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Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:26 pm
by Idget Child

I wish I knew about this earlier. This album is really connecting with me tonight.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:45 pm
by elephants gerald
so that halvorson record...I like it, but I definitely can't back that 'best stuff' endorsement. I need to listen to it more, and admittedly I'm generally attracted to smaller groups, but I still haven't heard anything that tops dragon's head- for me. that record is just a bit darker than the rest, every player is more in focus...

the frank rosaly record, though, I instantly love. I hear some hal russell in this :tup:

the fucking broztmann koto thing I posted in recent purchases kills. I have two of these koto records he's done and it's some of my favorite brotzmann playing. gorgeous.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:27 am
by elephants gerald

a clip of that brotzmann group

a bunch of good shows coming up around here this month, too...the one I'm most excited about is this group, whose records are magic:

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:15 pm
by altars of radness
elephants gerald wrote:that brotzmann group
I've seen Michio Yagi play with various people I like over here. I like what she does, but live it's always hit or miss depending on how loud she is in the mix. The last time I saw her she drowned-out Vandermark, which pissed me off and cost me another $40 because I had to go see him again the next night, but the time before that, with O'Rourke, Yosuke Yamashita and Akira Sakata, she was brilliant.

I think I'm burnt out on Nilssen-Love. If he's not playing with people I really like, I find him to be kinda annoying.

I don't know if I've ever posted the following, but it's crazy fucking good. Not strictly jazz, but Mats Gustafsson's in the band, so good enough. This record is one of my faves from the last couple years.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:56 pm
by altars of radness
Been listening to nothing but Made To Break this week - Vandermark, Tim Daisy, Devin Hoff and Cristof Kurzmann. Rules fucking hard.

Other good new shit:

Tim Daisy/Dave Rempis - Second Spring (scroll down for a track) ... nd-spring/

David Dominique - Ritual. I loved this when I first started listening to it. Unsure now.

I've also been getting into some William Parker, who is so consistently great it's kinda unbelievable.


Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:08 pm
by elephants gerald
:tup: I've probably seen william parker perform more than any other single player

the duo records w/ hamid drake kill. tony malaby's tamarindo, w/ parker and nasheet waits, is one of my favorite improvised music records. the farmers by nature shit (w/ cleaver and taborn) is beautiful- especially the first record. and "through acceptance of the mystery peace" is astonishingly good. I think that might be his debut as a bandleader? it's 1974. amazing arco playing.

not to beat a dead horse, because I've probably said this a hundred times, but no one is better than nasheet waits

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:14 pm
by altars of radness
Shit, I'm sure I have that Malaby record somewhere on my hard drive, but I don't know if I've ever listened to it. Will have to change that tonight.

Nasheet Waits has always struck me as a very classy drummer.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:24 am
by altars of radness
Not sure how I haven't posted this hour of sustained brilliance yet.

And more Made To Break:

MTB got me interested in their bassist, Devin Hoff, who I didn't realize had played on a bunch of Nels Cline records I really like. Anyway, his quartet, although a little too cheerful-sounding, has some good moments. ... off-bastet

And some Ornette, just because:

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:33 am
ornette has just been killing me lately.

got that album in my car stereo right now.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 1:12 am
by elephants gerald
got flaked on by a date tonight, so I checked out what was on the schedule at the cornelia st cafe as a backup plan...turns out it was ches smith's quartet with stephan crump, jonathan finlayson, and mat maneri. this was fortuitous. first time I've seen mat maneri play, though I have a bunch of material he's on- he took a solo at one point that had me smiling from ear to ear. amazing performance all around- I've gushed about ches smith here before, and crump has a really beautiful sound, but maneri stole the show for me. I picked up a record- the personnel is totally different (ches smith, tony malaby, tim berne, mary halvorson, and andrea perkins) and I don't know if the compositions are even the same, but I'll check that out tomorrow.

also great score at the downtown music gallery recently that I'll post about when I'm more sober. highlight so far: the edge by ivo perelman/whit dickey/michael bisio/matthew shipp. I'm really happy that ivo's continuing to put out records at this insane pace, because they're almost all extraordinary

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:43 am
by Spooky Apparition
any of you guys familiar with Eddie Henderson's solo stuff? I'm a complete newb to this, but I'm looking for more somewhat smoky jazz-funk stuff

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:00 pm
by altars of radness
elephants gerald wrote:mat maneri...ivo perelman
I haven't listened to much of Maneri's stuff, but I think I've heard that record you bought. Is it These Arches? Some of it's ok, but I was strongly put off by the accordion, which ranks right up there with the kazoo as something I want to hear on a jazz record. Haven't even heard of Ivo Perelman. Will investigate.

Been looking into Rodrigo Amado since I found out he recently did a record with Peter Evans. He might rule, but I haven't decided yet.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:41 am
by elephants gerald
yeah, these arches. I think I dug the lineup I saw more than the one on the record, but I also don't mind the accordion nearly so much as you do. I have an ellery eskellin record that she (andrea perskin) is on with jim black and I think it's pretty good.

as for ivo:

IMO, dude is an unrecognized giant. he barely ever performs, though, because he makes his living as a painter- he's done a bunch of his recent album covers, like this:
edit: I had posted a clip of him with matthew shipp, which was great, but I think I like this one a bit better

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 4:48 pm
by altars of radness
Holy fucking shit. I was trying to hunt down some 70s Braxton stuff online and found this quote:

"He kept recording prolifically: I count 154 albums under his name from
1968-2008, many doubles, no less than 10 sets in the four-to-nine-CD range."

How is that even possible?

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:37 pm
by elephants gerald

altars, check out the new jason roebke record if you haven't already. it's an octet thing called high / red / center, w/ keefe jackson and jason adasiewicz and 5 other guys who I'm less familiar with. best thing I've heard in 2014, and I know how you're into the chicago shit. this is really a fucking burner

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:06 am
by altars of radness

This is fucking INCREDIBLE.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:04 am
by The Real MPD

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:25 pm
by altars of radness
This album is awesome. Two trumpets run through effects that end up at times sounding heavier than any Incapacitants record. Hard to get through, but it's inspiring to hear two guys who know their instrument at an almost cellular level.

Elephants G, I'm into that Roebke record. Not sure how I missed your post about it when I put up that Sunny Murray track.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 4:41 pm
by Idget Child
A friend of mine just posted this as his way of saying that he was getting his favorite albums of the year list together. The ones I recognize were all rippers to me. Anything I might have missed out on as far as you guys are concerned?


Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:49 pm
by elephants gerald
Idget Child wrote:A friend of mine just posted this as his way of saying that he was getting his favorite albums of the year list together. The ones I recognize were all rippers to me. Anything I might have missed out on as far as you guys are concerned?

I've been a bit out of the loop this seems like most of the stuff I've gotten really into has been older. around now is when I usually start frantically checking year-end lists, but thoughts to this point:

that world of objects record that your friend posted is excellent. jeremiah cymerman, evan parker, and nate wooley. cymerman produced/released the thing, and it's really thoughtfully mixed. evan parker is unreal.

I posted once already, I think, about high/red/center, the jason roebke octet record from early in the year. really great compositions, catchy heads, colorful arrangements. roebke and keefe jackson have their hands in a lot of stuff worth listening to.

the tamarindo record that came out this year is worth getting. that's tony malaby/william parker/nasheet waits. better rhythm section nowhere. I'm not connecting with it like I did with the first one, primarily because I don't think the compositions are quite as compelling, but the playing is terrific and it has a different enough (less fire-y) vibe to distinguish itself.

tower-bridge by marc ducret is fucking amazing. it's a 12-piece group performing the 'tower' compositions- which was a four part series for which he played the same pieces solo, in a quartet, quintet, and sextet. so this is everyone from every 'tower' group together- tim berne and tom rainey, most notably. he's probably my favorite working guitar player, and I like this format a lot.

I NEED to hear that edwards/sanders/tilbury thing. I haven't gotten around to it. I hadn't even heard about that sens radiants record, but I need to listen to it immediately! didier lasserre and benjamin duboc are part of a scene that I think has produced some of the best improvised music of the last decade. the first trio record that gorup did, the NUTS stuff, the abdelhai bennani trio record w/ duboc that came out on ayler, and that "en corps" record duboc did with eve risser are all REALLY, REALLY good.

I talked with altars about how disappointing the new fire! orchestra record was. I really wanted to love that, because I still play "exit" a lot.

that's all I can think to say right now.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:14 pm
by elephants gerald
oh, "all change," the tom chant / john edwards / eddie prevost thing is really cool. I had never heard chant, but edwards and prevost's rapport on those meetings with remarkable saxophonists records sold me. these guys are pro listeners.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:19 pm
by elephants gerald
looking at that john edwards / mark sanders thing, I stumbled across this remote viewers album (which they both play on): ... Code=19825

anyone heard this album? this group? these clips sound...good.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:32 pm
by altars of radness
Regarding the records in that pic, I've listened to the Steve Lehman and Laubrock. The Lehman was too much for me. He's put out some more stripped down albums that I've really liked, but that Mise En album was too much. It reminded me of when I once tried driving while listening to Lethargy. The Laubrock is good. She always tends to play with great people. I've read really good things about Angles 9, but haven't heard it yet. Same goes for the new Joe Morris.

The Ducret record EG mentioned is a monster. It's all over the place and everywhere it goes is fantastic.

Second Spring by the Rempis/Daisy Duo is really nice, although no one's going to have their lives changed by a sax/drums record at this point in time.

I'm just getting into Tyshawn Sorey, and his record from this year, Alloy, is really, really good. He also plays on John Escreet's Sound, Space and Structures, which sounds exactly like the title would indicate. Not much swinging going on here, but Evan Parker's on it.

Max Johnson - The Prisoner is really cool and some phenomenal playing on it.

I'd also like to say that Peter Evans' Destination Void is the biggest disappointment of the year. What an irritating album.

EDIT: I forgot to mention the album by Farmers By Nature (Parker, Taborn and Cleaver), Love and Ghosts. Beautiful and surprisingly fucked up.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:56 pm
by elephants gerald
the peter evans thing didn't do much for me either. I liked that ghosts record that everyone was losing their shit over, but I think I dug it in spite of the electronics...that's just not really my vibe, and the new one is pretty heavy-handed with that shit.

gotta get that tyshawn sorey record. I've heard nothing but raves. I liked the last one. will check out the max johnson album, don't know anything about that.

farmers by nature is another group who released a debut I LOVED, followed by an album that never really grabbed me. I'll check out love and ghosts.

Re: Fuck it. I'm starting a jazz thread. It will be awesome.

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:38 am
by The Real MPD