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for Norge freaks: alltid jaget - hjelpeløs 7" reissue

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:42 pm
by TheLonelyRock
I've got a few copies of this record for sale in the US. Pretty sure I'm the only person in the US distroing these. If you're into Kort Prosess or any classic Norwegian hardcore, you probably need this.

They are $6 ppd in the US. I'm not doing international orders for these.

I don't have many and I won't be getting any more. So please e-mail me at to reserve a copy before you pay. You can add a Lotus Fucker LP for $10 or a Silent Way LP for $7.

Here's a write-up from the label:

alltid jaget - hjelpeløs 7" (reissue)
this record is the first hardcore 7" i ever bought, back in 1998 or something. it was originally released in 1997 by the label called siri rekkå went through 2 pressings and then disappeared. i think it is a record that deserves to get a rerun now, showing what the "vestfold hardcore" meant to a lot of people.

alltid jaget were from the same era and area as kort prosess and statens menn. they did this 7" and a 2x7" that came out on the great german label heartfirst records. after the band broke up, members went on to bands like summon the crows, toamol and pandemi. the style they held was a "traditional" norwegian 90s hardcore, and has been placed between kort prosess and so much hate. i just want to call it great and full of memories. splitreleased with ute av balanse plater ( wich did a cdversion with some unreleased tracks as well as the songs on this 7".

you can listen to a few tracks at our myspacesite: [] »

(the cdversion of the 2x7" on heartfirst is still available)

pressing info and stuff:
300 copies on black vinyl.
6 songs.

Re: for Norge freaks: alltid jaget - hjelpeløs 7" reissue

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:03 pm
by TheLonelyRock
Because I'm pretty confident there are very few big Norwegian hardcore fans here other than me, let me just spell it out real simple:

If you like His Hero is Gone, Tragedy, Union of Uranus and you always wondered where they got their sound, look no further than this record (and Kort Prosess, Kafka Prosess, Bannlyst, etc).

This is heavy, high-charge, melodic hardcore punk with real gruff vocals. You will like it. Trust me.