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1000th Post Celebration/Astrological Observations

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:04 am
by Frickin' Slayer
i was looking for my own personal equivalent of a "saviors day" and this was everyday.the task ahead of me? find what thign was the perfect match for aquarius. i didnt wear a fez,but believe me,i had my thinking cap on! so where did i start: sagittarius. sagittarians r often described as nomads. i did come across some pretty depressing stuff though in regards to relationships between sagittarius and aquarius . i was looking through some book 'everything love signs' i think was the title, and it said this relationship is decent but not likely to survive marriage. the authors claimed that aquarius is too distant emotionally and cant fulfill the emotional voids that sagittarius need filled by their mate. the nature of a sag/aqua relationship: we travel a lot, have grand ideas and plans for the future, talk about anything. the book isnt totaly bleak,it does say aries & sagittarius are like a match made in heaven. this is because of the aries man's confidence, sense of humor, and overall what they called "b*llsiness" excuse the language hehe. as an aquarius i can say most of us are too laid back or detached to exhibit those kinds of behaviors. so if thats what sag. women wants im not sure we're the perfect guys to give them that. the positive traits between a sag. and aquarius is that both signs love freedom. i hear more admiration from pisces for sag's than i do from aquas. pisces hav the emotional side that sag's secretly need. sag's r mutable and feel obliged to take abuse, so they like leos (need to be ctr. of attention,dont care about much else), but the aquarius at heart is a humanitarian,a caring,person. the verdict: sag/aquarius=INCONCLUSIVE
up next,compatiblity between aquarius and the 11 other signs lmao!!!!!!!!!!

Re: 1000th Post Celebration/Astrological Observations

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:05 am
by Dr Yail Bloor
saggitarius and scorpio?

Re: 1000th Post Celebration/Astrological Observations

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:32 am
by Frickin' Slayer
on a base level,scorpio(water) and sag(fire)=incompatibhle. water extinguishes fire(rather than fanning the flames like an air sign,air and fire r traditional matches). however,things r usualy not so clearcut.
scorpios hav unmistakable gaze/stare and eyes,women may wear flamboyent hats, they get off on emotionaly scarring others,on revenge.scorpios work well under pressure. r efficient n the art of psychological and emotional warfare,hav to exert power over others,fixed,dictators,dogmatic,stubborn,discriminating,opionated,intolerant,enjoy setting ppl up,seek power and r attracted to it,apreciate boldness, sumtimes r secretly homebodies
sagitarius r flighty,women usualy hav perky cans, typicaly hav a thick brow,2 bodytypes: horsey/athletic or short/stout,theres usualy no in between,resemble reptilian/crocodiles, can take on kind of a sl*tty apearance(no offense), sagitarius/capricorn cusps r most talkative,others r highly mutable(easy to interrupt or dominate conversation with),brutally honest,enjoy selfportraits/pictures,optimistic,rarely feel down for too long,cheerful,luv exploration and travel,dont take things too seriously (including relationships),blunt and unfledgingly cruel when making fun,tactless,luv freedom,not likely to be tied down,dont stick to one thing too long