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Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:30 pm
by The Torsion
How young do you have to be to not understand "don't kick holes in other people's houses when you are a guest"?

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:31 pm
by Unholy Massacre
true ashworthip wrote:i have hosted many house shows over the years. i've never understood how so many people can continuously express such a dearth of consideration and respect for the homes of others.

please, come to my house, you anonymous fucking slob, i've jeopardized my home and paid the spikes in the power bills again and again just so you can casually piss on my neighbor's lawn, smoke 5,439 cigarettes and leave the butts everywhere, drink 48,294 beers and leave the cans/bottles all over the block, break a window, break my toilet, kick a hole in a wall, steal my fucking shoes, rifle through my fridge, vomit carelessly, force me to be nice to the pigs, do drugs in my living room, force my neighbors to hate and distrust me, all without ever taking a single cent from the $0.60 you sarcastically threw into the hat while you look at me like i'm your tight-ass ex-marine Dad because you're too selfish and retarded to realize that the bands you pretend to support need cash money to exchange for gasoline to physically arrive in your town while you drink a 12 pack of beer and smoke a $6 pack of cigarettes.

...but... totally worth it for the amazing performances and grateful bands. and not something i want to do again regularly for a long time, if ever.

Living in a warehouse space was the worst, however had the most awesome shows! I'm glad there are three now that I don't live in and I have a huge room in a regular house.

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:04 pm
by true ashworthip
Unholy Massacre wrote: Exactly!

Living in a warehouse space was the worst, however had the most awesome shows! I'm glad there are three now that I don't live in and I have a huge room in a regular house.
heard! I am so happy to not live in a makeshift venue right now. It actually do want to start a new space eventually, because I've toured a lot and want to return the favors, and it feels great when it works out and you hook up a rad band with a great show outside of the bar scene, but I'm realllllly fucking enjoying the break.

The age thing is partially true. Douches come in all ages but it's usually the people that still live with their parents or just moved into their first fantasy-land punk house that are the least considerate of house venues. And typically they are the ones who have the most money, yet contribute the least (or nothing), and have the worst fucking attitudes.

There should be a mandatory freaky friday program in order to attend house shows.

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:14 pm
by Unholy Massacre
true ashworthip wrote:heard! I am so happy to not live in a makeshift venue right now. It actually do want to start a new space eventually, because I've toured a lot and want to return the favors, and it feels great when it works out and you hook up a rad band with a great show outside of the bar scene, but I'm realllllly fucking enjoying the break.

The age thing is partially true. Douches come in all ages but it's usually the people that still live with their parents or just moved into their first fantasy-land punk house that are the least considerate of house venues. And typically they are the ones who have the most money, yet contribute the least (or nothing), and have the worst fucking attitudes.

There should be a mandatory freaky friday program in order to attend house shows.
What you should do is have me set up a show that is at a cool space that isn't my house for your band. I still have to hear band practices all week in the basement so I'm not totally free of the noise. I can't wait until this Powerball ticket pays off and I can afford to buy myself a house and a warehouse to make other people live in and have shows at.

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:29 pm
by hipster holocaust
soiled depends wrote:
hipster holocaust wrote:last year i booked live fast die at my apartment. the house was a pigsty afterward, including holes in my wall that are still there, multiple broken kitchen tiles, broken beer bottles for days, and the cops showed up and almost hauled me in since the lease is in my name.

was it worth it? you bet your sweet ass it was.
That's ridiculous. Bunch of spoiled, inconsiderate fuckheads trashing my joint? Their heads need to be run through those walls.

Never again...
take one for the god damn team already

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:57 pm
by monsterod
BUNGVOX wrote:
Brian P. wrote:if they don't wanna smell like shitty Axe, then they should wash up.
shitty axe or shitty ass

oh the choices.
Kinda reminds me of bathroom deodorizer: Is it really better to smell flowers and cinnamon that smell like shit, or just smell shit?

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:02 pm
by Ghost Dad
rape bear wrote:i haven't been to one in a while. I had my band play in my basement over the summer, and I think I will again soon.
Yes, let's!

Re: House shows rule!

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:26 am
by soiled depends
hipster holocaust wrote:take one for the god damn team already
that's stupid...