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Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:53 am
by Funeral_Rapist
Pyrite Medal of Ignorance wrote:keep waiting for that funeral, buddy! :fonz:
have fun fucking a 40oz bottle full of ashes
I didn't say I was going to fuck you, just cum in your mouth. So I'd just be blowing a load into a jar of ashes, making a fine amelia paste in which to lubricate the orifices of much worthier corpses.

See, you do have a purpose! :fonz:

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:55 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
woo yeah, pornogrind! fuck turd babycorpse slutboner!

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 9:57 am
by Bored, Esq.
Her only purpose here is to goad others into attacking her so she gets SOME attention, no matter how negative it is. As she obviously can't afford therapy she uses this place to vent. How...rewarding for the rest of us.

Please do all of us a favor and don't quote this waste. FOE'ing her is nice, it helps, but when people quote her it negates that. I can only recommend Katboxing her and letting her swirl in a narcissistic tornado of shit until she hits rock bottom and gets AIDS...meanwhile blaming Mommy for all of it... *yawn*

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:00 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
I pay medicare premiums for a reason, bord. I actually have an appointment monday to get meds, though i can't say which ones i'll take for any length of time. i just need to go in so it looks good on paper later on.

...and for crying out loud, stop taking this so seriously. you haven't met me, you can only read so much into a person's words. even 'firsthand' accounts of interactions with me are often colored by time, impression, alcohol, etc.

it's all going to be ok, Unmensch. It's going to be fine. :rhug:

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:02 am
by Green Chamber
Pyrite Medal of Ignorance wrote:I don't really mind all that much. I understand that everyone needs an outlet or twelve. Sometimes when people see something negative in another person, it serves as a reminder of their own flaws or negative personality traits, and they absolutely CANNOT resist breaking down and lashing out.
I'm not sure if you really believe this, or if it's just something you're pretending to believe.

Your flaw is that you annoy people. There's no need to defer to psychoanalysis (or whatever you're doing) in order to understand why people "lash out" against that.

Like I said before, I know there are people here who do enjoy your period blood, armpit hair and booger stories. I think you should try to keep in contact with them through other mediums, which weren't available when you first started posting here, instead of attempting to inject them into every other (unrelated) discussion that happens to be happening here.

Some people like Adam Sandler. I personally don't, but that's okay, because Adam Sandler routines don't pop up in the middle of other shows I'm trying to watch.

What do you think about that?

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:06 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
That's cool, but if you review all of those threads with my name in the thread title that you seem to be posting in at an alarming rate, you'll see that those are often the ones I'm most 'annoying' in. Just seem to be drawn to it, and to continuing it by constantly interacting with me. it's adorable.

anyway, it's cloudy outside and I'm just listening to some tunes and drinking tea while playing Literati and talking to you fine folks to pass the time while i wait for these fuckers to place some tilez...thanks for the company...

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:10 am
by Green Chamber
Pyrite Medal of Ignorance wrote:That's cool, but if you review all of those threads with my name in the thread title that you seem to be posting in at an alarming rate, you'll see that those are often the ones I'm most 'annoying' in. Just seem to be drawn to it, and to continuing it by constantly interacting with me. it's adorable.

anyway, it's cloudy outside and I'm just listening to some tunes and drinking tea while playing Literati and talking to you fine folks to pass the time while i wait for these fuckers to place some tilez...thanks for the company...
You're still not telling me what you think of my suggestions! If you have time to kill, why not offer a non-sarcastic response? I really hope I'm not coming off as combative, because that isn't my intention. I'm just curious!

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:41 pm
by The Torsion
Pyrite Medal of Ignorance wrote: it's more the pervasive macho attitude, as displayed here, that i find repulsive.
So you post here...why? Also, I've never encountered an obnoxious metal crowd that couldn't be matched by an obnoxious punk crowd.

I don't give Hana Maru a hard time because she isn't annoying.

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:36 pm
by Funeral_Rapist
Pyrite Medal of Ignorance wrote:woo yeah, pornogrind! fuck turd babycorpse slutboner!
What the hell are you talking about you crazy whore

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:24 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
Noah, but they've lurked for a very long time and clearly have studied the Reeelapse Law at great length.

Respect is a two-way street, let's all remember to use our turn signals and rear view mirrors!

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:33 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
well, I think it's a cowardly thing to withhold information regarding how you discovered the board or became a lurker in the first place, or for people to make a new name under which to say things they couldn't bear to say under their primary user name...yeah, it's shameful, creepy, and all-around disrespectful, but what can you do? obviously in this case the anonymity has provided this person with a certain level of confidence and the vague/implied self-congratulations for shared 'wisdom' over the internet is adorable to say the least. i want all people to feel happy and relaxed as much as possible! have a good day, green machine! :tup:

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:47 am
by Green Chamber
noah thirteen wrote:
Green Chamber wrote:Like I said before, I know there are people here who do enjoy your period blood, armpit hair and booger stories. I think you should try to keep in contact with them through other mediums, which weren't available when you first started posting here, instead of attempting to inject them into every other (unrelated) discussion that happens to be happening here.
It's actually totally inappropriate for you to say things like this when you only have 100 or so posts..... lets try to have a little respect, lurker.
I may only have a few posts, but I'm trying to be positive, constructive & helpful! I understand if you don't have respect for longtime lurkers, but please don't let that skew your judgment when you consider the validity of my ideas! An idea should stand on it's own merit, independent of the speaker. You might find this article on Wikipedia helpful to explain things:

Thank you for weighing in on our discussion, though. I appreciate your time, and I hope your wife doesn't choke to death on something embarrassingly soft.

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:54 am
by Green Chamber
Amelia! You still haven't told me what you think of my suggestions! We should tackle that sooner rather than later - sloth is a sin, after all.

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:00 am
by necrothrash
This post began as a complaint about the direction of this thread and an expression of my disdain for repetitive board bashing. Troll and bait/troll/bait/troll/bait ad nauseam. Then I remembered how almost every thread ended like this when Kat Shevil posted here...........

DO CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Smegma vs. Amelia MDF 2010

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:08 am
by Pyrite Medal of Ignorance
Green Chamber wrote:Amelia! You still haven't told me what you think of my suggestions! We should tackle that sooner rather than later - sloth is a sin, after all.

I don't remember/give two shits about your suggestions, and sloth is pretty fucking chill. Keep patting yourself on the back over there, though! I'm listening to tunes and cutting pictures out of magazines like a 5 year old...and it feels good, man. :cheers: