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Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:39 pm
by Turd Murder

It is with remorse that we announce the closing of Klaxon Records. Recently the label structure has undergone serious changes and reorganization. We have, all the while, attempted to keep things running while these changes were taking place, however it has become apparent that the label cannot be run in its current condition. Because of the changing lives of the people involved, Klaxon Records will be no more.

Like all things that face destruction, they can be sure in the process something new will come as a result. Such is the case with Klaxon. From the rubble will come two new record labels focusing on underground black metal. Klaxon records has always been a 2-man operation and each respective member is starting his own label project. The two new labels will be Seedstock Records and Cinereous. Cinereous will be run from the west coast of the USA while Seedstock will find its new base of operations on the east coast. Both labels will follow in the footsteps of Klaxon in terms of musical focus and integrity.

Klaxon records wasn't prolific by any standard, however it will be leaving behind its own legacy. It is no doubt that it released some of the most relevant black metal during the first decade of this century and we will always look with pride on its past discography. This is the end of Klaxon, but our new labels will surely be continuing this stream of quality releases.
Cinereous is still under construction.

Seedstock records now have their site up with full functioning online store. Visit

As stated before outstanding orders will still be dealt with from the west coast operations. Inquiries can still be sent to the same email address.

In Black Metal, we welcome the end - KLX Mgmt Feb 27, 2010

(At Seed Stock Records now is the Furdidurke 'Native' 7" and new Bone Awl 'Sunless Xyggos' CS. Also, from now on Seed Stock records newsletter will be coming from this address, Look for the first one soon!)

total sadness,