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Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 6:07 pm
by Necrometer
a world of no wrote:i own, nor have i played, none of them.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:26 am
by danox3
Anyone play the newer Axis & Allies? How does it compare game play wise to the 1984 edition?

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:08 am
by Assplay!!!
electronicham wrote:Good intel on the Legend of Drizzt game.
Yes thanks indeed. I'd been eyeing that one up for a while.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:26 am
by Kurt Russell's Beard
How is Battles of Westeros? Anyone here play it?


Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:32 pm
by caldwell.the.great
got a copy of Elder Sign today - going to run through it tonight solo. might get the girlfriend to try it out later. she's sort of half-interested anyway.

saw a copy of Twilight Struggle at the game shop. looks awesome. maybe I'll pick that up if I join this local board game group I found. they play once a week and there's a decent number of guys and girls (?!) that show up. only costs a single dollarbux.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:42 pm
by caldwell.the.great
played through my first game - used two character cards for the hell of it. had my ass handed to me by Yig and his short-ass doom track. motherfucker devoured me the second the track filled up because you need one common, one unique, and one spell to even fight 'em. i had 7 of the 10 elder sign tokens too.

i think i played correctly. i have some questions about how to play spells and such, but other than that, it's not that hard to set up and play. the most difficult part is keeping track of terror effects, actually. i missed that once or twice, but didn't realize it until i'd resolved a card - so I forced myself to replay it with the proper effect in play. i can see how this is going to become very addicting.


Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:51 pm
by Friendly Goatus
So you guys wanna try out a game online sometime this week?

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:16 am
by Friendly Goatus

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 12:46 am
by Friendly Goatus
Ah yeah. I figured we'd need some time to plan for a night when everyone is available. I can do it any night really.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:39 am
by a world of no
caldwell.the.great wrote:played through my first game - used two character cards for the hell of it. had my ass handed to me by Yig and his short-ass doom track. motherfucker devoured me the second the track filled up because you need one common, one unique, and one spell to even fight 'em. i had 7 of the 10 elder sign tokens too.

i think i played correctly. i have some questions about how to play spells and such, but other than that, it's not that hard to set up and play. the most difficult part is keeping track of terror effects, actually. i missed that once or twice, but didn't realize it until i'd resolved a card - so I forced myself to replay it with the proper effect in play. i can see how this is going to become very addicting.

for on the go: ... .ESAndroid ... d475404533

misses a few things that the board game has, like ally, and most of the elder gods, but it's a really well done game. the expansions for it involve some mechanics and locations that aren't available for the physical game yet.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:40 am
by a world of no
electronicham wrote:I only work the day after X-mas, but that is just because I have to teach Self Aid Buddy Care (military first aid) and that isn't until noon. Then I don't go back to work until after the new year so I am free just about every night through the holiday
i should be available some weekend soon. friday or saturdays(east coast evenings) are usually a good time.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:54 pm
by Friendly Goatus
My buddy, who used to do vocals in the band we were in, showed me a mini RPG convention type of thing coming up in a couple months here in town. I signed up for a few games of Pathfinder, some beginners modules. Looking forward to popping my RPG cherry.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:06 pm
by Assplay!!!
We started a Dungeon World campaign last week.
I'm diggin' it so far. It's hard to tell how much of it is that we just happen to have an awesome GM or not.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:07 pm
by Idget Child
I have to wait for the paperwork to come through on this, but I have a gaming club being set up at the high school I work out and we should have our first meeting sometime within the next few weeks.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:23 am
by Idget Child
electronicham wrote:
Idget Child wrote:I have to wait for the paperwork to come through on this, but I have a gaming club being set up at the high school I work out and we should have our first meeting sometime within the next few weeks.
You running it as an extracurricular activity?
Yes. We should be meeting on a weekly basis. We may even be able to get a small grant so that the school can buy some board games for itself rather than it just be whatever we bring in ourselves.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:51 pm
by Assplay!!!
No superbowl for me.
We played games.
It was a very light gaming day due to the number of people and the people that were hanging out.

Started with Battle Wizards.

I loved this game. Super fun. Super easy for anyone to learn quickly. Fast gameplay.
I will be buying this. Awesome lighthearted fare.

Then on to a party staple. Resistance.

Always a fun party game. Makes you stop trusting your friends. We tried some of the extra cards this time around. Changed the dynamic only slightly. Not sold on their value yet. Dude who brought it today had this newer version. Superior game chips and much easier to figure out logistics with the new gameboards specific to number of players. Also fun to have rounds where you need dual spy success in higher player number games.

As everyone was entering food coma / beer max (I brought a bunch of super high gravity beers to share) we moved on to another fun light party game.


I managed to win for the first time ever. Hooray for me.
If you're ever looking for a fun game that you can play with ANYONE. This is a good go to. It's like Apples to Apples if it was more fun. Highly recommended for family fun type nights.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:31 pm
by Scumfucker
Anyone play Hive? Its like chess played with hexagons to checkmate and surround the queen. Fans of chess would love this.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:55 pm
by kickpuncher
i don't even remember how long ago i kickstarted this, but here it is!

my name's in the rulebook :invcross:

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:18 pm
by Mooretician
kickpuncher wrote:

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:13 pm
by a world of no
oh yes lets perpetuate this awesome shit some more!

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:17 pm
by Geeheeb

Any recommendations for camping games? Going to a rustic cabin next week, want bames.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:13 pm
by Necrometer
you want actual board games or party games? this entirely depends on the type and number of people involved. I have the fucking BEST party games. most of these are best for 5+ people

we invented a SkyMall price-is-right one recently (obviously tough if nobody's been on an airplane recently)... you cut the issue down the middle and deal the pages out to all the players - people take turns pitching a chosen product from a given page and everyone else names off their predicted price (pitch person writes down the guesses on the page), then the closest guess wins and takes the product's sheet for score-keeping. (none of this "without going over" bullshit since that's a mind-control tactic introduced to give viewers the false impression that products are cheaper than they are).

no-brainer is videophone aka writey-drawey where you have deal index-card-sized piece of paper to everyone then start with a phrase/clue, then pass it to the neighbor who uses that to draw a picture pictionary-style, then that's passed and the neighbor has to turn the picture back into a phrase/clue, and the cycle repeats to make it oscillate between image and text. best for 5+ people.

then there's the questions game - an asker puts forth an open-ended question (non-Y/N), then everyone writes their answer on a small slip of paper and deposits it in a bowl, then the asker's neighbor reads the answers aloud (combating handwriting forensics) and the asker has to pair answers to answerers, typically with guess attempts = answers provided. each answer correctly paired to answerer is kept by the asker for scoring. here's sample questions, can submit your own: (click to cycle through)
- which time/place from history would you inhabit if you were forced
to be transported?
- which body part would you replace with a corresponding animal part?
(name part & animal) / or… cyborg part?
- if you could re-live one day from your childhood, which would it be?
- you will live out the experience a character has in a movie: what
movie & which character?
- you replace a friend's pet with another animal of your choice: which
friend & which animal?
- if you could gain fluency in any language instantly, which would it be? why?
- what animal would you ride to work
- for your optimal amusement, which two events' crowds would you
exchange via teleportation?
- describe your sex life with a movie title
- using the name of a sex act, describe your job
- what's the first album you owned?
- a thing you think smells good but everyone else thinks smells bad
- what's the first thing you saved up money to buy?
- what's a present you asked for as a child, but never received?
- which person would you most like to "weekend at Bernie's?"
- you can wish an X-men-style “mutation” on every human except for
you – what mutation is it?
- what do you fear most?
- if you had to sing the national anthem, who'd be your backup singer?
- what would your superhero name be?
- what would be the title of a screenplay of your life?
- when is it not appropriate to pop champagne?
- what's the most full your stomach has ever been?
- if you could rule one country, which would it be?
- whose hair would you rather have?
- as a child, what did you think you would be when you grew up?
- Who would you want most to be on a desert island with? Want least?
- what singer/celebrity would you love to see launched into space?
- if you were a car, you'd be a _______
- I hate when people wear ______
- what would your last meal be?
- if you could be woo’d by a legendary lover (fictional or not), who
would you choose?
(this is like an out of body Total Recall dream state thing, NOT
actually happening)
- who (celebrity or not) would you most want to watch sell things on QVC/HSN?
- parents shouldn’t let their children _______
- what is your favorite childhood summer memory?
- if you had to have one word tattoed on your forehead, what would
you choose (and what font)?
- pick one from each pair: [ Sega or Nintendo ] [ tea or coffee ] [
P.C. or Mac ] [ Coke or Pepsi ]
- if you had to become a CEO, which company would you boss around?
- what class do you think should be added to the high school curriculum?
- if you were given $100 million to produce a non-fiction movie, what
would it be?
- If you could/had to appear on any daytime television show, what would it be?
- If you were a business, what would your slogan be?
- If could add an "awareness month" (e.g. black history month, breast
cancer awareness), what would it be?
- Finish the last stanza of this poem (not with the original lines):
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
- If you could/had to take on the sexual dimorphism (or lack thereof)
and mating habits of any other species, what would it be?
- If you could eliminate a (non-traffic) law from the books, what would it be?
- Your solution for the energy crisis is: _______
- What would do if you were a gerbil?
- It has been said "the devil's in the details", but also "love is in
the details" (--M. Alexander). What do you think is in the details?
(Neither of the previously mentioned)
- Happiness is: ______
- what do you fear most?
- how would you dispose of a dead body?
- if you could rule one country, which would it be?
- if you could add/replace a body part with an animal body part, what
would it be?
- what food do you hate seeing people eat?
- what do you like most about your S.O.?
- how do you know when someone is "too cool"?
- if you worked for QVC, what product would you sell during your segment?
- who would you most want to watch sell things on QVC?
-Complete this sentence: Don't let your children _______
-Very attractive women can often be found with _______
you can play fishbowl, too, though I don't really endorse it because it mandates two teams:

if you have 4 or less people headed to that cabin then FUCK YOU

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:36 pm
by ibn Horowitz
hive is a pretty good game for two, easy to learn and move around

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:52 pm
by Geeheeb
I have seen this at ye local nerd-o-torium and it looks sweet, but I bought a catan expansion instead that day. Thanks!
ibn Horowitz wrote:hive is a pretty good game for two, easy to learn and move around

Ross, those are all amazing suggestions. SKYMALL PRICE-IS-RIGHT is fucking hilarious.

Re: Nerdly Board Games?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:54 pm
by featherboa
Round here we call that one game picto phone.