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Americas New Blackshirts covered by the Liberal Media.

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:40 pm
by VueeeuVueeeeuV
Most of the men's gripes revolve around policies that began under President Bush but didn't scare them so much at the time. "Too many conservatives relied on Bush's character and didn't pay attention," founder Rhodes told me. "Only now, with Obama, do they worry and see what has been done. I trusted Bush to only go after the terrorists. But what do you think can happen down the road when they say, 'I think you are a threat to the nation?'"
Of course these people where all sucking from the military-industral complexes tit and where ENRAGED with the communists said that maybe people who are about as smart as golden retrievers, immersed in extreme-right politics and trained to kill might actually be a THREAT at home?

It's really a very good article, though I think its far too friendly to these people.

I wrote a long post that was lost when the board wanted me to relogin.
Anyway. Woo, yeah my points where (as always)

1. These people have about the worst politics possible, despite wrapping themselves in words like liberty and freedom they have no real interest in any freedom except the right to stockpile weapons and to shove their religion down everyone's throats. If you think that the government is the only threat to freedom, then your not really very good at supporting freedom.

2. These people are not big fans of "the real world" and thus flock to conspiracy theories because they are more interested in having their own (see above) views validated than figuring out the truth.

3. These people are absolutely and utterly obsessed with violence. The new world order is already in charge, but will need to take over more completely later with some sort of deranged violence because they can not fathom a world that does not utterly depend on killing..

4. This all combines to make these people INCREDIBLY dangerous. Not on their own though. This leads me to my point, we are getting closer and closer to conditions that are the most conducive to fascism, and every mussolini needs his gangs of thugs to beat the shit out of people who get in the way. Now when will these gangs of thugs get their mussolini? The bonds of society are being un-done and it won't take much for these "defenders of america" to turn their guns on COMMUNIS civilians.

NYTs from 1938 did say..
(its a little diffuse to use this but I'm leaving it because the last few paragraphs are so incredible!)
Down to a feller on usenet in 91 who put it best.
"If fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag, waving the cross, and preaching free markets."

Re: Americas New Blackshirts covered by the Liberal Media.

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:11 pm
by ThE GodDamN BattletweeteR
i don't think VueuVueuV has the objectivity to comment on these men.