do that thing now?"
Terri: "Yes,please."
Cindy: "Wow this is going to be an intense workout."
The above is based on true events which takes place among millions of females
world wide on a daily basis. Millions of females world wide exercise on a daily
basis to improve health.
I have PROOF that JESUS is a HOAX!!!!!
The bible states that you must beleave that Jesus was sent by God,and that
beleaving in him will give you eternal life.WHAT A LOAD OF FUCIN SHIIIT.
Whoever did not see Jesus preform a miracle,HAS THE RIGHT NOT TO BELEAVE
IN HIM.The bible is nothing but lies and trickery!!!! Just imagine a man today
claiming that he is the second coming of Christ.The only way that we would
beleave him is if we actually see him preform miracles.If we dont see this guy
Well,this also applies to the people in the past when the first Jesus existed.
MILLIONS of people world wide and in the same city in which Jesus lived 2000
years ago,DID NOT see him preform a miracle,THUS THEY HAVE THE RIGHT,AS
we would not beleave in a man TODAY if he claims hes Jesus without seeing him
preform miracles).SO THE BIBLE IS NOTHING BUT TRICKERY!!!!!And the socalled
miracles that he preformed are MOST LIKELY magician's tricks.We dont
even know for a fact if there is a God,nevermind a Jesus!!!!!
If you had 2 wishes,what would they be???
WISH#1: I would wish to be in the presence of any female that I want,where it
would be impossible for them to know that im there or detect my presence in
anyway,so I could see the things they do.(similar to being invisible).
WISH#2: To have a certain function that never grows tired but always lasts as
long as I want it to.
All PROPER PORNOGRAPHY should be legalised......
Pornography that is considered 100% proper in every way should be legalised
world wide.Improper pornography should NOT be legalised.There are a number of
factors to consider what is proper pornography,including the individual(s)
If a sexual act between one or more individuals is considered to be "a legal"
sexual act to preform,then such legal sexual acts should be "legal" to view as
pornography.But then again,it also depends on the individuals involved and other
factors,including the individual recording the sexual act onto video or photos.Any
illegal sexual act must NEVER be legal to view as pornography.
Heres an example of a "legal" sexual act that is "illegal" to view as pornography
in many states and countries:
A woman having a golden shower is actually "legal" to preform but "illegal" to
view as pornography in many countries.To say that this legal sexual act should be
illegal to view as pornography is 100% hypocritical and the law is tricking and
decieving the individual's rights to view such legal sexual acts.
I make funny noises to my cats
AM I doing something wrong to cats????????????? My mom she says not too, but
Is it o.k for ME to have relations with FEMALE to
Does the woRLd need more Doom Doms? SOmetimes I think yes and someTIMEs
no. I think it DependS on my bve or the ability of my ke to sa the li of the world.
rileyo wrote:i like that she's wearing high heels &stockings to get fucked by dead pigs,that's some real forward thinking metal right there
LordDarksoul wrote:Thanks for the concern, Fucktractor.
BUNGVOX wrote:i don't want metallica to shit their pants. i want metallica to shit MY pants.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Jesus christ

Have you had this saved for like 17 years??

Also i dont really remember who dom foe was... troll or real guy?
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by The Bill »

I don’t have time to read through all the pope and Vegetable Oil the movie stuff. Please direct me to the world famous masti batin on the toilet one.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Hunter »

I have a pdf of this somewhere, because I'm a digital packrat.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Zerohero »

Eight Bit Alien wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:20 pm Jesus christ

Have you had this saved for like 17 years??

Also i dont really remember who dom foe was... troll or real guy?
I thought I did have it saved, but did a search of my HD (which has archives from old PC), and I rolled snake eyes.
Did an internet search and turned up snake eyes. damn..could this tome be lost forever??

Did another search and found a it is in pdf. Thank the Sweet Lord Hi___ for this still existing, praise oniont & panty fukckers! ... oomDom.pdf
rileyo wrote:i like that she's wearing high heels &stockings to get fucked by dead pigs,that's some real forward thinking metal right there
LordDarksoul wrote:Thanks for the concern, Fucktractor.
BUNGVOX wrote:i don't want metallica to shit their pants. i want metallica to shit MY pants.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by FVBTVS »

i have the pdf too :lol:
Google it. My name is "Varg Vikernes".

I have 8 children.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

Ive got some good stuff but not a ton

We should probably make a thread where everyone uploads what they have... these are the twilight moments of this universe, i think.
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by Eight Bit Alien »

I will miss this "place" so much

One of the brain homes
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Re: doom dom foe collection. big d__k inside

Post by SKI DOO »

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